Sound – Audio Projects

a dress that gets excited when tweeted

Making the TFF: a dress that gets excited when tweeted

The idea of this dress comes from a series of tweets with online friends @shineslike and @arduinogirl.  @shineslike and I had taken a half day Arduino workshop given by @arduinogirl at the MCN 2011 conference. I was immediately inspired creatively by the sensory and interactive opportunities. Over the next few months I struggled with the electronics

Making the TFF: a dress that gets excited when tweeted Read More »

Arduino Quiz Game Controller

Quiz Game Controller using “Lights and Sounds Buzzers” and Arduino

Jeopardy style quiz games are favorites for creating excitement and educational instruction at the same time.  Teachers, summer camp counselors, and even industry educators find this type of game to help generate interest and involvement from the participants. The idea behind the game is simple, but sometimes finding a device that will perform the “first

Quiz Game Controller using “Lights and Sounds Buzzers” and Arduino Read More »

Audio VU meter with Extra wide Dynamic Range 69 dB using Arduino schematic

Audio VU meter with Extra wide Dynamic Range 69 dB using Arduino

O’K, after having some fun with stereo version of the VU meter I described in my previous blog-post, now it’s time to do a serious stuff. Studio grade VU meter !!! 24 steps, equally spaced every 3 dB, covering Extra wide Dynamic Range from -63  up to  +6 dB.  Single (mono) channel this time, no messing around,

Audio VU meter with Extra wide Dynamic Range 69 dB using Arduino Read More »

Designing and building an synthesizer with Meeblip and Arduino

Designing and building an synthesizer with Meeblip and Arduino, added videos!

For my internship at Create Digital Music/Meeblip I’ve created quite a fun little synthesizer. This thing is meant to be more flexible than other synthesizer by making it completely independent; it is battery powered, has its own amplifier/speaker and is controlled by a manually operated sequencer. Inspiration for this form comes from my frustrations with most synthesizers:

Designing and building an synthesizer with Meeblip and Arduino, added videos! Read More »

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