Arduino UNO Projects List in PDF offline downloadable

Arduino UNO Projects List in PDF :

Most of the electronics geeks are asking the whole list of Arduino UNO projects PDF here we will share list every month as our projects are being updated on daily basis. PDF is a good source to work offline. We will offer direct PDF file download link with info of its release date , number of projects.

Arduino Projects PDF

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List No. PDF Download Link Release Date Number of Projects
1 Click here Arduino UNO based Projects List in PDF file offline downloadable Sep 2022 1330
2 Click here Arduino UNO based Projects List in PDF file offline downloadable May 2018 997
  1. Model Police Car using an Arduino
    We wanted to build a model police car with working lights and sirens. Then we decided to add a motor and instead of using a switch to turn everything and…
  2. Drain Clog Detector
    Don't let a clogged drain slow you down!Coming back from our vacation, me and my wife were surprised by the water covering the floor of our apartment, and we found…
  3. How to turn inkjet printer to print on Coffee using Arduino
    The aim of this project is to make latte printer, I used 1 printers and 1 scanner , it prints one line a time, all what I have done is…
  4. Temperature and Humidity Monitor Using DHT22 & MAX7219
    We always need to see the temperature and humidity when we sitting in our house to know whether we need to turn on/off AC, heater,cooler,etc. So here we have build…
  5. Smart Homer Web-enabled TV remote using Arduino
    Smart Homer, a Web-enabled TV remote puppet Smart Homer is a Web-enabled puppet that turns on your TV when Simpsons is on. As Homer is too lazy to browse the…
  6. Construct A Musical FootBall Using Arduino
    This project is to construct a musical football. The reason for my project is that I was inspired by a little kid with austim who love sports and music. So…
  7. Arduino wall avoiding robot
    This instructable assumes very little with respect to prior knowledge. If there are any areas you feel could be improved or clarified, please feel free to message or comment and…
  8. Power Quality Meter ( PQ Monitor) using Arduino
    Arduino UNO project, Power Quality Meter, someone would call it’s PQ Monitor or PQ Analyzer. I had already published one  blog  devoted RMS voltage measurements on full band  20 –…
  9. Measure RPM – Optical Tachometer using Arduino
    This Instructable will show you how to make a Portable Digital Optical Tachometer using an Arduino Uno. This project is inspired from This instructable and is an enhanced version of…
  10. Automatic Water Level Indication via SMS alert
    Summary Students will learn how to construct a water Level Indicator/Controller that monitors the level of the overhead tank by constructing a circuit that will notify the user via SMS…
  11. Water Level Indicator
    Summary In this project, we will create a water level indicator with three levels inside a tank using an Arduino and a water sensor, as well as three LEDs and…
  12. Using an Arduino to Control an Infrared Helicopter
    In this Instructable we will explain how infrared signals are used by a remote to control a toy or device, then show how a simple circuit can be added to…
  13. Quantifying Access to your Mind using Arduino
    So, I manage a creative technology lab at California College of the Arts. It's essentially an educational hackerspace for art and design students. Pretty awesome, right? After graduating from the…
  14. Arduino 8×8 LED Matrix
    In this project, we will learn about LED Matrix Displays and two different projects on Arduino 8×8 LED Matrix Interface. The first project will be a simple interface between Arduino…
  15. Arduino Bluetooth Serial Connections
    This is an introduction on how to setup, make a basic connection, and send data to and from an Arduino using Bluetooth! Bluetooth is great for transmitting data over medium…
  16. Arduino DC Motor Control using L298N Motor Driver
    In this project, we will see how to control a DC Motor using Arduino and L298N Motor Driver. There are different ways to control a DC Motor but the Arduino…
  17. RGB LED Strip Circuit with Arduino
    This Instructable covers the assembly of a circuit capable of PWM-ing (pulse width modulating) a high-power RGB LED strip and programming an Arduino to cycle through a range of colors.…
  18. ‘Knock Back’ – A Knock Echoing Arduino
    This is a simple Arduino sketch that was originally designed to experiment with arrays and the built-in timing functionality. I based it on the tutorial sample code The system consists…
  19. Arduino As a Cheap Breadboard FPGA
    Designing hardware logic circuits can be fun. The old school way to do this was with NAND gates, on a bread board, wired up with jumper wires. This is still…
  20. Come Home! Connecting Distant Spaces EASILY over Web using Arduino
    Can you believe that we live in an age where you can touch an object (any object - if it has metal on it) and a light will turn on…
  21. My Ninth Project: Robot Arm with Joystick Shield using Arduino
    Although it is great controlling the robot arm with computer or mobile phone, I think using joystick is also cool, so I've bought a joystick shield and make a new…
  22. Beat Sync using an Arduino
    Beat Sync is a single frequency audio spectrum volume meter.  It can isolate around a certain frequency ( I choose the bass ) and display it on a creative 8…
  23. Arduino Based Home Automation Project via Bluetooth
    In this project, we will design a simple home automation project using simple components using which different electrical appliances can switched on or off. The project is based on Arduino…
  24. Mini BillBoard using Arduino
    Designing a Mini BillBoard using LED Lights(different colors) , Arduino and Bread Board. Thought of creating a mini billboard, that could display my name ("Josh") . This is for one…
  25. How to Make Musical Floppy Drives using an Arduino
    My brother posted a video about this on facebook almost a year ago. Some old floppy drives playing Bach's masterpiece Toccata & Fugue and it got me really interested. So I read…
  26. Pimp My Zoomobil using Arduino
    I recently put together the Playmobil Zoomobil for my kids. As I was busy snapping all the pieces together, I became more and more convinced that this cart had been…
    It is a model of RADAR. It describes how a radar works in real time. Description RADAR model is used to know how the real time radar works. It is…
  28. DIY Arduino UNO
    DIY your own Arduino UNO with the JLC PCB Description Schematic of ARDUINO S3v3 Details of ARDUINO S3v3 X1: DE-9 serial connector  Used to connect a computer (or other devices)…
    In this project I am controlling my three automation projects using single application made by me using MIT app inventor platform. Description As we all know that the world is…
  30. Interactive Stereoscopic Installations: visual rupture with the Diplopiascope
    What is it? This is an ongoing project that i've been working on to see the potential of interactive stereoscopic installations in examining the perceptual process. I use a setup…
  31. 8×8 LED Matrix Animations using an Arduino
    For a party we were about to have I wanted a cool light display to use with my new Xmas present  - an Arduino Uno. Having looked at the LED matrix's here…
  32. Arduino-Based Blue Box (Phone Phreaking)
    History and Story In the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and even up into the 1990s phone phreaking was an amazingly cool way to explore an unknown world of phone switching…
  33. Digital Clock using Arduino UNO Without RTC module
    An interesting project of making a Digital Clock using Arduino UNO without the help of RTC Module. Description AIM To build a Digital Clock at  Low Cost (Without using any…
  34. Arduino Sound Effect With Game Handle
    This project is for the class ATLS 3300 at CU Boulder. Push buttons can make buzzers sound. Five buttons represented the tone C, D, E, F, G. There are two…
  35. DIY a Spelling Game with an Interactive Robot using Arduino
    Did you hear before about Social Robot? Did you you see the Pepper Robot or Jibo robot? These kinds of robots that can hear you, understand you and make a…
  36. DinoCalc Version 1.0
    (Arduino Pro Mini Protoboard Version) Latest Release: Development: This is a calculator without a LCD that tells you if your math answer is right or wrong, without giving…
  37. Intelligent-Vision Eye-glasses For Blind
    An AI Automation glasses to solving problems for the legally blind, low vision, glaucoma and Cataract. Abstract After the successful prototype for the Blind Glass @Blind-targeted AI Glasses Friends and…
  38. TurtleDuino Object Avoidance Robot using Arduino
    Hello, in this instructable I'll be showing you step by step how to build the TurtleDuino, an object avoidance robot, with an Arduino UNO microcrontroller on board. I designed the…
  39. Avengers plant monitoring device with Arduino uno (Tuya IoT platform)
    I made a lot-based plant monitoring device. From this device, you can measure the condition of your plant from anywhere in the world. The device is able to measure temperature,…
  40. Home Automation: Drapes using Arduino
    Hate having to manually open and close your drapes? Hate getting back from work/school and your room is dark and dreary? Do you want curtains that open and close themselves?…
  41. Convert a toy piano to work as a midi device and use it with Synthesia
    Goal of this project: Convert a cheap toy piano to work as a midi device and use it with Synthesia ( Other programs that use midi inputs can also be…
  42. Disposing IED using Non Newtonian Fluid
    Thousands of lives are being lost every year due to IEDs (improvise explosive devices). IEDs were responsible for approximately 63% of coalition deaths in Iraq. ABSTRACT             Mobile Explosive Containment Vessels…
  43. Tankbot – Internet Controlled Tank Robot using Arduino
    Do you remember a game called Tank Wars? This is an attempt to make a physical version of that classic arcade game. You, the player drive an Arduino powered tank and…
  44. Garage Genie – Parking & Remote Control using Arduino
    The Garage Genie Parking & Remote Control is a car automation Arduino gadget. Click on the two images above to see the animated explanation. It aims to do a few…
  45. HealBot Semi Auto Surgical Machine
    Problems faced- Due to growing road traffic, lack of doctors in many places and sometimes non... Description Problems faced-  Due to growing road traffic, lack of doctors in many places,…
  46. 5×5 LED Cube using Arduino Uno
    This is a step by step explanation of how to build a 5x5 LED cube using an arduino.  I did this project for my undergraduate electronics class and it took…
  47. Big Spectrum Analyzer with Arduino
    Let’s put together a pixel strip with an HL1606, an Arduino UNO and the Spectrum Shield to build a seven bands “large” Spectrum Analyzer of simple construction. The Strip used…
  48. Bluetooth Controlled RGB LED LAMP
    I made an RGB pumpkin wall light, which can be controlled by a smartphone via Bluetooth, it has different modes and different colors so you can choose the color of…
  49. Self Balancing Segway Instructabot
    [box color="#985D00" bg="#FFF8CB" font="verdana" fontsize="14 " radius="20 " border="#985D12" float="right" head="Major Components in Project" headbg="#FFEB70" headcolor="#985D00"] Supplies: 1.  Arduino:  I used an Uno 2.  7.2v battery 3.  Set of motors:…
  50. Pantomime – Gestures to actions for disability aid and more
    Pantomime is a configurable gesture controller unit that can be used for reliable human-machine interaction. For the demo purpose, we have shown a use case of the Pantomime in a…
  51. The morse code generator by a PS\2 keyboard using Arduino
    Hi, all! Today I' m trying to explain you my last project: "The morse code generator by a PS\2 keyboard" I' ve used an PS/2 keyboard to send input to…
  52. Program an ATtiny with Arduino
    Follows are directions for programming the ATtiny microcontrollers using the Arduino IDE. In plain English, this is how to program 8-pin Atmel chips as you would normally an Arduino. This…
  53. Jeopardy Ring-in Buttons with Built-in Rules using Arduino
    There are several good Jeopardy/Game Show lockout buttons/buzzers, but none incorporate the timing rules of Jeopardy. I am learning about the Arduino and I thought that this would be a…
  54. Dual-Task CoreXY DrawBot
    When I saw a COREXY (or H-Bot) plotter, I thought I would make it someday. Since most of its components were made from 3D printers so I have postponed it.…
  55. Complete Arduino-based 3D-printed Battery-powered Mini Retro Arcade Machine
    It's been a while since I've published my last Instructables. I'm back, and I'm 3D-printed-powered! Enjoy this mini retro arcade machine. It's literally my first complete end-to-end 3D-printed project: I…
  56. Pan & Tilt Servo bracket controlled by Arduino
    Hi, in this instructable i am showing you how to build a very nice and very sturdy pan & tilt turret for your rc / arduino projects. (Please don`t judge…
  57. Naruto Themed Night Lamp
    Hey guys what's up. Here's something cool, a Naruto-themed Desk light that is made mainly from PCB. The heart of this project is an Attiy13A that drives some 0603 LEDs…
  58. The Octo-phonic Synthesizer
    The Octo-phonic Synthesizer is a polyphonic synthesizer that is able to produce eight tones that in the end, creates a musical scale. Inspiration for this creation came from this project. I…
  59. Stubborn Alarm – Doesn’t Stop Until You Brush Your Teeth
    I have my online classes going on (still -_-) and the problem is I have a hard time waking up early. So I end up missing my first class every…
  60. Gesture based Intelligent Appliance Control
    With Artificial Intelligence, the science fiction is turning into reality and automation is taking... Description With Artificial Intelligence, the science fiction is turning into reality and automation is taking over…
  61. Compact 3-in-1 Stripboard DIYduino with Integrated Sensor and L298N Motor Shield
    I am presenting a compact design of a stripboard Arduino board (DIYduino) that includes a 2A motor driver and has additionally the functionality of a sensor shield. The 2-channel version…
  62. Make a Pumpkin Into a Pacman-Playing Game Console!
    This project is the perfect way to level-up your pumpkin carving and reach new high scores. Using an addressable LED strip and an Arduino, you'll be able to make a…
  63. Persistence of Vision Wand using Arduino
    Persistence of Vision (POV) Wands are a fun way to create interesting long exposure photographs and light displays.  The wand consists of a single row of LEDs controlled by an…
  64. Retro Arduino Radio
    I love the look of old 1920's radios. They are the embodiment of a decade. The radios that I like the most were vacuum tube cathedral radios made by Philco. When…
  65. Code generator for custom Android or Arduino menus
    Introduction This is the first of two instructables that make up a complete customizable Home Automation for Beginners example. See DIY Home Automation for Beginners for the second part. It…
  66. How to Make a Basic Computer Mouse Using the Joystick Module and Arduino Uno
    This instructable will show you how to make a joystick controlled mouse using Arduino Uno and the joystick module. Supplies You will need- One Arduino Uno5 jumper wiresOne JoystickArduino IDEPython…
  67. How to Build a DIY WiFi Smart Oximeter Using MAX30102 and Arduino ESP32
    This WiFi Smart Oximeter helps you scan Spo2 and BPM using MAX30102 and ESP32 and display the values on the Smartphone Step 1: In this tutorial, I will explain how…
  68. Automating A Home Snowmaker Using An Avr Microcontroller
    Before describing how the automated system functions, it is important to describe the science of snowmaking in general and to define a few key terminology that will appear often in…
  69. Automatic Multi-Photo Taker (Photobooth Style)
    This is a tutorial on how to program your DSLR camera to take photos photobooth-style. It's a simple Arduino setup that allows you to take continuous photos with 3-second delay…
  70. A Simple Arduino Touchless Candy Dispenser
    This is a simple touchless candy dispenser using an ultrasonic sensor for activation, a stepper motor to dispense candy, and an Arduino for controlling everything. The candy dispenser can be…
    In this project we use an Arduino Uno along with some simple components to create an interactive, scary  and playful decoration for Halloween to impress all your guests. Our idea…
  72. Arduino Programming With Atmel Studio 6.0
    Arduino Programming With Atmel Studio 6.0
    How to import the compiled Arduino IDE libraries into Atmel Studio 6.0 using a program written by Omar Francisco. This will allow you to use the feature rich programming environment…
  73. DIY Motion Sensor Alarm System
    Are you constantly being scared when people sneak up behind your back? Do you have bad hearing and can't hear people approaching you? Do you want to just build a…
  74. Android talks to Arduino board
    This project slightly modifies the Google Android sample app called "Bluetooth Chat" so you can type a message in the Android app and that same message will appear on an…
  75. 8 X 8 LED Pixel Art
    Create a display of 8x8 square pixels that can work independently. And to easily reprogram it to display different animations. Also I don't have a 3D printer, so I needed…
  76. Cup Cooler using an Arduino
    This is my first Instructable, so please judge harshly so that I can learn 🙂 Its a simple project minimal skills needed. Drawings are made using: Fritzing Code Written using…
  77. Capacitive-Touch Arduino Keyboard Piano
    Using only an Arduino, a few resistors, a buzzer, and some bits of aluminum foil, you can create your own touch-sensor piano keyboard in just a few minutes! Using an…
  78. Halloween Candy Dispenser
    Have you ever felt like not wanting to celebrate Halloween? Or too lazy to open the door and hear "trick or treat" a thousand times? Well, if that's you,…
  79. Arduino I2C and Processing
    As promised, this week brings another communications tutorial! In this video, we’ll use both the serial and processing knowledge that we gained last week, plus an I2C enabled temperature-sensing IC.…
  80. Bicycle Backlight With Arduino
    This is the first bicycle accessory gadget I made with Arduino. It's a pattern-based backlight attached to the back-bag mounted on the bicycle luggage compartment. I’m riding an electric bicycle…
  81. Easy Arduino PIANO ( Including a Preset Song )
    So first off , I am a student and wanted to pick an instrument , but the problem was that I was not sure that "would I be able to…
  82. Arduino Witch Cauldron
    This project consists of an interactive Arduino-based Halloween decoration referring to a witch cauldron. As you position your face in front of the cauldron and you get close, the eyes…
  83. Garage Door Opener with iphone using Arduino
    What do I need to start? The hardware requirements to start is: *Note: where can I purchase the material  with all the components to build myself the system: 1.-)…
  84. Hercules: The Motion Controlled Android Robot using Arduino
    When I was in the 8th grade, I was intrigued while playing the motion games on Nokia 5800. I was thrilled, how I could control the racing car by only…
  85. How to Simulate Arduino in Proteus
    Hey, fellas I hope you are doing well and getting smarter every day. This post is about How to Simulate Arduino in Proteus, here we will see how we can simulate…
  86. 2-Player Pong Game with Arduino Uno
    Classical Pong game implemented on an Arduino Uno using a PCD8544 LCD screen which is better known as the Nokia 5110 screen. Player bars are controlled by a potentiometer for…
  87. James – Your first Arduino Robot
    Edit: Thank you so much everyone for voting for James in the Toy Contest! He got first place and I won a $500 Shapeways voucher! Expect to see more robot…
  88. Mini Arduino environment monitor ** UPDATE – Added RTC ***
    This is an Example of how you can use the Arduino to monitor various environmental parameters And display them on a LCD screen. Note: I Added a Real Time Clock!! To…
    In this post I will discuss about the detailed ARDUINO MEGA FOR BEGINNERS. In the previous post I have discussed about brief introduction of the Arduino MEGA there I have discussed…
  90. Introduction to Arduino Ethernet
    In this post I will discuss about the Introduction to Arduino Ethernet. In the previous articles I have discussed different Arduino microcontroller development boards such as Arduino UNO, MEGA, NANO,…
  91. Arduino Duemilanove for Beginners
    In this post I will discuss about the Arduino Duemilanove which is one of the microcontroller development boards among other Arduino Boards. In the previous posts I have discussed the…
  92. Top 10 Best Simulators for Arduino
    In this post I will discuss about Top 10 Best Simulators for Arduino. The most popular software for simulating the circuits and embedded systems based on the Arduino microcontroller development…
  93. Arduino V-USB / HID 14 channel data logger
    UPDATE:  Please see Addendum 2 at the end of this article for an Excel automatic logging implementation. There are several good articles on Instructables about building your own Arduino.  Depending…
  94. Smart Home Control System With Touch Screen
    In this project, I have shown how to make a Smart Home Control with Arduino Uno and Nextion touch screen to control door lock system, temperature and daytime monitoring. During…
  95. Resistor Color Code Calculator with Arduino
    This is a 4 band Mechanical Color Code Resistor Calculator, The idea of making this Mechanical Resistor came when I accidentally dropped my box of resistors and all resistors (1300…
  96. The Arduino Internet Gizmo
    The Arduino Internet Gizmo is a USB, Arduino, and RFID device for web surfing.  The gizmo works by placing an RFID tag on the top of the gizmo.  The gizmo…
  97. 3D Printed Holo Clock With Arduino
    Hello everyone! This is my first instructable. This project is a 3D printed clock powered by a stepper motor and is controlled by an Arduino Uno. It was designed in…
  98. Arduino Motors and Transistors
    This week, we’ll finally be using the Arduino to control some motors! First up, we’ll control a standard DC motor running off a 9V battery with the help of an…
  99. Arduino NERF Ball Wireless FPV Sentry Turret
    This project will guide you through the steps to make an Arduino based 360 degree rotating foam ball turret with full joystick wireless control, and first person view camera and…
  100. Arduino Street Traffic Light – Breadboard Edition
    Build a simple Arduino powered Traffic Light with us! This instructable is meant to walk you through almost every step, but there are a few assumptions. Read over the intro…
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