Arduino UNO Projects List in PDF offline downloadable

Arduino UNO Projects List in PDF :

Most of the electronics geeks are asking the whole list of Arduino UNO projects PDF here we will share list every month as our projects are being updated on daily basis. PDF is a good source to work offline. We will offer direct PDF file download link with info of its release date , number of projects.

Arduino Projects PDF

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List No. PDF Download Link Release Date Number of Projects
1 Click here Arduino UNO based Projects List in PDF file offline downloadable Sep 2022 1330
2 Click here Arduino UNO based Projects List in PDF file offline downloadable May 2018 997
  1. Arduino Button Activated Treat Dispenser
    For my Digital Multimedia class final, I created a treat dispenser that is activated by pulling a chain, which starts a servo motor that spins a wheel to dispense treats…
  2. Drive with PID Control Using Arduino Board
    This example shows how to simulate a simple closed-loop control algorithm in Simulink® and how to run it on an Arduino® board. Supported Hardware: Arduino Leonardo Arduino Mega 2560 Arduino…
    So you’re here because you want to start learning some of the Arduino Basics… So let’s start with THE most basics… no this "tutorial" is actually a little more basic…
  4. Webster: A Geometric Pattern Weaving Machine
    We are three students from California College of the Arts in San Francisco in the Architecture program.  This studio is called Creative Architecture Machines and is taught by Jason Johnson…
  5. Arduino Based Automated Lighting Control
    This is my second instructable. i want to share some of the basic things i made using the arduino i am so busy lately. then i got the chance to…
  6. Arduino-controlled, Aluminum Archangel Costume Wings
    I have always loved the Marvel character Archangel. When my brother, (Shameless plug alert) budding comic book artist David Fernandez, showed me pics of a cosplay convention he went to I thought…
  7. Arduino Masterclass Part 1: Make your own hardware
    The world is going nuts over the Raspberry Pi single-board computer (SBC) for being a whole system under $50. In reality though the Pi isn’t actually the cheapest computing device…
  8. Arduino Electronic Instrument
    This electronic instrument allows you to sequence and loop audio and MIDI data.  Most of the time I use it to sequence drum samples so I can play around with…
  9. Arduino Uno – Programming With A Serial Port
    I’m working on an Arduino clone.  The Arduino is essentially an ATMEGA328P development board with a bootloader pre-loaded.  There are a lot of custom macros built into the programming interface…
  10. LeoStick Getting Started Guide
    The Freetronics LeoStick is a handy break-out board for the ATmega32U4 microcontroller. The board has a convenient USB stick format, and is based on the pinout and connections of the Arduino…
  11. ArduSensor Fun Pack Plug-In-Play Sensors For Arduino
    ArduSensors are open source plug-in-play sensors for Arduino.  These were originally made for beginners to get started with Arduino, a very cool electronics prototyping platform, but anyone can use them.…
  12. Ardu-Bot-Tom – RF Link Controlled Robot
    [box color="#985D00" bg="#FFF8CB" font="verdana" fontsize="14 " radius="20 " border="#985D12" float="right" head="Major Components in Project" headbg="#FFEB70" headcolor="#985D00"] Ardu-Bot-Tom List of Materials Controller Parts: 1x - Arduino Uno 1x - 9V Battery…
  13. Multiplexing with Arduino and the 74HC595
    The 74HC595 is an easy and inexpensive (at about 60 cents apiece) way to increase the number of digital out pins on your Arduino.  In this tutorial I'll show you…
  14. Arduino LED Flasher Circuit
    In this project, we will go over how to build an arduino LED flasher circuit. We will use a standard arduino board, doesn't matter which, and connect it so that…
  15. Touche for Arduino: Advanced touch sensing
    Update: New interface - look at the last step. Credits: Arduino sensing done by DZL, Processing sketch and Instructable done by Mads Hobye. Disney Research lab designed a novel way to detect touch.…
  16. Arduino IR Transmitter & Receiver w/ LEDs Flickering Issue
    I have an Arduino Uno connected to two IR transmitters and respective receivers. Basically, when one of the receivers detects a beam break, I have a strand of LEDs display…
  17. Arduino Solar Tracking Robot
    This is a simple solar tracker which automatically orients itself towards the sun or any bright source of light like the sun .If you place solar panels on this robot…
  18. Domotic Arduino
    In this introduction I will show you a overview of this project whit Arduino Uno.  The purpose of this instructable is move a electric roller shutter by Arduino Uno. The…
  19. Arduino DDNS (Dynamic DNS) by
    This device captures the IP address of your network and it publish on site All without PC. It allow a remote access to your LAN even if the IP…
  20. Wrap Beats – Capsense Arduino Instrument
    Wrap Beats is an instrument that lets you string together notes in order to create different melodies and visual patterns. I constructed it using the Capacitive sensing library for Arduino…
  21. Simple Arduino data-collection
    At this year's "Arduinos in the Physics Lab" workshop at the AAPT meeting, one of the participants asked for a simple way of using the Arduino as a tethered A/D…
  22. Energino: an Arduino-based energy consumption monitoring shield
    Energino is a plug-load meter that measures the amount of power consumed by whatever DC electrical appliance is plugged into its. It was originally designed to monitor the energy consumption…
  23. More Humane Moisture sensor
    Recently I got a project from Titan industries, who were in search of something as an interactive plant pot which could bridge this gap of emotional communication, in mins this…
  24. How To Make an Obstacle Avoiding Arduino Robot
    Hello all! In this Instructable I'll be showing you how to make a robot similar to the "Mobile Arduino Experimental Platform" (MAEP) that I made. It is equipped with two…
  25. Build A Fijibot A Self-Charging Photovore Using Arduino
    Fijibot is an autonomous, self-charging photovore. I built him using a 1.5 liter Fiji Water bottle, an Arduino Uno, 6v solar panel (plus various other parts) from Radio Shack, an…
  26. Cwik Clock v1.0 – An Arduino Binary Clock
    Overview This is a guide to building an Arduino-powered clock that uses LEDs to display a 24-hour clock (hours and minutes) as binary digits, an analog meter to display the…
  27. Clusterbot A Small Arduino Powered Robot
    What is Clusterbot?  He is a small, affordable, autonomous Arduino-powered robot.  He can move, see, avoid obstacles, and makes a melodic chirping sound sometimes. Clusterbot was my first Arduino project,…
  28. 4 Servo drive CellBot which can be remotely controlled using Arduino
    I started with an idea of what I wanted to do from the beginning but one attempt after another I finally got to where I am now. This robot can…
  29. Over the Counter Kitchen Radio using Arduino
    This project used the Si470x FM radio receiver and an ardurino to make an over the counter kitchen radio. These parts had been purchased for a different build that unfortunately…
  30. SPEAKR (Singing Portable Electronic Arduino Kite – Remix!)
    Nature has a way of speaking to us in a way that soothes and revitalizes. Sounds of the wind in various places create low volume tones that we barely hear.…
  31. Box Scurity Package using Arduino
    If you touch the package, it will scream and run away--changing its course when it strikes an obstacle. When you lift the gift tag, light strikes a photocell and operation…
  32. How To Interface a CDV 700 Geiger Counter to a PC Using an Arduino Video instrucitons
    How To Interface a CDV 700 Geiger Counter to a PC Using an Arduino (Part 1) The second part of our video series of our project to interface to a…
  33. Using the Sparkfun Motor Driver 1A Dual TB6612FNG using Arduino
    As a beginner myself, I struggled to find a one-stop set of instructions to get up and running with Sparkfun's Motor Driver 1A Dual TB6612FNG.  This motor driver breakout board…
  34. An 8-Bit Waterfall using Arduino
    So far my Arduino projects have all needed only a small number of output pins. In a previous post I talked about moving some of the logic off the Arduino…
  35. Honey, I Shrunk The Arduino
    As you might be able to tell from recent posts, I've been doing quite a bit of work with an Arduino. I've now got at least one project that I'd…
  36. Build A Color Changing LED Tree Using Arduino
    Ever wanted an LED tree? Well now you can have your LED tree and eat it too (no, wait, you probably shouldn't).. Step 1: Gather the parts You will need:…
  37. BIKEDUINO – Stopping Point Predictor for bike riders
    The project consists in a Arduino that gets the speed of the bike from a dynamo and it controls a laser which points always to the point where the bike…
  38. Tissue Box Guitar – Light Strings using Arduino
    the idea of anything can be an instrumental music has been always in my mind so i made a wooden tissue box that i installed inside it a guitar of…
  39. Making a Better Mouse Trap Using Arduino
    There are a lot of things this world needs at the moment.  One of them is a better mouse trap.  Mice are getting smarter every day and if we're not…
  40. Arduino text’in
    Arduino text‘in. Key Features: 24 relays controlled by 4 I/O lines! Cell phone text using your Arduino. This project hacks a cell phone to text using normally open relays. After…
  41. Arduino Analog Inputs
    This week is all about analog inputs for the Arduino. I’ll show you how you can use a voltage divider circuit (see episode 3) and a variable resistor to make…
  42. Combo Blocks using an Arduino
    Project by CU Boulder Thinks That Think students: Michelle Bourgeois, Charles Dietrich, and Ben Link Imagine having a safe in which the combo is any small object of your choosing. …
  43. Buzz Wire Alarm Clock Using Arduino
    Does it happen to you to slide your finger across your phone's screen and turn the alarm off … just because you have automated this task and don't even need…
  44. Making a Mayan Tzolkin Calendar
    OK, I will admit that I am a little obsessed with things Mayan at the moment, which explains why I wanted to make a Mayan Tzolkin calendar. I modeled the…
  45. Build A Robot Snake Using Arduino
    Purpose This project was built for the Things that Think undergraduate/graduate class CSCI 4830-7 and CSCI 7000-7 for the University of Colorado at Boulder.  Our group consisted of one graduate…
  46. Rabbit Ears on a Cap using Arduino
    We are students from Singapore Polytechnic. After looking at the famous Necomimi Arduino Cat Ears, we decided to give it a try to help us familiarise ourselves with the accelerometer…
  47. Geoweaver: A Walking 3D Printer Hexapod using arduino
    Geoweaver is a student designed (team members Jia Wu, Mary Sek, and Jeff Maeshiro) robot created in the Creative Architecture Machines advanced options studio at the California College of the…
  48. Polar Plotter on Arduino and MakerBeams
    The project A polar plotter is a plotter with a rotating, extendable arm. Its characteristics differ greatly from those of a traditional plotter, which in most areas have a superior…
  49. Build the Remote Control Bobble-head Bobbler! using arduino
    Bobble-heads!!! Every sports fan loves em, but they're kind of boring, just sitting frozen on your shelf 🙁 I thought it might be fun to create an Automatic Bobble-head Bobbler something…
  50. Arduino Webserver Control Lights, Relays, Servos, etc…
    In this project using only an Arduino with an Ethernet shield. I’ll be controlling one LED and a servo, but you can apply this method to control a DC motors,…
  51. Lunch Decider Wheel using arduino
    The lunch decider wheel is basically a carnival-style wheel that spins every day at 11:45am and selects what is for lunch. It came about on account of my perpetual indecision…
  52. UnDecima Audio Output from Arduino
    I already have one project where arduino outputs audio signal to USB speakers via software 10-bits PWM.  In first, I was not satisfied with quality of sound generated via PWM. There…
  53. Interval Long Exposure Camera
    There's a real beauty in long exposure photography.  Hours and days and weeks and months and even years can be condensed onto a single frame, and that frame will catalog…
  54. Lego Technic Car with Arduino + XBee Wireless Control
    I was perusing Instructables one fine winter Saturday, when my 8 yo son came in and peered over my shoulder and saw this: by sath02. My son is a…
  55. Visual Navigator Making it MOBILE using Arduino
    Obstacle avoiding vehicle, continue in “3D Laser Range Finder” series ( project 1, project 2). The basic idea is the same, measuring distance using red laser pointers, CCD analog camera…
  56. 8x8x8 LED Cube with Arduino Mega (+Sound +PS controller +Game)
    This is a instructable which is based on the Cube by Chr, ( ) by SuperTech-IT, ( ) and by, ( ) but i think its…
  57. Joystick controlled Camera using Arduino
    Hi, First of all, my English is not perfect =) I've seen many projects with Arduino that describes how to control 2 servo's with a joystick or use a lcd…
  58. Gyro Camera for Motorcycle using Arduino
    As seen in MotoGP Race, the rider is seen riding through corners while laying aside his bike to the left and right. But there is an interesting moment when the…
  59. Building a device that clips to your belt
    Our goal in this step-by-step instructable is to build a device you can clip to your belt and wear throughout the day.  This device will log data that, when downloaded…
  60. Hidden Wall Outlet Safe (w/Arduino Lock) using arduino
    Stash your valuables where no one will ever suspect. Wall outlets are perfect for stashing valuables since you have tons of them at home. You must be crazy enough to…
  61. Intermediate Arduino: Inputs and Outputs using arduino
    Continuing from my Intro to Arduino post, this Instructable will go over some slightly more advanced topics with Arduino, specifically relating to controlling and managing many inputs and outputs. The…
  62. EL Wire Hat: Sequenced and Sound Activated with Remote Control
    Welcome to the Instructable guide of my EL Wire hat with some fun features. The concept is an EL Wired hat with 8 sequenced EL wires controlled by a wired…
  63. Construct A TV Remote Controlled Car Using Arduino
    Nothing is worse than loosing the controller that came with your remote control car. Replace that sucker with an Arduino and the one remote that always seems to be around,…
  64. Arduino Solar Cell Tester
    When I'm building Solar Shrubs and other solar-powered creations, I often scavenge cells from various off-the-shelf devices such as solar garden or security lights. But these cells are rarely labeled as to their voltage, current,…
  65. Capteur temperature choix du type de degres par infrarouge using arduino
    ENGLISH VERSION HERE Dans ce programme nous allons voir comment capter une température et afficher sa valeur sur un lecteur LCD en choisissant si on veut l'afficher en°C ou °F…
  66. Open Bitcoin ATM using arduino
    The world's first completely open-source Bitcoin ATM for Education and Experimentation. for more information. Step 1: Fabricate Box and Faceplate Out of a piece of 12″x12″ aluminum sheet metal, cut…
  67. Programming the Arduino I/O pins
    Programming the Arduino
    Overview The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog…
  68. Arduino, Sensors, and MIDI
    Now that you're up to speed on using Arduino's inputs and outputs, this Instructable will give you everything you need to get started using sensors to trigger MIDI notes from…
  69. LittleBitty Joe using arduino
    Say Hello to littleBitty Joe! Joe is my school's mascot! Speak to Joe and watch his eyebrows lift, whiskers vibrate, eyes illuminate, heart spin and hear him ROAR! Not only…
  70. A Simple and Very Easy Inverted Pendulum Balancing Robot
    Let's make a simple inverted balancing robot, and operate it. You need only half a day to do them, if you have an arduino and some materials. [a video of…
  71. How to build an Arduino synth
    This is a super simple and easily customizable little synthesizer. This is my first time using the Arduino and also with acrylic, both I found very fun to work with…
  72. Smart Distance Measuring Tape v2
    After posting up the v1 of my project many people requested an more detailed instructable. So i decided to start with a new one with a little upgrades to my…
  73. Burn Arduino Bootloader on Atmega-328 TQFP and DIP chips on Breadboard
    Parts required (Hardware) Arduino Uno Board (1) TQFP 32 to DIP 28 Adapter (1) Link Atmega TQFP 32 pin chip (1) Atmega DIP 28 pin chip (1) 10K resistor (1)…
  74. Arduino Control DC Motor via Bluetooth
    Hi guys, In this project we will control a DC motor with a smartphone via bluetooth. This project is great to learn more about: -DC motor -Interfacing Arduino with your…
  75. Arduino Powered 3-zone thermostat
    I was looking at all those swoopy-zoomy internet connected and controllable thermostats. "Self," I told myself, "we should make one of those." He didn't seem all that excited about that…
  76. Arduino Digital 7-Segment Thermometer
    This a guide for an Arduino version, but I am working on a mini ATtiny84 version. Once I get that working, I will post another Instructable on how to make…
  77. Wi-Fi Body Scale with Arduino Board
    In this post we present the design of a scale that connects to the Internet and automatically sends weight info on a Google Document. The project is composed of Arduino Uno…
  78. Paint Pulse: Digital Water Marbling
    Paint Pulse is a project which seeks to build upon the water marbling crafts of Ebru and Suminagashi with digital behavioral additions. The idea is to design intricate, flowing patterns of paint directly…
  79. Dogduino:The Automatic Dog Feeder using Arduino
    Tired of having to find the dog food to feed the dog? Tired of having to get up early so your dog doesn't attack you for his food? Are just…
  80. A solar tracking automatic motorized window blind retrofit using Arduino
    Buildings account for 20-40% of total energy use in developed countries. Window shades (or blinds) can help to reduce building energy use and improve visual comfort (i.e., reducing glare and…
  81. StopIt! LED Game (powered by arduino)
    This project was inspired by this video from YouTube and the Pendulum Challenge Kit from Its a simple game consisting of five LED lights and one pushbutton switch. The…
  82. Arduino 3-axis Mini Lazer Paper-Cutter
    Updated : 16/3 Add step 4, about using the stage. Updated : 18/3 Add photos (cutting vinyl adhesive sheet) Updated : 19/3 Add step 5, acting as pen plotter Updated…
  83. PCB on a Box using Arduino Board
    Sorry, but I hate cleaning windows, is one of my unfinished business as usual, but I had to do (at least) every time I wanted to etch a circuit board…
  84. Arduino browser based remote control (linux)
    We have kids.  I love them to bits but they keep hiding the remote control for the satellite and TV when they put the children's channels on. After this happening…
  85. Rainbow Mega Pong Clock using Arduino
    This is my take on the clasic Pong clock with an RGB back light that changes every time the date is displayed. A big thanks to mrnick1234567 and his…
  86. Arduino V-Twin Flux Capacitor
    I SHALL CALL HIM " PEE-WEE " Personal Electronics Entertainment With Embedded Education. Basically a project that is fun and I learn a hole lot of stuff from it. .…
  87. Mechanical Led Matrix Display
    First of all we would like to thank everybody that helped organizing the 2nd edition of Arduino Jam, and especially the Jo3ri, who supplied us with some quite cool goodies…
  88. Interactive Logo using an Arduino
    first of all we would like to thank the organisation and especially the main sponsor, Capgemini, which made all of this possible. This project is a contribution to the first belgian Arduino…
  89. [Arduino] Linefollower with photoresistors
    I built a linefollower robot that could be used in many different ways, and I summed up my project in some steps. To begin with, all you need is the…
  90. New animatronic Eyes: Rock On!
    Someone had seen Peter Penguin or my Instructables on Animatronic Penguin Torso or Animatronic Eyes, and was working on a sculpture. He wanted to animate the sculpture when someone walked…
  91. Randomized Arduino Drum Machine
    I like drum machines. However they are not always the easiest to build. I wanted one that is: A. Simple, Yet Powerful-If it uses lots of components then it is…
  92. Touch Sensitive Audio Desk Trays- Arduino
    After having completed my first Arduino project (which can be found here) I wanted to try and create something that had more of a practical use. My idea behind this…
  93. Arduino makes 2D Level
    This is a project for Arduino to make a 2D Level, aimed at beginners. Arduino draws a circle on an LED Matrix that moves around according to readings from a…
  94. Arduino Etch-A-Sketch Clock
    I've seen various Arduino driven Etch-A-Sketch clocks on the web , but none with instructions (is it some kind of secret? Is someone planning on making it rich in the…
  95. Home Alert: Arduino + Cloud Messaging On A Large Display
    In the age of mobile phones, you would expect that people would be responsive to your call 24/7. Or… not. Once my wife gets home, the phone stays buried in…
  96. Reginald: a UDP surveillance bot; control via the Internet using Arduino
    Reginald started from the simple, yet bold idea to control a bot from anywhere in the world with a live video feed. What I wasn't expecting was for Reginald to…
  97. Beginner Arduino
    The Arduino is a pocket-sized computer (also called a "microcontroller") that you can program and use to control circuits. It interacts with the outside word through sensors, leds, motors, speakers...…
  98. Auduino Lo-fi Synth for Arduino
    Hello again. Today I'd like to show you the Auduino. That's right, the Auduino is a Lo-fi Granular Synth that works on arduino. It uses some analog pins and a…
  99. Ambient Etch-a-Sketch
    We built a pseudo Etch-A-Sketch emulator that modifies its appearance based on the user’s environment – the temperature and light conditions. Instead of only drawing horizontal and vertical lines, we…
  100. The iDial – Critical Making Personal Identity Augmentation Device
    In this critical making project, we will be making a personal iDial, which will give you, the wearer, the ability to reflect on your personal identity in a private space,…
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