Most of the electronics geeks are asking the whole list of Android based arduino Projects List Download PDF here we will share list every month as our projects are being updated on daily basis. PDF is a good source to work offline. We will offer direct PDF file download link with info of its release date , number of projects.
List No. | PDF Download Link | Release Date | Number of Projects |
1 | Click here Android based arduiono Projects List Download PDF | july 2022 | 227 |
2 | Click here Android based arduiono Projects List Download PDF | July 2018 | 206 |
An In-Depth Look at the Arduino Plug and Make KitIntroduction The Arduino Plug and Make Kit is an all-in-one starter kit for learning the basics of electronics and coding with Arduino. It contains everything needed to create interactive electronic projects without experience. In this greatly detailed commentary, I will examine the parts and characteristics…... Listed under: Arduino News, News & Updates, Other Project Ideas
Blink led example arduino with pythonTo blink an LED with an Arduino using Python, you will need to: Connect the LED to the Arduino board. You will need to connect the positive leg of the LED (the longer leg) to a digital output pin and the negative leg (the shorter…... Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, LED Projects
DIY Smart Follow Me Drone With Camera (Arduino Based)Drones are very popular toys and tools these days. You can find professional and even beginner drones and flying gadgets in the market. I have four drones (quadcopters and hexcopters), because I love everything that flies, but the 200th flight isn't so interesting and starts…... Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects
Wearable Wireless Gesture Control With PHIRO Pro + Arduino + Pocket Code Smartphone App (JEDI MODE)Once again, here we are with another tutorial to "Awaken the Force" within you! With the new Star Wars movie just around the corner, we thought it would be fun to use the force to control PHIRO. In this tutorial, we will be using PHIRO Pro with Arduino along with some awesome…... Listed under: Wireless Projects
Did You Ever Want to Have a Video Doorphone?Recycle your old cellphone to build one and connect it by a browser to your new phone, PC or tablet! Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 ICStation UNO × 1 2.8 TFT Shield for Arduino Uno × 1 Breadboard (generic)…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects
Connecting Anduino to IFTTTConnect your anduinoWiFi to IFTTT. Control everything around you, or 'let go' and let random events in cyberspace control your surroundings! Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino Due × 1 Arduino Zero & Genuino Zero × 1 Andium Anduino WiFi × 1 Software…... Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Wifi - WLan Projects
Knife Sharpening Angle Coach With Bluetooth & ArduinoPrecision sharpening skills aren't developed overnight! Here's a high-tech way to monitor your knife angle during sharpening, with the help of an absolute orientation sensor and bluetooth microcontroller. This project is a collaboration with Alex French Guy Cooking! This is an intermediate level Arduino project, so…... Listed under: Phone Project Ideas
Bluetooth enabled Door locker using ArduinoDIY Arduino based lockers can be found plenty in the internet where keypad was used to feed lock input. But this Bluetooth enabled Door locker uses Bluetooth as a medium to connect with the locker and your smart phone to feed input credentials. This locker…... Listed under: Security – Safety Projects
Arduino Servo Catapult: DIY Catapult using ArduinoUse an Arduino and a servo to shoot food to your cat! (Also works with other animals). Check out the video below to see how this Arduino Servo Catapult works. While maybe not the most practical application, this project will teach you the basics of servo motors…... Listed under: Other Projects
Project Suite Bros: Voice Activated LED Friendship Photoset (Arduino, Bluetooth, Crafts)(and partner-in-crime, Abbie). Now, I'm off to the next stage of my life, so I decided to build this friendship photoset for Kevin and Briton to remember our golden era. We called ourselves: "The Suite Bros". This project is actually an extension of the "Voice…... Listed under: LED Projects
Arduino ArduRoller balance botCaveat Emptor: (I don't want to put you off building one but I also don't want you to be disappointed.) This Instructable is now 2 years old. Many of the parts it uses are out of date (there's no drop-in replacement for the now-discontinued gyro,…... Listed under: Robotics – Automation Project Ideas
Hack Your Hasbro R2D2 With an IOIO MicrocontrollerMy wife bought me a Hasbro Interactive R2D2 Astromech Droid for my birthday a few years ago after I said how much fun it would be to hack it and I've finally managed to get inside and start playing!Although the built-in voice control functions are…... Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects
Smartphone controlled Arduino tank using Annikken AndeeHi guys, I am Robin, one of the developers of Annikken Andee. Just a few weeks back we were invited to be a part of Arduino Day Singapore 2014. On the day of the event, we showcased a missile-firing lego-crushing smartphone controlled Tank built using…... Listed under: Phone Projects
Hack an old iPod using an Android and an ArduinoThis tutorial shows you how to use an Arduino to turn that old dusty music player into a Bluetooth controlled docking station. Even if it has a cracked screen or a dead battery it can still be used. The following instructions will show you how…... Listed under: Arduino Android
Hacking my RC Car using Arduino and Android Smart PhoneHave an old toy car? I hacked mine using Arduino and an H bridge circuit to control the motors, used my Sony Z1 Android phone to control it with the recent 1Sheeld I got from Kickstarter. I thought to use the Gyroscope sensor in to…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Car Projects, Phone Projects
DIY navigation device for blind people using Arduino and Android smart phoneIn this project you can cover your eyes and let your smartphone navigate you to avoid obstacles, the application is mainly a DIY navigation device for blind people. I knew that 1Sheeld is about to launch a new text to speech shield, and so I…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Home Automation Projects, How To – DIY – Projects, Medical – Health based Projects, Phone Projects
How to Create an Arduino Compatible Bluetooth 4.0 ModuleI had been looking for a cheap alternative to some of the Arduino Bluetooth devices I'd seen, which in my opinion are overpriced. Redbear's Mini: $39.95 (Note: This is a uC and BLE combo). Redbear's Uno Shield: $29.95 BLEDuino: $19.95 (if part of Kickstarter) Bluegiga…... Listed under: Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects
Intro to ArduinoAn Arduino is an open-source microcontroller development board. In plain English, you can use the Arduino to read sensors and control things like motors and lights. This allows you to upload programs to this board which can then interact with things in the real world.…... Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects
Big Ball Maze Game using ArduinoThis project was the result of an urge to contribute something to the Creative Games section of my kids’ elementary school fair. The kids loved it for it’s simple old-school game aesthetic mixed with Wii-style and Kinect-style video game control. It’s a spin-off project of…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
Controlling an RGB LED With an Android Smartphone Using Arduino and Bluetooth ModuleThe very first project of my channel is about controlling an RGB LED using annoying push buttons.... I feel that the project was not a good one to learn about micro-controllers, because most of the micro-controllers uses are not fully utilised in that project.... So, This is…... Listed under: LED Projects
GoFly – paragliding/hangliding/gliding altimeter-variometer from Your car navigation using ArduinoGoFly is a project based on PNA (car navigation devices with Windows CE), LK8000 tactical fligh computer software and variometer (altimeter) external input based on Arduino board and pressure sensor. Why? -You can build this for about 150$, -Your ordinary PNA (Personal Navigation Assistant) changes…... Listed under: Car Projects, Metering – Instrument Projects, Projects
Home Automation (or Robot Butler called Geoffrey) – iPhone controlled, arduino basedBeing able to control everything from your pocket has long been a dream shared by many. Previously we've had universal remotes that can both control our TVs and radios, then we had wireless wall sockets. Both great things, but how likely is it that you're…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Phone Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects
How to control arduino board using an android phone and a bluetooth moduleIn this tutorial you'll learn how to use a bluetooth module and MIT's app inventor to create a wireless serial link between an android phone and an arduino board. Here is a short video showing an example app I created. I'll describe how to do…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
Internet/cloud Controlled Home Automation Using Esp8266 (aREST, MQTT, IoT)Step 1: COMPONENTS REQUIRED Only 4 components required - 1. ESP8266 NODEMCU or WEMOS D1 mini or any esp8266 wifi development board2. RELAY (5V or 6V)3. ULN2003 or UNL2003A (Relay driver IC)4. Jumpers (obviously or else solder it!!) The main structure of the project is…... Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects
TinyML: Slope Control for Robots With Arduino Pro. Building an Inclination Estimator System With Nicla Sense ME and NeutonThe vacuum cleaner robot is one of the most useful inventions of the last decade and anyone who says differently means that he does not have one! This fantastic household appliance is a concentration of technology: a complex embedded system composed of some microcontrollers, many…... Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects
Aergia: Android controlled TV Remote(with Speech Recognition) using ArduinoHave you ever faced this situation while sitting on your favorite spot on the couch or recliner, comfortably watching your favorite TV program? You're snugly tucked under the blanket, the air conditioning is pleasantly cool, the sun outside is shining it's delicate warm golden rays…... Listed under: Arduino Android
BOXZBOXZ is is an open source robot platform for interactive entertainment! We connected Arduino, Plexiglass(or cardboard) Origami and your idea together, so we can easily and quickly build a remote robot by ourself! You can assembled it like LEGO! We can use it to playing…... Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects
SmartMesh – Arduino and Android Controlled Pneumatic FacadeThis project was part of Multimodal Media Madness 2014, hosted by the chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design (CAAD) and the Media Computing Group of RWTH Aachen University. For more Smart Skins, please check this page: During this project, the students were asked to…... Listed under: Arduino Android
Program your Arduino with an Android deviceHi, in this Instructable I want to show you, how you can program your Arduino with your Android device. It is very simple and cheap. Also it allows us to program our Arduino where ever we want, this is usefull for permanently installed Arduino boards,…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Electronics News Updates
Making Music with MakeblockMakeblock is an aluminum extrusion based construction system that provides an integrated solution for aspects of mechanics, electronics and software design. With Makeblock you can make professional robots, toy machines or even art-ware. It's super easy-to-use and helps bring your creations to life. The only…... Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects
How to Make a Makeblock Music Robot with the Music Robot Kit(NEW)Makeblock is an aluminum extrusion based construction system that provides an integrated solution for aspects of mechanics, electronics and software design. With Makeblock you can make professional robots, toy machines or even art-ware. It's super easy-to-use and helps bring your creations to life. The only…... Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects, Sound – Audio Projects
iAndroidRemote – Control Android mobile using an Apple RemoteI love to integrate devices which are not supposed to be integrated and this guide shows you how you can control an Android mobile using Apple’s Remote. (Who said Apple devices work only with Apple products 😉 ) Also this is my entry to the…... Listed under: Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects
Control Android mobile by an Apple Remote using ArduinoI love to integrate devices which are not supposed to be integrated and this guide shows you how you can control an Android mobile using Apple’s Remote. (Who said Apple devices work only with Apple products 😉 ) Also this is my entry to the…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
Android talks to ArduinoThis project slightly modifies the Google Android sample app called "Bluetooth Chat" so you can type a message in the Android app and that same message will appear on an LCD attached to an Arduino Uno. Functionality: Android talks to Arduino 1. Run the Android…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Phone Projects, Projects
Android talks to Arduino boardThis project slightly modifies the Google Android sample app called "Bluetooth Chat" so you can type a message in the Android app and that same message will appear on an LCD attached to an Arduino Uno. Functionality: Android talks to Arduino 1. Run the Android…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
Ez Arduino 12 DOF Quadruped Robot – Robot Dog LassieSince Boston Dynamics presented their quadruped robot named Spot, everybody wants their own robot dog. There have been several efforts to create a robot with the same features. Many are costly and quite challenging to understand and create. This guide aims to provide a do-it-yourself…... Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects
Arduino Uno Projects: Entry-Level Innovations for BeginnersThe Arduino UNO, developed around the ATmega328P microcontroller, boasts a versatile array of features. With 14 digital I/O pins, including 6 PWM outputs, along with 6 analog inputs and a 16 MHz quartz crystal, it offers ample flexibility for various projects. Additionally, it comes equipped…... Listed under: Arduino Android
Smart Home Automation Using Arduino: A Comprehensive Guide for EngineersArduino serves as a foundational device for constructing electronic projects. It comprises a pre-programmed microcontroller or integrated development environment for coding and uploading onto the physical board. These devices facilitate the creation of interactive objects, receiving input from diverse sensors and managing motors, lights, and…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects
Android App-Enabled WS2811 LED Control with Arduino via BluetoothHello everyone, welcome back to Techatronic. Today, we're diving into an exciting project centered around illuminating effects. You might have come across RGB and pixel lighting in various settings such as decorations, vehicles, and even light bulbs. Our focus today is on working with WS2811…... Listed under: Bluetooth Projects
Arduino-Based Smartphone-Controlled Light SystemHello everyone, welcome back to Techatronic. Currently, phone-controlled lighting has become quite prevalent and easily available in the market. However, today, we'll demonstrate how to create a similar system at a significantly lower cost. This phone-controlled lighting setup is versatile and can be utilized anywhere…... Listed under: Phone Projects
Innovative Keyless Bike Technology: Arduino and Android App IntegrationInterested in starting your bike without a traditional key? Absolutely! We've developed a project tailored for tech enthusiasts eager to incorporate advanced technology into their bikes. Through our keyless bike project, you gain full control over your bike, including engine start and ignition. Additionally, you…... Listed under: Other Projects
Hands-On Arduino Uno Projects for Engineering BeginnersThe Arduino UNO, powered by ATmega328P, stands as a microcontroller equipped with 14 digital I/O pins, among which 6 facilitate PWM output. Additionally, it features 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset…... Listed under: Development Board – Kits Projects
Arduino Programming with .NET and SketchIntroduction Arduino serves as a development platform for creating embedded applications, incorporating a variety of sensors and actuators. It relies on open-source hardware, offering a range of Arduino models for your development needs. This book is tailored for developers, particularly those proficient in .NET, who…... Listed under: Arduino Programmer Projects
17 Cool Arduino Project Ideas for DIY EnthusiastsArduino is a versatile platform that seamlessly integrates open-source software and hardware, enabling individuals to effortlessly develop interactive projects. You can acquire single board computers compatible with Arduino and employ them to craft practical inventions. Beyond the hardware, proficiency in the Arduino language and utilization…... Listed under: Other Project Ideas
Voice-Controlled LED System Using HC-05 Bluetooth Module and SmartphoneSummary In this undertaking, we'll employ an HC-05 Bluetooth module alongside a smartphone for transmitting vocal instructions to oversee LEDs and to accept voice directives. Our approach involves utilizing an "Arduino Bluetooth Voice Controller" Android application, readily downloadable from the Play Store. The microphone captures…... Listed under: Bluetooth Projects
Robo-Mobile – A Homemade Bluetooth Robot using arduinoBackground This robot is one I built to learn. Before this project I did get my feet wet with a few small scale Arduino projects like an ultrasonic robot, (that would move backwards until it was a certain distance away from the wall,) and I…... Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects
ANDROID BASED ROBOTICSWhile the field of robotics is continuously expanding at a remarkable rate and better performing robots are created every year, robotics still remains out of reach for many students and researchers. The main reasons for this difficulty are the high complexity of the hardware and…... Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects
Using Mozzi Library with 5 potentiometers using arduinoGetting Started The goal of this project was to create filters and controls to that can manipulate sound that is being generated through an Arduino. Normally Arduino can only generate simple tones that are not useful if you are trying to achieve complex sounds and…... Listed under: Metering – Instrument Projects
Control Keyboard & Mouse Android app via ArduinoThis instructable will show you how to control your computer's keyboard and mouse with an Android app via bluetooth to an Arduino BACKGROUND Ever wanted to control your computer's mouse/keyboard functionality without having to actually sit in front of it? I do all the time.…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
Android Accessories Made Easy With ArduinoThe Android Open Accessory Protocol makes it possible for you to create custom Arduino-based accessories for your Android phone or tablet. Attend this session to learn how to get started, the hardware & software required and how Handbag makes development easier. Content will be useful…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
Happy Androids with Arduino Video instructionsArduino + Android Normally smartphone events are tightly coupled to your phone device itself. When your cell phone is ringing, your phone speaker plays a ringtone. When you get a new text message, your phone displays it on its screen. Wouldn't it be thrilling to…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
Making a Smart BLE Receiver for My Dumb Garage DoorMy garage door comes with a motor and a 433MHz remote that I don't always carry with me because it is quite bulky and in the way. Because of that, sometimes when I am in front of it and I want to open it, I…... Listed under: Other Projects
Darkness Map Data Collection DeviceThe Darkness Map encompasses both data collection and visualization of nighttime light levels. You can add to the map by downloading the app for iPhone or Android, but you can also contribute data by creating your own data collection device. This tutorial will cover how…... Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects
BLE Indoor/Outdoor Weather StationThis indoor/outdoor Weather Station is the third in a series of Very Low Power BLE - 2022 projects. The very low power BLE temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure sensor is an extension of the Very Simple, Very Low Power BLE Temperature Sensor The sensors…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Arduino ADK LED LightingHave you ever wanted to control electronics with your smartphone? The Arduino ADK (Android Development Kit) is the Arduino Mega with a built in USB host device, ready for your smartphone to be plugged in! We'll make a simple introductory project with a few LED…... Listed under: LED Projects, Projects
How to Build a Simple DIY Home Automation SystemHome automation is a term used to describe the process of automating certain tasks and devices around the home. This can include tasks such as turning on the lights when you enter a room, or setting the thermostat to a certain temperature. Home automation systems…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects
DIY Android Home Automation BoxHere's a little show and tell of my Android controlled home automation box. It's a small extension box that's controlled by an Android smartphone. You can turn the individual outlets on by tapping a button from the app or use the speech recognition app, found…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Home Automation Projects
BT Based Voice\ Remote Controlled Car Using TIVA MCThis is a Tiva microcontroller based project. As there is a fewer data regarding projects based on Tiva, I as an individual am taking this initiative. I hope the readers will encourage it. The project named as bluetooth based voice controlled and remote controlled car…... Listed under: Car Projects
Barcode Based Complete Security and Enrollment System Using TivaThis is Tahir Ul Haq, bringing you another exciting and innovative Tiva Micro-controller based project. This is the third instructables in the Series. Hope you will like it. This time it is Bar-code Based Complete Security and Enrollment System. The project focuses on a bar-code…... Listed under: Security – Safety Projects
Hacking a Sonoff to Work With Home-Assistant and MQTTOK So my third Instructable and here we're dealing with another Sonoff device, the original Sonoff WiFi smart switch. Theses devices are again based around the ESP8266 and are easily hacked. The devices can switch up to 10A @ 240V so are ideal for switching…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects
DIY Cheapest Bluetooth Controlled Home AutomationStep 1: COMPONENTS REQUIRED Bluetooth module (HC-05)AT89S52/C51/S51/C52 microcontrollerRelay Driver ULN2003ARelayResistances and capacitors as circuit diagram depicts(below)power module(if the input is more than 5V or else not necessary)IC 7805(5V voltage regulator)1000uF capacitor10uF capacitorled and resistance(as per convenience so that led doesn't get damaged) IMPORTANT NOTE: USE…... Listed under: Bluetooth Projects
Getting Started With the Particle Photon (Internet Controlled LEDs)In the previous instructable I showed you how to get started with IoT using the nodeMCU, in this instructable I will be featuring the Particle Photon which is an easy to use IoT device to get started with designing IoT projects. The particle photon is smaller than…... Listed under: LED Projects
MQTT and Wifi Powered Mailbox FlagA couple of years I embarked on my own home automation project. It started off by building a server controlled 433 MHz transmitter build with an Arduino to switch lots of cheap PT2262 based remote switches. Later I added an Arduino based receiver for my…... Listed under: Wifi - WLan Projects
OLED Display (SPI) With Particle PhotonParticle Photon is a tiny micro controller, just about the size of an arduino nano. But the photon is designed for easy IoT prototyping, it supports OTA updates to its firmware. So all we have to do is get it connected to the internet and we…... Listed under: LED Projects
Controlling Devices in Swift With BLEIn this project we will use an iPhone to control devices connected to an STM32 device. The project is a starting point for more exciting experiments such as remote controlled robots or any other thing you might want to control in your home. I encourage…... Listed under: Other Projects
Particle Photon – Wearable Pulse and Temperature SensorThe Particle Photon is a microcontroller suitable for wearable project's considering it's small form factor and that it supports OTA updates. For those of you who do not know what a Particle Photon is it is a tiny microcontroller with on board WiFi (Cypress WiFi chip) and…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
WiFi Bathroom Humidity Sensor W/Fan Control, App & Automation Step 1: The Board & Shields Wemos D1 Mini 11 digital input/output pins, all pins have interrupt/pwm/I2C/one-wire supported(except D0) 1 analog input(3.2V max input) a Micro USB connection Compatible with Arduino Compatible with nodemcu DHT11 Temperature: -20~60°C Humidity: 20-95%RH (±5%RH) It uses D1 and…... Listed under: Home Automation Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects
Universal Remote Using ESP8266(Wifi Controlled)This project is to replace the conventional remote control for all the home appliances like AC, TV, DVD players, music system, SMART appliances !!! Making a whole junk of remote littering around, making us puzzle!!! This project will save us from the junk to remotes…... Listed under: Wifi - WLan Projects
RC tank with a moving FPV camera using ArduinoIn this instructable I show you how to build remote control tank with FPV camera. At the beginning I build only RC tank without FPV camera but when I was driving it in the house I have not seen where it is. So I came…... Listed under: Video – Camera – Imaging Projects
Six wheeled All Terrain Vehicle (6WD) using ArduinoHello, In this post we"ll be making a Six wheel drive all terrain vehicle (ATV). These are rare and hence expensive robots (at least in India). I made this ATV as my summer project. Dagu manufactures a similar 6WD chassis but its way too expensive…... Listed under: Robotics – Automation Projects
ESP8266/ESP-12 Arduino Powered SmartThings DS18B20 Temp. SensorWe all like to know what the current room temperature is, and sometimes what the temperature is in another room, or maybe even in your vacation house on the other side of the world. Maybe you want to monitor the temperature in your pet Lizard's…... Listed under: Temperature Measurement Projects
Drain Clog DetectorDon't let a clogged drain slow you down!Coming back from our vacation, me and my wife were surprised by the water covering the floor of our apartment, and we found out it's not even clean water, it's drain everywhere. After clearing the drain and cleaning…... Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects
Gravity Touch bluetooth glove using ArduinoHey guys! I'd like to share with you the input device I created specifically to interact with AR glasses like the Google Glass, Meta, Moverio BT or with the VR headsets like Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, vrAse, Durovis Dive. Those new products are amazing…... Listed under: Game – Entertainment Project Ideas, Home Automation Project Ideas, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Project Ideas
How to build an Arduino WiFi 4×4 with Android ControllerRC cars can be WiFi Cars...? RC cars are cool, but cheap RC cars have limited range and can only be controlled with the particular controller that was included with the car. I purchased a RC jeep, complete with 4 wheel drive, flexible suspension, and…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
WiFi Controlled Camera SliderIf you want to add interest to any video you are making, a good way to doing it is to add motion. There are an infinite number of motion effects you could use in your videos, but a classic, and very pleasing one, is a…... Listed under: Wifi - WLan Projects
Arduino 8×8 LED MatrixIn this project, we will learn about LED Matrix Displays and two different projects on Arduino 8×8 LED Matrix Interface. The first project will be a simple interface between Arduino and 8X8 LED Matrix to display information (even scrolling information and images can be displayed)…... Listed under: LED Projects
Arduino Bluetooth Serial ConnectionsThis is an introduction on how to setup, make a basic connection, and send data to and from an Arduino using Bluetooth! Bluetooth is great for transmitting data over medium distances and what's more, Arduino just treats it like a serial data connection. This means…... Listed under: Other Projects, Projects
Arduino Based Home Automation Project via BluetoothIn this project, we will design a simple home automation project using simple components using which different electrical appliances can switched on or off. The project is based on Arduino and we have used Arduino UNO for the project. Description Introduction …... Listed under: Bluetooth Projects
DIY a Spelling Game with an Interactive Robot using ArduinoDid you hear before about Social Robot? Did you you see the Pepper Robot or Jibo robot? These kinds of robots that can hear you, understand you and make a social contact with you via sound, facial expressions and body gestures. Social robots have various…... Listed under: How To – DIY – Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects
Avengers plant monitoring device with Arduino uno (Tuya IoT platform)I made a lot-based plant monitoring device. From this device, you can measure the condition of your plant from anywhere in the world. The device is able to measure temperature, humidity, and soil moisture. Description I hope you are doing well because a few…... Listed under: Other Projects
Garage Genie – Parking & Remote Control using ArduinoThe Garage Genie Parking & Remote Control is a car automation Arduino gadget. Click on the two images above to see the animated explanation. It aims to do a few things: 1. The “traffic lights” tells you when you’ve inched your car up close enough…... Listed under: Arduino Car Project Ideas
Code generator for custom Android or Arduino menusIntroduction This is the first of two instructables that make up a complete customizable Home Automation for Beginners example. See DIY Home Automation for Beginners for the second part. It is aimed at the absolute beginner. If you can handle a sharp knife without cutting…... Listed under: Arduino Android
DCF77 master clock MK2Features Arduino 328 Microprocessor is used to decode and display Time & date from the DCF77 "Atomic" Clock in Mainflingen near Frankfurt Germany The DCF77 signal is decoded using the fantastic new DCF77 library written by Udo Klein meaning the clock stays in sync and…... Listed under: Clock – Timer Projects
Hercules: The Motion Controlled Android Robot using ArduinoWhen I was in the 8th grade, I was intrigued while playing the motion games on Nokia 5800. I was thrilled, how I could control the racing car by only tilting the phone. I used to dream of making this same car in the real…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects
Android-Controlled Pneumatic Cannon Powered By ArduinoEvery summer, Qualcomm hosts a Battle of the Schools competition, which gives employees the opportunity to represent their home universities. This year, entries were to be homemade contraptions, and they were judged according to how cool they were perceived to be. Virginia Tech's cannon project…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
IR Remote Agent using ArduinoRemote control is almost a standard accessory for most home applications, like TV, Hi-Fi, air conditioner and so on. Though remote control brings us leisure, when you really need it but have completely no clue where it is, or which one it is, you have…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects, Projects
The LED Blinky ball using ArduinoUpdate: I’ll add some clarifications after reading comments on various forums. It doesn’t need a 70Mhz ARM CPU, all it does is shift bits into a shift register, that’d be a total waste. There aren’t 16 CPU’s. the slices are designed to be either slave…... Listed under: LED Projects, Projects
Hexapoduino: tiny hexapod 3D printed, Arduino controlledA few time ago, i found out a 3d printed Micro-Hexapod on Thingiverse. I started to work on it in the following ways: - create new accessories/components 3D printable - explore the possible ways to drive this hexapod. Here the results: - a parametric battery holder that fits…... Listed under: Arduino Programmer Projects
Sensors in Phone and Arduino Serial CommunicationSensors are one of the crucial things when it comes to building projects/robots. Many a times the sensor might be not available locally or it might take too long to ship. Smart phone have most of the basic sensors like proximity, accelerometer, light, magnetometer, gyroscope,…... Listed under: Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects
Arduino Game Controller for Both PC and AndroidIn this instructables session we are going to see . How to make your joystick . Which is compatible for PC, Laptop , Smart Phone . By Using UnoJoy Libary. With this libary we can convert a arduino uno into USB game Controller . People…... Listed under: Game – Entertainment Projects
Arduino Powerd, RGB + White LED, Bluetooth controllable, Floor lampA couple of mounts ago i order a 1M long WS2801 RGB led strip, just for fun. I took me a while to get the strip working with my Arduino. The next step was to figure out what to do with the strip. after some…... Listed under: LED Projects
Paper Man: a machine created by Arduino and NFCPaper Man is a machine comprised of Arduino, NFC Shield, thermal printer and a papercraft shell—Iron Man. Thanks to the NFC Shield, you can directly sent messages from your mobile to the paper man, and the paper man will spit it out by printing with…... Listed under: CNC Machines Projects, Home Automation Projects
DIY Arduino Bluetooth Controlled CarHello friends! My name is Nikolas, I am 15 years old and I live in Athens, Greece. Today I will show you how to make a 2-Wheel Bluetooth Controlled Car using an Arduino Nano, a 3D printer and some simple electronic components! Make sure to watch…... Listed under: Bluetooth Projects
Arduino Quadruped Robot StalkerArduino Quadruped Robot - Stalker I am going to build an Arduino Quadruped Robot. As usual, I will share my source code and show as many pictures as possible, to help those of you who are also building Quadruped robots. The way I do things might not…... Listed under: Projects, Robotics – Automation Projects
Pee to Check-In to Foursquare – Mark Your Territory using ArduinoIn case you are unfamiliar with the most amazing new way to physically "check in" to foursquare here is a video that will explain it all: Mark Your Territory is a fully open-source system but because it interacts with the physical world as well as…... Listed under: Projects, Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects
Color Injection Lamp – Jumbo SizeI love this concept very much because kids like it very much. Now a days kids are always in mobile for study then for play and then for entertainment. Already i develop few projects with lights with arduino and Android. When i see through net…... Listed under: Other Projects
Measuring Refrigerant Gases Sound Speed Using Arduino and App Inventor 2The purpose of this Instructable is to build a portable device that can measure the speed of sound in refrigerant gases and use this data to identify them. The speed of sound in an ideal gas is related to two characteristics of the gaseous substance, its molecular…... Listed under: Sound – Audio Projects
Wilson – the IoT HatHi There, Recently, I finished up on my DIY project Wilson: the IoT hat. Because of the big fun I had creating and using this IoT hat, and given the wonderful feedback it provided to the wearer, I really want to share this project with…... Listed under: Other Projects
Differential Thermal Analysis Using Arduino and PhyPhoxWhen a solid substance is heated the increase in energy manifests itself in the form of an increase in temperature. If the heating rate is constant the temperature increase is also constant as long as there is no change in the structure of the substance.…... Listed under: Other Projects
Android & Arduino Controlled Projector ScreenThis is my first time using Arduino, or any microcontroller. I'm glad it worked out so well but my wife may not be, due to the stacks of microcontrollers that will being showing up on our doorstep soon for future projects. Any feedback or questions…... Listed under: Arduino Android, Projects