Should you ask your boss for a raise? Call that cute guy you met at a party? Sell your stock? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a handy method of handling some of life’s more pressing dilemmas?
This machine give you the answer to all you life pressing dilemmas. You need to concentrate on your question for 10 seconds, and when you feel the time is right, press the button, and the machine will give you the answer.
Step 1: Bill of materials
Let’s start with the BOM:
Print all the STL files:
1 x ButtonHolder-1005.stl
1 x logoPen-1005.stl
1 x ingranaggioGrande-1005.stl
1 x ingranaggioPiccolo-1005.stl
1 x FlapStaffaLibera-1005.stl
1 x FlapStaffaMotore-1005.stl
2 x NBottom-1005.stl
2 x Ntop-1005.stl
2 x FlapRuota-1005.stl
Threaded rod:
4 x M8x250
3 x M8x150
1 x M8x180
100 x M8 nuts
100 x m8 washers
40 x iron wire diameter= 1 mm, length= 95 mm
2 x 608 “roller skate” bearings
6 x M3x15mm bolt
1 x pololu stepper driver A4988
1 x stepper motor (eg. 35BYG104)
1 x Arduino Proto Shield
1 x LED
1 x push button 12×12 mm
1 x 10kOhm resistor
1 x 320Ohm resistor
For more detail: The machine of answers Using Arduino