- ACCELEROMETER: tutorial on using the Memsic 2125 accelerometer with Arduino/Freeduino
- ACCELEROMETER: another post on using the Memsic 2125 Rad*o Sha*k variant accelerometer with Arduino/Freeduino
- ACCELEROMETER: article on using the LIS3LV02DQ 3-axis accelerometer with Arduino/Freeduino
- ACCELEROMETER: an excellent article on using the ADXL330 with Amtega processors
- ACCELEROMETER: Hack the ADXL330 accelerometer used in a Wii “nunchcuck”.
- ACCELEROMETER: connect the MMA7260QT 3-Axis Accelerometer to Arduino/Freeduino
- ADAPTER, DC: correct DC Adapter type to use for Arduino or Freeduino
- ADAPTER, DC: make a 9V battery clip for Arduino/Freeduino
- A/D converters: code for interfacing Arduino/Freeduino with a Dallas DS2450 quad A/d chip
- ANALOG TO FREQUENCY: code and patch to turn Arduino/Freeduino serial data into a frequency in MAX.
- ANALOG GAUGE: Make one with Arduino/Freeduino
- APPLESCRIPT: blog post on how to use Arduino/Freeduino and Applescript to control your MAC
- ARDUINO2MAX: a copyleft software package for interfacing Arduino/Freeduino’s input pins to MAX/MSP
- Arduino API: reference
- Arduino BLOG: the Arduino team announces things related to the official Arduinotm products.
- Arduino BT: main page
- Arduino BT: Burning the bootloader on the Arduino BT: with AVR-ISP
- Arduino BT: set-up for Mac OS X Tiger: tutorial
- Arduino BT: set-up for Windows XP: tutorial
- Arduino BT: change the security code and name of the module:tutorial
- Arduino BOOKLET: the ultimate guide to Arduino, and it’s free!
- Arduino BUILD PROCESS: see this page
- Arduino COMMAND REFERENCE: this page
- Arduino Single-sided DIY board- aka the “Severino”
- Arduino STANDALONE: PCB‘s for building standalone Freeduino’s
- Arduino STANDALONE: another PCB supplier for making runtime versions of the Arduino/Freeduino
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the RBBB and Barebones, by the inimitable Modern Device Company
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: Adafruit’s slim-line narrow-gauge BoArduino
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: uDUINO, Super–minimalist Arduino/Freeduino clone
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: iDuino, a very nice USB board for prototyping on a breadboard
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: protoDuino, the breakaway PCB
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: uDuino
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: roboDuino (PCB files near bottom of page)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: stickDuino (PCB files)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: Sanguino (PCB files are here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: DuinoStamp (PCB files are here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: SeeeDuino (Schematic and Reference design here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: Funnel I/O (files availalble here, deep inside a ZIP file)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: ArduPilot (PCB design files are here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: PAPERduino: a paper-based Arduino/Freeduino clone (PDF here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: Hack The Badge, an AVR325p compatible board
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the eauDuino, a self-declared Freeduino! Kudos!
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the Illuminato Genesis by our friends at Liquidware
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the Jeenode wireless Freeduino: designed Modern Device and Jee Labs
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the FREEDUINO EPIC! Designed by our friends at DH-Global.
- Arduino DIECIMILIA: description
- Arduino GETS TIRED: how to program sleep mode for your Arduino/Freeduino
- Arduino HARDWARE VERSIONS: see this page
- Arduino IDE: latest release
- Arduino IDE PREFERENCES: see this page
- Arduino LILYPAD: main description
- Arduino LILYPAD: buy it at Sparkfun
- Arduino LILYPAD: getting started guide
- Arduino MINI:general info page in the Playground
- Arduino MINI: tutorial on how to program with an Arduino NG
- Arduino MEGA: read all about it
- Arduino NG: introduction
- Arduino NG: current (aka amperage) output specs
- Arduino PROGRAMMING NOTEBOOK: an excellent intro to Arduino programming by Brian Evans, available printed-on-demand from Lulu for a paltry $5.33, or as a PDF for free. Another
example of the amazing things the Freeduino/Arduino community makes possible…
- Arduino SHIELDS: First, check out the extensive list on the playground
- Arduino SHIELDS: XBEE, see the Playground page
- Arduino SHIELDS: motor driver shield, see the Playground page
- Arduino SHIELDS: DIY Breadboard shield, see this page
- Arduino SHIELDS: breakout shield: Arduino to terminal blocks
- Arduino SHIELDS: the ‘Danger’ tutorial shield
- Arduino SHIELDS: excellent tutorial on making your own Protoshield
- Arduino SOFTWARE: latest release
- Arduino TRADEMARK AND LICENSING: See this very very very very very very very long forum thread for a community discussion of the tradmark and licensing issues associated with Arduino, and open-source hardware in general.
- Arduino WIKIPEDIA PAGE: here
- ARDUINO TUTORIALS: Ladyada’s beginner’s tutorials for Arduino
- ARDUPILOT: the world’s cheapest UAV autopilot
- ARDUSTAT: open-source, inexpensive galvanostat/potentiostat module for Arduino/Freeduino
- AREF PIN: forum post on how to use the AREF pin
- ATMEGA8: pin mapping
- ATMEGA8L: forum post and Playground article
- ATMEGA168: pin mapping
- ATMEGA1280: datasheet with pinouts
- AUDIO: Arduino/Freeduino an control the Viniculum VMusic2
- AUDIO: real-time audio processing on an Arduino/Freeduino (we’re sort of dubious about this one)
- AUDIO: Arduino/Freeduino listens via electret microphone
- AVR: use the Arduino or Freeduino as an AVR programmer!
- BAREBONES Arduino: by Modern Device Company (PCB files are available here
- BAREBONES Arduino: time-lapse assembly video
- BATTERY OPERATION: lead-acid battery
- BATTERY OPERATION: use a single AAA battery to power Arduino
- BATTERY OPERATION: Instructable on using a niCad pack with a Boarduino
- BATTERY OPERATION: a slew of stats on running an Arduino and Xbee on batteries
- BEER: UcHobby post on how to make a beer thermostat. Who says Arduino/Freeduino isn’t fun?
- BEGINNER’S BOOKS: suggested books on electronics for beginners
- BINARY CLOCK: blog post on how to make a Binary Clock with Arduino/Freeduino
- BIT MATH: tutorial
- BLINKING LED: tutorial
- BLUETOOTH: hack Bluetooth capability of the Wiimote to make Arduino or Freeduino wireless
- BOARDUINO: Ladyada’s inexpensive and compact Arduino clone, avalaible at
here) - BOOKLET: the free Arduino booklet!
- BOOTCLONER: copy the Arduino Bootloader
- BOOTLOADER: hex file for Atmega8: search for Arduino CVS & or Arduino Berlios
- BOOTLOADER: hex file for Atmega168: ditto
- BOOTLOADER: hex file for Arduino BT *BOOTLOADER: Burning the bootloader on the Arduino BT: tutorial
- BOOTLOADER: build a parallel programmer to burn the bootloader
- BOOTLOADER: copy with “bootcloner”
- BOOTLOADER: use a handy script to burn it
- BOOTLOADER: blog post on burning it
- BOOTLOADER: the gold standard of bootloader programmer pages. If the New Yorker wrote tutorials, this would be wht they look like: “Arduino Bootloader: a Fistful of Programmers.” Ok, we know that’s exaggerating.
- BOOTLOADER: programmer for burning the adaboot
- BREADBOARD Arduino: tutorial
- BREADBOARD SHIELD: DIY, see this page
- BREADBOARD SHIELD: PCB Europe, see this page
- BUILD PROCESS: see this page
- BUTTON: read a button push tutorial
- BUTTON: read a button push, and send this data to a PC: tutorial
- BUTTON: read a button push, and treat as on/off signal tutorial
- C: to interface to C code, see this page
- CAD: Script to connect Rhino CAD to Arduino/Freeduino, and another post here
- CAMERA: control a Canon EOS 400 with Arduino or Freeduino
- CAMERA: forum post with camera control code
- CAMERA: pan-tilt code
- CAMERA: code and diagrams for making a flash trigger for cameras…
- CAMERA: blog post on how to catch lightning on your camera, using an Arduino
- CAMERA: blog posting and Eagle files for building a intervalometer/sound trigger for a camera
- CAMERA: yet another intervalometer based on Arduino/Freeduino, this time for your Canon camera
- CAMERA: catch a drop of liquid with this Arduino./Freeduino shutter trigger
- CAMERA: wow, there’s alot of camera triggers out there for Arduino/Freeduino
- CAMERA: motion trigger based on Arduino/Freeduino
- CAPACITIVE SENSING: forum post on using two Freeduino or Arduino pins for capacitive touch sensing
- CARD: code for a card swipe reader with Arduino/Freeduino
- CELL PHONE: talking to the Freeduino or Arduino BT from a Nokia cell via Python code
- CELL PHONE: Flashing an LED via cell phone and Applescript
- CELL PHONE: Cell phone SMS Library for Arduino/Freeduino
- CHAT SERVER: connect to a chat sever using Arduino
- CLOCK: derive the real time from a DCF77 radio clock
- CLOCK: It was about time that someone wrote a blog post on using the DS1306 SPI real-time clock with Arduino
- CLOCK: and a little later, someone wrote this post about using the DS1307!
- CLOCK: blog post on how to make a Binary Clock with Arduino/Freeduino
- COLOUR FADER: code and MAX patch for fading leds on Freeduino or Arduino through MAX
- COMMAND LINE: programming Arduino from the command line
- COMMAND LINE: more command-line code for serial comms.
- COMPASS: a blog post on using the HMC6532
- COMPASS: and another post on getting your heading with an HMC6532
- COMPASS: forum post on using the HMC6532 compass chip
- COMPONENTS: on the Freeduino or Arduino board
- CONWAY’S GAME OF LIFE: make one with Arduino/Freeduino
- COURSEWARE: Arduino courseware project
- CRAL: An Arduino and Freeduino Library Repository
- DAC: Proto-DAC, a digital to analog shield for the Arduino
- DALLAS 1-WIRE PROTOCOL: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temp sensor; code
- DALLAS 1-WIRE DS1307: do scheduled temperature collection with this sketch
- DALLAS TEMPERATURE SENSORS: tutorial and code for interfacing with the 18B20 temp sensor to the Freeduino or Arduino. See also the “TEMPERATURE” heading below.
- DALLAS A/D: code for interfacing Freeduino or Arduino with a Dallas DS2450 quad A/d chip
- DATAFLASH: An Uber-cool library that lets your Freeduino or Arduino talk to an external flash memory chip. This is great tool for things like building a data logger, or just storing data in general. Here’s the code.
- DATALOGGER:’s cool Data logger with real-time clock and serial eeprom
- DC ADAPTER: what DC adapter to use with Freeduino or Arduino
- DC POWER: with lead-acid battery
- DC POWER: with 9V battery adapter
- DEVANTECH ULTRASONIC SENSORS: tutorial on using the Devantec SRF04 and SRF05 modules with Arduino or Freeduino
- DHCP: a DHCP library for the Ethernet shield
- DIGITAL TO ANALOG: Proto-DAC, a digital to analog shield for the Arduino
- DIMMING 3 LED’S: tutorial
- DIMMING AC LIGHTS: with dimmer pack, forum post
- DIRECT DIGITAL SYNTHESIS: Control the AD9851 DDS chip with Arduino/Freeduino
- DIRECTOR: to interface to Macromedi* Director, see the Playground page
- DISTANCE SENSOR: sense distance with a PING ultrasonic sensor and Arduino/Freeduino
- DISTANCE SENSOR: tutorial on interfacing a PING ultrasonic distance sensor
- DISTANCE SENSOR: tutorial on using a Devantec ultrasonic ranger module with Arduino or Freeduino
- DISTANCE SENSOR: tutorial on using the Devantec SRF04 and SRF05 modules
- DISTANCE SENSOR: tutorial on using the Sharp GP2D120 infrared ranging sensor
- DISTANCE SENSOR: code for the Maxbotix ultrasonic distance sensor (sonar), from a forum post
- DISTANCE SENSOR: blog post on using the Sha*p GP2Y0A02 sensor
- DIY BREADBOARD SHIELD: see this page
- DMX: how it works
- DMX: tutorial on making Arduino or Freeduino into an OPENDMX interface
- DMX: tutorial on making an Arduino or Freeduino DMX shield
- DRUMS: the amazing Ardrumo: code and software for a drum kit!
- DUINOSTAMP: minimalist Arduino clone, or but it here
- EEPROM: tricks for using the hidden EEPROM in the Freeduino or Arduino
- EEPROM: tutorial on interfacing Freeduino/ Arduino with a serial EEPROM using SPI
- EEPROM: blog post on using the 25LC080 EEprom
- ELECTRONICS: suggested books for beginners
- ELECTRONICS: other resources for beginners
- ELECTRONICS: circuit reference from the Wiring site
- ENERGY MONITORING: introducing the Enerduino!
- ETCH-A-SKETCH: need we say more?
- ETHERNET: Ladyada’s ethernet shield
- EVENT TIMER: code and a blog post
- EXPANDING DIGITAL INPUTS: using the CD4021 with Arduino/Freeduino
- EXPANDING DIGITAL OUTPUTS: use the Phil*ps 4794 shift register to multiply outputs
- EXPANDING DIGITAL OUTPUTS: tutorial on multiplying digital outputs using a 74HC595 shift register
- EXPANDING PWM OUTPUTS: tutorial on using the TLC5940 to multiplex PWM outputs
- FAN: read the RPM of a fan controlled by Freeduino/Arduino
- FIRMATA: firmware for using the Freeduino/Arduino as a sensor box in PD, VVVV, Flash, Python, MAX, Processing…
- FLASH: send data to Macromedi* Flash from Arduino: see the Playground page
- FLASH TRIGGER: for cameras…
- FLASHING LED: tutorial
- FLASHING LED’s in sequence: tutorial
- FLEXI: an Arduino-based prototyping environment called “FLEXI”.
- FREEDUINO: Total anarchy, aka Open design files for an Arduino-compatible board.
- FREEDUINO BOARD: Barebones Arduino by Modern Device
- FREEDUINO BOARD : Arduino/Freeduino Runtime by NKC Electronics
- FUNCTIONS: forum post on how to write one
- GALVANOSTAT: open-source, inexpensive galvanostat/potentiostat module for Arduino/Freeduino
- GALVANOSTAT: which leads to the question: what the heck is a galvanostat, anyway?
- GLAVANOSTAT: this space reserved for when someone does a blog post called “Pimp your galvanostat”
- GPS: An entire library by David Cuartielles for GPS on Arduino
- GPS: the TinyGPS Library for Arduino/Freeduino, by Mikal Hart
- GPS: code for parsing data from EM-406 GPS module
- GPS: interface Freeduino/Arduino to a Paralla* GPS module: tutorial
- GPS: forum thread on building a GPS navigation unit with Arduino/Freeduino
- GPS: the inimitable Ladyada’s GPS Data logger shield.
- GPS: code for an Arduino-Freeduino based GPS tracker/logger that logs GPS position information to the Arduino’s on-board EEPROM
- GRAPHING: real-time graphing of Arduino/Freeduino data, using a processing sketch.
- GSM: CC-released schematic and board files for an Arduino/Freeduino GSM cellular shield
- HACKING Arduino/Freeduino: a set of pages on hacking the Arduino code and hardware
- HALL EFFECT SENSORS: as in magnetic sensing, not hallways. Forum thread is here.
- HELLO WORLD: the first step in Arduino/Freeduino programming
- HMC6532: forum post on using the HMC6532 compass chip
- HTML: how to control an Freeduino or Arduino remotely with HTML form
HUMIDITY SENSOR: Blog post and code on how to connect an SHT-15 to Arduino/Freeduino
- I2C: how to use multiple I2C devices
- I2C: communicate between two Arduino/Freeduino
- I2C: even more on making I2C work with Arduino
- I2C: connecting temp sensors with I2C
- IDE: Arduino/Freeduino IDE
- IDE PREFERENCES: see this page
- iDuino: a cool standalone board for prototyping!
- iDuino: as a QRSS keyer, (QRSS is radio-speak for slow morse code, useful for radio propagation studies)
- INFRARED MOTION SENSOR: code for using the Paralla* IR motion sensor
- INFRARED MODULES: using standard infrared receiver modules with Arduino/Freeduino
- INFRARED MODULES: how to use standard Panasonic IR modules with Arduino/Freeduino
- INFRARED REMOTE CODE: IR Remote code for Arduino or Freeduino
- INFRARED REMOTE: a nice multi-platform IR Remote library
- INSTRUMENTATION: presenting the MPGuino. (If you really want to save the earth, don’t buy a car.)
- INTERRUPTS: article on how to use interrupts with Arduino/Freeduino
- INTERUPTS: an excellent article by UCHobby on how to use interrupts with Arduino/Freeduino
- INTERVALOMETER: ultra-cool page on how to build an ultra-cool photographer’s helper gizmo. This an incredibly detailed article and a generous gift to the community, to which we award our two gold stars, our highest honour: . This is a terrific piece of work: check out the USER MANUAL! Sets the standard.
- INTERVALOMETER: blog posting and Eagle files for building a intervalometer/sound trigger for a camera
- INTERVALOMETER: yet another intervalometer based on Arduino/Freeduino, this time for your Canon camera
- IPOD: control an ipod with optoisolators
- IPOD: serial code for remote control by Arduino/Freeduino
- IPOD: even more serial IPOD code for Freeduino/Arduino
- IPOD: a great library for controlling Ipod’s (page is in Japanese)
- IPOD: more IPOD interface research courtesy of another ITP student
- JOYSTICK: tutorial on how to interface a joystick to Arduino/Freeduino
- JOYSTICK: control a servo with a joystick
- KEYPAD: tutorial on using matrix keypads
- KEYPAD: another keypad project- we think this one is key to understanding pads.
- KEYPAD: another blog post on the key subject of reading pads with keys– aka keypads
- KNOCK SENSOR: Arduino or Freeduino tutorial on sensing a knock at the door, or table, or wall
- KNOCK SENSOR: join Arduino/Freeduino and Processing in open-source knocking harmony
- L293: tutorial on driving a DC motor with an L293 motor driver chip
- L297: forum post on using the L297 motor driver chip
- L298: for stepper motor control
- LABVIEW: what is that anyway? Find out in this blog post.
- LCD: tutorial on the LCD library
- LCD: interface to an 8-bit LCD display with Arduino/Freeduino
- LCD: tutorial on using a serial LCD with the Arduino/Freeduino
- LCD: tutorial on the LCD library
- LCD: forum post on using the Nokia 3130 graphical LCD with the Arduino/Freeduino
- LCD: interfacing the Arduino/Freeduino to the Noki* S1D15G10 graphic display
- LCD: tutorial on making a 3-wire LCD interface
- LCD: detailed article on the ins and outs of LCD interfacing to Arduino/Freeduino
- LCD: library for the HD44780
- LCD: blog post on using an HD44780 based LCD
- LED: blinking a single LED on pin 13 tutorial
- LED: driving a series of LED’s with a 74HC595: tutorial
- LED: using a transistor to drive more than one LED from a single pin: schematic
- LED: dimming 3 LED’S: tutorial
- LED: flashing LED’s in sequence: tutorial
- LED: shooting star tutorial
- LED: tutorial on doing 3-colour cross-fades with a potentiometer
- LED: tutorial for a LED colour mixer with three potentiometers
- LED: use the Phil*ps 4794 shift register to multiplex 8 LED’s connected to Arduino/Freeduino
- LED: 3 LED cross-fade with Arduino/Freeduino
- LED CUBE: blog post with code and video
- LED FADER: 32 LED fader with Arduino
- LED MATRIX: forum post1 on using the MAX7219 chip to drive an 8*8 array of LED’s, and forum post 2 on daisy-chaining multiple MAX7219’s
- LED MATRIX: code for driving multiple leds with the M5450 chip from Freeduino or Arduino
- LED MATRIX: code for using the Sparkfun RGB Matrix LED “backpack” with the Arduino/Freeduino
- LED MATRIX: Experimental library for using the MAX7219 and MAX7221 LED matrix driver chips
- LED MATRIX: using the STP16C596 16-bit Constant Current LED Sink Driver
- LED MATRIX: Multiplexing the MAX72xxx to drive a two-color matrix
- LED PEGBOARD: the ‘PEGGY 2.0″ Arduino-compatible led board, by those ultra-cool folks over at Evil Mad Scientist Labs
- LEVEL CONVERSION: how to convert a 12V signal to 5V for the Arduino/Freeduino’s inputs.
- LIBERLAB: Add a lab coat to Arduino, become a scientist! Open-source lab platform.
- LIBRARIES: main page
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: matrix keypad: tutorial
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: Servo library for up to 8 servos
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: Servo on pins 9 & 10 only
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: for the MAX7219 or MAX7211 LED matrix driver chips
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: LCD: library for the HD44780
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: Cell phone SMS Library for Arduino/Freeduino
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: library for controlling Ipod’s (page is in Japanese)
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: a nice multi-platform IR Remote library
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: Dal*as one-wire temperature sensor library
- LIBRARY, STANDARD: text string
- LIBRARY, STANDARD: SoftwareSerial
- LIBRARY, STANDARD: Metro, for timing
- LIBRARY, FROM WIRING: servo (* may require modifications for use with Arduino/Freeduino *)
- LIBRARY, FROM WIRING: encoder (* may require modifications for use with Arduino/Freeduino *)
- LIBRARY, FROM WIRING: Qslide touch sensor library (* may require modifications for use with Arduino/Freeduino *)
- LIGHT SENSOR: forum post on connecting 3-pin type
- LIGHT SENSOR: blog post on using Arduino/Freeduino and light sensor to control Processsing
- LIGHT SENSOR: French forum post on how to use an LED as a light sensor; english version
- LIGHT SENSOR: blog post on using Arduino/Freeduino and light sensor to control Processsing
- LIGHT SENSOR: a video showing how a light sensor should work if you get it going properly
- LIGHTNING: blog post on how to catch lightning on your camera, using an Arduino
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Debian Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on FreeBSD
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Gentoo Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Red Hat Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Ubuntu Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Mandriva
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on SUSE 64 bit
- LINUX: blog post on using Arduino/Freeduino on old powerbook with Ubuntu PPC.
- LINUX TTY: to interface to Linux TTY, see this page
- LOW POWER: how to put the Arduino to sleep to save power
- LOW POWER: forum post and Playground article on using the Aega8L (low power AEGA8)
- MAGNETIC FIELD SENSING: See this excellent primer and instructions on magnetic field sensing with Arduino/ Freeduino! Thanks E.M.S.L.
- MATH: bit math tutorial
- MATH: tutorial on Scaling integers
- MATH: Todbot explains how to do big strings in Arduino. OK, we realize this is not really math.
- MATRIX KEYPAD: tutorial
- MAX7219: forum post1: using the MAX7219 chip to drive an 8*8 array of LED’s; post 2: daisy-chaining multiple chips
- MAX/MSP/JITTER: see the Playground page
- MEMORY: SD card reads and writes with Arduino/Freeduino
- MEMORY: See also the SD CARD heading
- MEMORY: Don’t forget to get connected to a USB memory stick
- MIDI: yes, it’s a Midi-controlled SEGA master system sound chip…
- MIDI: how to deal with Midi Clock signals in Arduino
- MIDI: blog post on how to convert MIDI clock to Sync 24
- MIDI: this guy seems to be a master of Arduino <> Midi research: many good posts
- MIDI: a library of MIDI commands for Arduino/Freeduino
- MIDI: a whole shield for sending and receiving MIDI
- MIDI: Wireless MIDI for Arduino/Freeduino via Xbee and Ladyada
- MIDI IN: Arduino/Freeduino forum member ‘kuk’ solves the age-old problem of how to get midi in on the Arduino/Freeduino
- MIDI IN: turn the data from eight pots into Midi
- MIDI IN: control four digital pots through Arduino via MIDI
- MIDI OUT: tutorial on sending midi from an Arduino or Freeduino
- MIDI OUT: read a piezo and send midi notes tutorial
- MIDI OUT : midi player code
- MIDI OUT: the amazing Ardrumo: code and software for a drum kit!
- MIDI OUT: a midi pedal for Arduino/Freeduino
- MMC: what is that anyway? Inquiring minds want to know.
- MONOMUINO: Monome + Arduino == Monomuino
- MONOMUINO: more info here on work towards a Monome/Arduino shield
- MOTION SENSOR: code for using the Paralla* IR motion sensor
- MOTORS:tutorial on driving a DC motor with an L293 motor driver chip
- MOTORS:tutorial on driving a unipolar stepper motor
- MOTORS: forum post on using Arduino/Freeduino and an L297 motor driver chip to drive a motor in two directions
- MOTORS: ladyada’s motorshield
- MOTORS: UCHobby post on an optically controlled fan motor
- MOTORS: interface to the L293D chip to drive a motor. (The “D” version has internal protection diodes.)
- MOUSE: interface to an optical mouse
- MOUSE: interfacing to a PS/2 mouse
- MP3: Arduino controls the Vinicul*m VMusic2
- MP3: control MP3’s with the YAMP III and Arduino
- MULTIPLEXING DIGITAL OUTPUTS: use the Phil*ps 4794 shift register to multiply outputs
- MULTIPLEXING DIGITAL OUTPUTS: tutorial on multiplying digital outputs using a 74HC595 shift register
- MULTIPLEXING LED’S: Multiplexing the MAX72xxx to drive a two-color matrix
- MULTIPLEXING PWM OUTPUTS: tutorial on using the TLC5940 to multiplex PWM outputs
- MUSIC: play melodies through a piezo speaker connected to Arduino
- MUSIC: play musical algorithms through a speaker connected to Arduino
- MUSIC: Narbotic’s Arduino synthesizer
- MUSIC: forum discussion on how to generate control voltages for synths
- MUSIC: UCHobby’s article on how to make sound with the Arduino
- MUSIC: the amazing Ardrumo: code and software for a drum kit!
- MUSIC: Barebones-based hardware/software synthesizer
- MUSIC: diagram and video describing an Arduino Punk Console
- MUSIC: Control the AD9851 DDS synthesizer chip with Arduino/Freeduino
- NES: Use an old NES Controller as an input device for Freeduino / Arduino
- NIXIE TUBES: Ogilumen has it covered, with open-sourced code and product
- NOKIA LCD: forum post on interfacing to the Arduino to the Noki* S1D15G10 graphic display
- NONEXISTENT: there do not seem to be a lot of Arduino/Freeduino topics that begin with the letter “N”
- OLED: Use Oled’s with Arduino (in Spanish)
- ONE-WIRE: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temperature sensor
- OPEN SOURCE: the reference designs for Arduino are open-source, under a Creative Commons license
- OPENDMX: tutorial on making Arduino into an OPENDMX interface
- OPENWRT: hotplug script for OpenWRT
- OPPORTUNISTIC PROTOTYPING: see the free Arduino booklet!
- OPTICAL MOUSE: interface to an optical mouse
- OPTOISOLATORS: interface Freeduino/Arduino to an ipod using optoisolators
- OSCILLOSCOPE: An Arduino-based scope! (In Spanish)
- OSCILLOSCOPE: the poor man’s oscilloscope, made using Arduino & Processing
- PAPERduino: a paper-based Arduino/Freeduino clone
- PARTICLE DISPLAY: blog post on making particle displays with leds
- PCM AUDIO: do 80hz-8Khz PCM audio on Arduino or Freeduino
- PD: to interface to PD, see the Playground page.
- PDUINO: Arduino code for easy interface to PD… get it here
- PEAK: code to find a peak value over time
- PERL: interface from Perl to an Arduino driving an LCD
- PERL: script to talk to Arduino from LINUX
- PERFBOARD: Build your own Arduino/Freeduino on a perfboard
- PERSISTENCE OF VISION: how-to blog post
- PERSISTENCE OF VISION: Another blog discussing a POV project
- PERSISTENCE OF VISION: … And another blog post on a POV Project, with code and pictures
- PERSISTENCE OF VISION: Wireless POV! In Spanish. (and part 2 of the same article.)
- PHIDGETS: shield for use with Phidget sensors
- PHOTOCELL: forum post on connecting 3-pin type photocell to Arduino/Freeduino
- PHOTOGRAPHY: ultra-cool page on how to build an multi-purpose intervalometer/remote trigger gizmo.
- PHP: controlling Arduino over USB via PHP. Whew, that was a lot of acronyms.
- PHP: how to connect Arduino/Freeduino and XPORT using PHP
- PHP: connect to Arduino via the PHP Plushie Message Framework. Seriously.
- PHP: Arduino forum post on using PHP with Arduino
- PHYSICAL PIXEL CONTROL: code to control leds from MAX
- PING: tutorial on using the PING ultrasonic distance sensor
- PONG: do something useful with your Arduino. (sorry, we couldn’t resist putting these two together)
- PIEZO: read a piezo knock sensor tutorial
- PIEZO: play melodies through a piezo speaker
- PIEZO: this blow sensor tutorial will blow your mind
- PLAY: tones from a keyboard through the serial port to Arduino tutorial
- PLAY: tones through a piezo speaker
- PLAYGROUND: the Arduino user’s wiki
- PONG: do something useful with your Arduino.
- POTENTIOMETER: tutorial on how to read a potentiometer
- POTENTIOMETER: tutorial on how to control a digital potentiometer using SPI
- POTENTIOSTAT: open-source, inexpensive galvanostat/potentiostat module for Arduino
- PRESSURE SENSORS: tutorial on using conductive foam as a sensor
- PRESSURE SENSORS: a nice blog post on connecting Freescale pressure sensors
- PROCESSING: to interface Arduino to Processing, check the Playground page
- PROCESSING: Arduino meets Processing web site
- PROCESSING: blog post on using Arduino and light sensor to control Processsing
- PROCESSING: an open-source image creation/control software
- PROCESSING: using Processing to send values to Arduino/Freeduino
- PROGRAMMERS: using an external programmer to burn sketches
- PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT: intro to the Arduino Programming Environment
- PROTO-DAC: a DAC(digital to analog) shield
- PROTOTYPING BOARDS: Protoshield by PCB Europe, see this page
- PROTOTYPING BAORDS: Eagle files for making your own Protoshield
- PROTOTYPING BOARDS: excellent tutorial on making your own Protoshield
- PROXIMITY (human) SENSOR: code for using the Paralla* or HVWTec* IR motion sensor
- PROXIMITY SENSOR: Motion tracking with two PIR Sensors
- PURE DATA: to interface to PD, see the Playground page.
- PWM: see this link to add up to 16 PWM outputs to Arduino
- PWM: PWM all the digital pins in a sinewave pattern
- PWM: run PWM on all pins. Seat belt not included.
- PWM: an Instructable on using a TLC5940 to obtain a whole lot of PWM outputs
- PWM AUDIO: UCHobby blog post about PWM audio for Arduino/ Freeduino
- PUSHBUTTON: read a button push tutorial
- PUSHBUTTON: read a button push, and send this data to a PC: tutorial
- PUSHBUTTON: read a button push, and treat as on/off signal tutorial
- PYTHON: talk to Arduino with Python
- PYTHON: 2B protocol
- PYTHON: Use Python and an Arduino to control four servos
- QRSS: a QRSS keyer using the iDuino.QRSS is ham radio speak for slow morse code, which is useful for radio propagation studies
- QTPROX: code for using the QTProx401 touch sensor
- R/C INTERFACE: a nice blog post with some pretty pictures showing how to RCduino.
- R/C SERVO MOTOR LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: servo on pins 9 & 10 only
- R/C SERVO MOTOR LIBRARY, FROM WIRING: servo (* may require modifications for use with Arduino *)
- R/C TRANSMITTER: interface Arduino/Freeduino to an R/C stick-type transmitter. With code!
- READ a button push, and send this data to a PC: tutorial
- REAL-TIME CLOCK:’s cool RTC module
- REAL-TIME CLOCK: derive the real time from a DCF77 radio clock
- REAL-TIME CLOCK: It was about time that someone wrote a blog post on using the DS1306 SPI real-time clock with Arduino
- REAL-TIME CLOCK: and a little later, someone wrote this post about using the DS1307!
- REAL_TIME CLOCK: even later on, CRAL put up this library for the DS1337
- REDUCE: Arduino 0007 sketch size hack
- RELAYS: drive a simple DC relay: schematic
- REMOTE CONTROL (IR): IR Remote code for Arduino or Freeduino
- REMOTE CONTROL:(IR): LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: a nice multi-platform IR Remote library
- RFID: read data from the Paralla* RFID reader module: tutorial
- RFID: code and a great article on how to interface Freeduino/Arduino to the Innovations ID-12 RFID
- RHINO CAD: Script to connect Rhino CAD to Arduino/Freeduino, and another post here
- RIBBON SENSOR( TOUCH): DIY Article on how to make a ribbon sensor suitable for Arduino
- ROBODUINO: The best open-source Arduino/Freeduino-based robotics platform, derived from the original Arduino/Freeduino files.
- ROBOT PLATFORM: use Arduino/Freeduino as a platform for a robot, aka “Larrybot”!
- RUBY: to interface Arduino to ruby, see the Playground Page
- RUBY: “RAD“, Ruby on Rails development software for Arduino.
- SCALING: Not about fish. this post shows you how to scale floating-point numbers.
- SCALING: Also not about fish. How to scale integers.
- SD CARD: a blog post on SD interfacing, with a whole lot of other acronyms like MMC and AVRLIB.
- SD CARD: more, more more on SD card reading and writing
- SD CARD: another blog post on making a “top drawer SD reader”
- SECOND LIFE: to interface to Second Life, see the Playground page
- SENSING 12V: forum thread
- SENSING DIRECTION: forum post on using the HMC6532 compass chip
- SENSORS: a general list of sensors in the Sensor Wiki
- SENSOR, ACCELERATION: tutorial on using the Memsic 2125 accelerometer with Arduino
- SENSOR, ACCELERATION: article on using the LIS3LV02DQ triple axis accelerometer with Arduino
- SENSOR, BREATH : this blow sensor tutorial is a breath of fresh air
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: tutorial on interfacing a PING ultrasonic distance sensor
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: tutorial on using a Devantec ultrasonic ranger module
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: tutorial on using the Devantec SRF04 and SRF05 modules
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: tutorial on using the Sharp GP2D120 infrared ranging sensor
- SENSOR, DISTANCE : tutorial on using the SRF05 as a rangefinder
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: blog post on using the Sha*p GP2Y0A02 sensor
- SENSOR, GAS: sense ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and toluene
- SENSOR, GESTURE: video showing how an accelerometer can be used to sense human gesture
- SENSOR, HUMIDITY: Blog post and code on how to connect an SHT-15 to Arduino/Freeduino
- SENSOR, KNOCK: Arduino tutorial on sending a knock.
- SENSOR, LIGHT: forum post on connecting 3-pin photocell modules
- SENSOR, LIGHT: forum post on how to connect multiple photocells to the Arduino
- SENSOR, LIGHT: French forum post on how to use an LED as a light sensor; english version
- SENSOR, LIGHT: blog post on using Arduino and light sensor to control Processsing
- SENSOR, LIGHT: how to use a 2V solar panel as a light sensor
- SENSOR, MOTION: code for using the Paralla* or HVWTec* IR motion sensor
- SENSOR, POSITION: tutorial on using rotary encoders
- SENSOR, PRESSURE: tutorial on using conductive foam as a sensor
- SENSOR, PRESSURE: the infamous “IV bag” sensor video
- SENSORS, PRESSURE: a nice blog post on connecting Freescale pressure sensors
- SENSOR, PROXIMITY: code for using the Paralla* or HVWTec* IR motion sensor
- SENSOR, ROTATION: tutorial on using rotary encoders
- SENSOR, SOUND TRIGGER: Article on how to build a “sharp” sound trigger that can be easily interfaced to Freeduino or Arduino
- SENSOR, SOUND: Arduino/Freeduino listens to things via electret microphone
- SENSOR, SPEED: Check out the optical tachometer Instructable here.
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temp sensor; code
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: Tutorial on using an NTC thermistor with Arduino and processing
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: forum post on using the LM34 temperature sensors with Arduino
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: excellent blog post on how to connect the LM35
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: tutorial and code for interfacing with the 18B20 temp sensor
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: more code for interfacing with the DALLAS 18B20 temp sensor
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: code for doing thermistor conversions
- SENSOR, TOUCH: DIY Article on how to make a ribbon sensor suitable for Arduino
- SENSOR, TOUCH: code for using the QTProx401 touch sensor
- SENSOR, VELOCITY: see SENSOR, SPEED (look up five centimetres, or 2 inches in the US)
- SERIAL EEPROM: tutorial on interfacing with a serial EEPROM using SPI
- SERIAL EEPROM:’s cool RTC module with on-board serial eeprom
- SERIAL PORT: a hack for using multiple serial devices on one port
- SERIAL LCD: tutorial on using a serial LCD with the Arduino
- SERVO MOTOR LIBRARY: Something called the MegaServo Hardware Servo library (up to 12 servos)
- SERVO MOTOR LIBRARY: servo on pins 9 & 10 only
- SERVO MOTOR LIBRARY: servo (* may require modifications for use with Arduino *)
- SERVO MOTOR: code and instructions for creating 16 PWM/Servo motor outputs, using a TLC5940
- SERVO MOTOR: the UCLA SenseLab takes a shot at a function for RC servo’s
- SERVO MOTOR: blog post including code for the HItec brand of servo.
- SERVO MOTOR: use Python and an Arduino to control four servos
- SERVO MOTOR: even more servo code on this blog post
- SERVO MOTOR: control a servo after reading this tutorial!
- SEVERINO: the single-sided DIY Arduino
- SHIELDS: see “Arduino SHIELDS” above
- SHIFT REGISTER: tutorial on multiplying digital outputs using a 74HC595 shift register
- SIMPLE MESSAGE SYSTEM: firmware for improved serial communication between Arduino and a host PC
- SLEEP MODE: Arduino needs rest sometimes. Here’s how to give it some time in sleep mode
- SMS: Cell phone SMS Library for Arduino/Freeduino
- SOFTWARE SERIAL: see the SoftwareSerial library, or the older tutorial
- SOLAR POWER: get the sun working for you.
- SOLAR POWER: More sunny info
- SOLENOIDS: a tutorial on driving solenoids
- SOLENOIDS: use a transistor to drive a solenoid from an Arduino pin: schematic
- SMOOTHING DATA: from a sensor, for example.
- SONAR: code for the Maxbotix ultrasonic distance sensor (sonar), from a forum post
- SOUND: control an ipod with optoisolators
- SOUND: serial code for remote control of an IPOD by Arduino
- SOUND: blog posting and Eagle files for building a intervalometer/sound trigger for a camera
- SOUND: Arduino/Freeduino listens to things via electret microphone
- SPEECH: Midi Speech for Arduino using the SPO256-AL2 chip
- SPEECH:another blog post on Midi Speech for Arduino using the SPO256-AL2 chip and Ableton Live
- SPI: tutorial on interfacing with a serial EEPROM using SPI (with introduction to SPI)
- SPI: tutorial on how to control a digital potentiometer using SPI
- SPI: blog post on using the DS1306 SPI real-time clock with Arduino
- STEPPER MOTORS: tutorial on driving a unipolar stepper motor with the Arduino
- STRINGS: Todbot explains how to do big strings in Arduino. (That’s “strings” in the metaphorical sense.)
- SUPERCOLLIDER: to interface to Supercollider, see the Playground page
- SWIPE: code for a card swipe reader with Arduino/Freeduino
- SWITCH:read a button push, and send this data to a PC: tutorial
- SYNTHESIZER: play melodies through a piezo speaker connected to Arduino
- SYNTHESIZER: play musical algorithms through a speaker connected to Arduino
- SYNTHESIZER: Narbotic’s Arduino synthesizer
- SYNTHESIZER: forum discussion on how to generate control voltages for synths
- SYNTHESIZER: the amazing Ardrumo: code and software for a drum kit!
- SYNTHESIZER: Barebones-based hardware/software synthesizer
- SYNTHESIZER: diagram and video describing an Arduino Punk Console
- SYNTHESIZER: Control the AD9851 DDS chip with Arduino/Freeduino
- TACHOMETER, OPTICAL: check out the instructable here
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temp sensor; code
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: Tutorial on using an NTC thermistor with Arduino and processing
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: forum post on using the LM34 temperature sensors with Arduino
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: excellent blog post on how to connect the LM35
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: tutorial and code for interfacing with the 18B20 temp sensor
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: more code for interfacing with the DALLAS 18B20 temp sensor
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: code for doing thermistor conversions
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: Library for the DS1624 temperature sensor, from the CRAL repository
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: how to use an LM35 with I2C to sense temperature
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: even more on using the LM35 with Arduino/Freeduino
- TEXTILES: electronic textiles kit and designs based on Arduino
- THEREMIN: forum post on using Freeduino or Arduino as a Theremin
- THEREMIN: blog post on making a Theremin with Arduino
- THEREMIN: a good blog post on how to make a theremin-like device with Processing/Arduino/Freeduino
- TILT SENSOR: tutorial
- TIME: derive the real time from a DCF77 radio clock
- TIME: It was about time that someone wrote a blog post on using the DS1306 SPI real-time clock with Arduino
- TIME: and a little later, someone wrote this post about using the DS1307!
- TOUCH SENSING: code for using the QTProx401 touch sensor
- TOUCH SENSING:forum post on using two Arduino pins for capacitive touch sensing
- TRANSISTOR: use to drive more than one LED from an Arduino pin: schematic
- TRANSISTOR: use to drive a relay from an Arduino pin: schematic
- TRANSISTOR: use to drive a solenoid from an Arduino pin: schematic
- TROUBLESHOOTING: troubleshooting section of the Arduino Guide
- TUTORIALS: see the Arduino main site and Playground.
- TUTORIAL SHIELD: see the ‘Danger’ tutorial shield
- TWI: hack the TWI (two-wire interface) of a Wii “nunchuck” to use with Arduino.
- UAV: Ardupilot, the world’s cheapest UAV Autopilot!
- UBUNTU PPC: blog post on using Arduino on old powerbook with Ubuntu.
- uDUINO: Super–minimalist Arduino/Freeduino clone
- ULTRASONIC: tutorial on interfacing a PING ultrasonic sensor
- ULTRASONIC: sketch and tutorial for interfacing a PING Ultrasonic sensor
- ULTRASONIC: tutorial on using the SRF05 as a rangefinder
- VGA: were not sure why this is a good idea, but click here to hack VGA with Arduino./Freeduino
- VIDEO: forum post on generating composite video with the Arduino… and another forum post…
- VIRTUAL COLOUR FADER: code and MAX patch for fading leds on Freeduino or Arduino through MAX
- VVVV: to interface to VVVV, see the Playground page
- WEB: scrape websites using the Arduino
- WEB: change a LED’s color via browser interface.
- WEB: how to connect Arduino/Freeduino and an XPORT to a Web Server, coded in PHP
- Wii: interface Arduino to a Wii “nunchuck”. This is a cheap way of getting some accelerometer action!
- Wii: Use the Bluetooth capability of the Wiimote to make Arduino wireless
- Wii: todbot’s Wii nunchuck adapter pcb
- WINDOWS: command line build utilities
- WIRELESS: Arduino and Xbee(ZigBee) interface circuit
- WIRELESS: Xbee Programming Arduino Wirelessly
- WIRELESS: Arduino to Xbee
- WIRELESS: XBee Shield
- WIRELESS: connect Arduino to the EasyRadio transceiver module,
- WIRELESS: wireless communication? with PC and Arduino board using bluetooth
- WIRELESS: blog post on linking two Arduinos
- WIRING: site
- WWW: scrape websites using the Arduino
- WWW: connect to a chat server using Arduino
- XBEE Arduino SHIELD: Playground page
- XO LAPTOP: how to run Arduino on the XO laptop
- XPORT: how to connect Arduino/Freeduino and XPORT, with PHP too
- YAMP III: control with Arduino
- 1-WIRE: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temperature sensor
- 1-WIRE: code for scheduled data collection with a DS1307
- 1-WIRE: Dall*s one-wire temperature sensor library
- 12V: how to convert a 12V signal to 5V for the Arduino’s inputs.
- 18B20: tutorial and code for interfacing with the Dallas 18B20 temp sensor
LM35 TEMPERATURE SENSOR: excellent blog post on how to connect the LM35
- 4794: use the Phil*ps 4794 shift register to multiply outputs
- 4-bit LCD LIBRARY: here
- Maxim 72xxx: Multiplexing the MAX72xxx to drive a two-color matrix
- 74HC595: tutorial on multiplying digital outputs using a 74HC595 shift register
- 9V BATTERY ADAPTER: another guide!