
Arduino with CdS & LED

Exploring the Fusion of Physical Computing and Creative Expression

What is physical computing? Physical computing involves constructing physical interfaces that interact with the analog world. This entails assembling circuits using microcontrollers, wires, sensors, LEDs, motors, and similar components, which are then controlled by customized software. For example, one might program the software to activate an LED when a photocell sensor detects a light level […]

Design Overview

Surveying Altimeter for Water System Design

Project Background Designing a water system necessitates estimating water pressure throughout, often referred to as “head,” which denotes the vertical column of water height producing that pressure. Pump specifications typically detail the head, indicating a pump with 150 feet of head can lift water vertically up to 150 feet. Understanding the system head allows designers […]

Arduino Sketcher

Arduino Sketcher: Drawing with Processing & SparkFun Redboard

This project, dubbed the Arduino Sketcher, is a straightforward device designed for drawing pictures on your computer screen. Utilizing a processing code and the SparkFun Redboard, it simplifies the process of creating digital art. Device Description and Functionality The device consists of four push buttons: red, green, blue, and a neutral button. Each button changes […]

Tweet O Temp

Tweet-O-Temp: Tweeting Temperatures with SparkFun Redboard

The Tweet-O-Temp includes a temperature sensor that continually monitors its surroundings. It operates by measuring the voltage and converting it to degrees Celsius. Since I reside in the United States, where Fahrenheit is commonly used, it also converts the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Additionally, the device incorporates an Adafruit GPS breakout module, which continuously […]

System for detecting objects using Arduino

Project Abstract I’ve been exploring the idea of creating a robot using Arduino technology for a while now. This project marks the initial phase of this ongoing hobby endeavor. The aim is to construct an object detection system that can be integrated into a semi-autonomous robot in the future. The system employs an ultrasonic range […]

Accelerometer cart

Building an Accelerometer-Controlled Cart

The accelerometer cart marks my second intermediate project creation. Essentially, it’s a compact robot designed to interpret signals from a triple-axis accelerometer, adjusting its movement direction accordingly. Building the Accelerometer Cart The Accelerometer Cart employs a triple-axis accelerometer to determine the direction in which the device is tilted. This data is then transmitted to a […]

Gameduino Snake

Building and Programming a Snake Game with Gameduino

For my physical computing class, I completed a final project using the SparkFun Redboard. I named it “Gameduino Snake” because it is a compact, handheld device that enables users to play a Snake game on an LED matrix. Project Overview: Gameduino Snake The game features a simple bi-color 8×8 LED matrix that serves as both […]

Design Specifications for Laser Diode

Arduino microcontroller based laser diode controller

1. Introduction & Background Theory 1.1 Objective The objective of this project is to research, analyze, design, fully implement, and program an Arduino Uno microcontroller board to achieve PI control of the output power of a laser diode. Laser diodes require variable current sources for operation, as the current must be adjusted to maintain linear […]



INTRODUCTION This DIY Arduino project explores various ways to enable communication and connectivity between an Arduino board and external devices or networks. Specifically, it focuses on three components – Arduino serial communication to Processing, Arduino with Ethernet shield, and Arduino with GPRS. The Arduino is an open-source hardware and software platform for building electronics projects […]

Real Time Body Temperature Tracking via IoT and LoRa Networks Using Arduino

Real-Time Body Temperature Tracking via IoT and LoRa Networks Using Arduino

Featured Application The research project described in the paper seeks to develop a real-time human body temperature tracking system using the Internet of Things (IoT) and LoRa wireless network technologies. Specifically, an Arduino microcontroller is used to interface with a body temperature sensor and transmit the sensor data via a LoRa module to monitor temperature […]

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