Arduino UNO Projects List in PDF offline downloadable

Arduino UNO Projects List in PDF :

Most of the electronics geeks are asking the whole list of Arduino UNO projects PDF here we will share list every month as our projects are being updated on daily basis. PDF is a good source to work offline. We will offer direct PDF file download link with info of its release date , number of projects.

Arduino Projects PDF

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List No. PDF Download Link Release Date Number of Projects
1 Click here Arduino UNO based Projects List in PDF file offline downloadable Sep 2022 1330
2 Click here Arduino UNO based Projects List in PDF file offline downloadable May 2018 997
  1. Arduino automatic watering system
    [caption id="attachment_19540" align="alignright" width="210"] Fig. 1: Author’s prototype[/caption] During summers, most people are too lazy to water the potted plants on their rooftop gardens every day. Explained in this section…
  2. Arduino Chandelier from Jars
    E-Edit: Thank you very very much for voting for me in Featured Author, Glue and Battery Powered Contests! Cheer up and wait for my project so special is coming... Edit: If you…
  3. Using Push Button Switch with Arduino Uno
    In this tutorial you will learn how to read the status of a digital pin of Arduino. I hope that you already go through our first tutorial, Getting Started with Arduino Uno –…
  4. Two Wire Arduino Knight Rider
    This tutorial shows how to interface eight LEDs to an Arduino using only two Arduino pins. This is made possible by using a PCF8574 I/O expander IC. A "Knight Rider"…
  5. Arduino Serial Thermometer
    The Arduino reads temperature from a MCP9700 temperature sensor IC and displays the temperature in the Arduino IDE serial monitor window. Also see the Arduino LCD thermometer tutorial (tutorial 14). Prerequisites Complete Tutorial…
  6. Using the Arduino Serial Port
    The Arduino Uno can send data (such as a text message) to the PC over the USB cable. The Arduino IDE has a serial monitor window that can be opened…
  7. Arduino Melody
    A  very easy tutorial that uses only two components. The Arduino plays a short melody on a loudspeaker. The program to load to the Arduino is one of the programs…
  8. Arduino Knight Rider
    In this tutorial, eight LEDs are interfaced to the Arduino Uno board. This is not complicated – it is just like interfacing a single LED to the Arduino as done…
  9. Arduino LCD
    In this tutorial you will connect a LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) to the Arduino Uno and then run the Arduino LCD example programs that are built into the Arduino IDE.…
  10. Make A Arduino LCD Thermometer
    In this tutorial, a temperature sensor (MCP9700 linear active thermistor IC) and LCD are connected to the Arduino. The Arduino reads the temperature from the MCP9700 on analog pin A0…
  11. Interfacing EM-18 RFID reader with Arduino Uno
    Arduino Uno is an opensource physical computing platform based on ATmega328 microcontroller and provides a development environment for writing software for the board. It can be used for a variety…
  12. Arduino + WiFi, Music Responsive LED Light Fixture using arduino
    This instructable gives instructions for constructing a Saiko5 WiFi enabled LED light fixture based on the Arduino hobbyist platform. It includes step-by-step instructions from board design to soldering to case…
  13. Trinket Audio Player using arduino
    Overview We usually think of the Adafruit Trinket as a tiny subset of a “real” Arduino; less RAM, less code space, less I/O. But this little chip has a couple…
  14. ARDUINO based IR remote control robot using arduino
    Hi everyone. This my new project IR remote control robot using arduino. This is a simple design robot you can easily build it. Step 1: Requirements: Project requirements: Arduino uno…
  15. Build Your Own Arduino & Bootload an ATmega Microcontroller – part 1
    There are many reasons to build your own Arduino circuit on a protoboard or a custom-designed printed circuit board. At the heart of the Arduino platform is an AVR microcontroller,…
  16. Arduino PWM Led Control using arduino
    Looking for a simple circuit to control the light intensity of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) or similar lighting sources? Here is an Arduino based circuit with three independent pulse width…
  17. Arduino project: Stereo Peak Program Meter using arduino
    Previously, we introduced the Arduino’s analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in detail, looking at successive-approximation A-D conversion and how it’s the best compromise between speed and cost. This time, we start putting…
  18. New Arduino WiFi Shield (Testing) usign arduino
    The WiFi Shield was delivered by Amazon. The Arduino UNO Rev 3 was found at RadioShack… First you need to load the last Arduino IDE (Ver 1.0.2) it has the…
  19. Light Meter Using I2C Level Converter, LCD, and TSL2561using arduino
    I recently needed to measure how different materials affect light transmission for a gardening project.  I decided this was the perfect opportunity to try out the new logic level converter…
  20. Ollie- a DIY autonomous robotic blimp using arduino
    Ollie is an open source blimp-based autonomous and ambient robot that dwells in human habitats. Ollie is observant, often flying in a manner suggesting curiosity for the world around him.…
  21. Shaun The Noisy Sheep using arduino
    Make A "doorbell" using an Arduino Uno, a Wave shield from Adafruit, a small speaker, a plug, a Sharp distance sensor and a Shaun the Sheep.  Our Shaun is used…
  22. Telecran (Etch a Sketch) + Arduino = Telecranduino ! using arduino
    I came across a bunch of stepper motors and I have since been looking for a project to do with the kids. An old Telecran (French for Etch-a-Sketch) later, we…
  23. Car No. 06 Programmed Automatic Driving Car using arduino
    Hi! Kaeru no Ojisan is back with Car No.06. Car No.06 is a Programmed Automatic Driving Car with following procedure; - Simulate the Car Trajectory based on the Target Passing…
  24. Light and obstacle detecting bot using arduino
    Introduction For our ECSP project we have made a bot that senses and follows light and at the same time avoids obstacles. Rationale We wanted some hands on experience in…
  25. 8 LED Chaser with 74HC595 8 Bit Shift Register using arduino
    Have you wanted to make a sweet Cylon/Knight Rider (Larson) Scanner effect? But you don’t want to use up all of your Arduino IO pins? Well, you can make a…
  26. Make A 3D LED Cube Using Arduino
    The 3D LED Cube is a really cool device that enables you to see in three dimensions, get some depth perception and has 512 LED's or 512 pixels. It is…
  27. Surfin’ Bird (Arduino Style) using arduino
    I just hope every body's heard. The Bird is the Word! This is a simple device to play Surfin Bird really loudly when someone trips off the motion sensor. If…
  28. Voice Recognition System using arduino
    Contents 1 Team Members 2 Mentor 3 Concept 4 Softwares Used 5 circuits 5.1 Pre Amp circuit 5.1.1 Circuit Diagram 5.1.2 Working 5.2 EEPROM circuit 5.3 Led Matrix display circuit…
  29. Arduino powered Haunted Pumpkin using arduino
    This is a cute little project that takes a pumpkin, motion sensor, and some parts from Radio Shack. It was fun to create and build. This project was sponsored by…
    Hello friends,Welcome to ElectroPLUS . This is a post to show how to make voice control car using arduino and android. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: 1.Arduino uno or Induino R3 board. Hello…
  31. Arduino-enabled Patron Interaction Counting using arduino
    Using the Arduino development board ( has become a very popular way to create hardware prototypes that bridge the divide between the physical world and the Internet. This article outlines…
  32. SPI Interfaces using Arduino
    Update (6/7/2012) – I’ve had to disable comments on this post, because it is being targeted by spam bots for some reason. Please use the contact page if you have…
  33. Make An Arduino RFID Card Reading
    Finally! It’s been about 3 months since my last Arduino tutorial – I’ve been keeping busy as usual. I’ve been working on this one for some time. I got the…
  34. LilyPad Arduino – the wearable technology using arduino
    Introduzione LilyPad Arduino is one of the many Arduino microcontrollers, but unlike the more well-known Arduino UNO, MEGA and Yun, this little board has very specific characteristics that make it…
  35. USB Biofeedback Game Controller using arduino
    Building upon our last tutorial, which taught you how to build a muscle sensor, we've decided to give you a project that really showcases the power of our muscle (EMG)…
  36. Making 1×10 LED Array with Random Patterns
    This will teach you how to make a very simple 1x10 array of LEDs on a breadboard controlled by an Arduino Uno to make the LEDs blink and flash in…
  37. The party starter using arduino
    A desktop motorized musical disco ball.  Great for holiday parties, impromptu dance-offs, and Tuesday afternoons.   Bling, Music, Arduino, and glitter covered styrofoam; this Instructable has got what you need to get…
  38. Arduino ISP (In System Programming) and stand-alone circuits
    We use an Arduino to program other ATmega without bootloader . This technique allows you to use all flash memory for code and make boards using new ATmega, cheaper than those…
  39. Digispark RGB LED Fader
    Forward: This instructable was originally posted at My students and I developed it into this exemplar, for which they received a very good mark. Viewing the following video may…
  40. Telemetry with solar cell using an Arduino
    *NOTE* THIS PROJECT IS DONE BY A GROUP OF STUDENTS FROM SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC. Telemetry - Solar Cells Our project is using Arduino with the ZigBee to transmit and receive data…
  41. BARC Jeep – An XBOX Controlled Power Wheels
    Make a power wheels jeep that is controlled by an XBOX controller. This particular build is using Power Wheels® Jeep® Hurricane with Monster Traction™ but should be usable across many different types…
  42. [OoB] Shooting paintball maker with relay, Arduino and .NET WinForms
    [OoB] Shooting paintball maker with relay, Arduino and .NET WinForms My first Arduino based project was Sonar with C#, JS and HTML5. Now I continue the "Out of Boredom" series…
  43. Arduino Controlled RGB LED Dot Matrix Board
    This project is a relatively straightforward and simple DIY music board. The Dot Matrix Board will allow any aged person to create their own music and beats. All you need…
  44. 5×5 rgb lpd6803-led matrix arduino controlled
    what: a 5*5 rgb led matrix, made with arduino and lpd6803 based leds from adafruit. with an pir sensor, it goes on if it detects movements and a ir distace…
  45. Self-contained 16-Digit display – Arduino & Attiny85
    Ever wanted a 7-segment display for around the house? Here's your chance to make one! It can even be interactive based on the programming.Parts: ($7.60) 16 Digit TM1640 based display…
  46. An Open Source, hackable Digital Clock
    Andrew O’Malley, an amazingly creative maker, created this fanstastic Open Source Arduino-based clock that can display the time in many different ways: if not enough, one can also add his…
  47. IR Harp using arduino
    Contents 1 Team Members 2 Mentor 3 Introduction 4 Components Used 5 Idea 6 Arduino Uno Board (ATMega328P) 7 Approach to Project 8 Sound Synthesis 8.1 Delay() 8.2 Interrupts 8.3…
  48. Arduino animatronics- make your awesome costumes more awesome
    Here's how to add lights, sound and action to your favorite Halloween project using the open source Arduino microcontroller. Arduino is easy to learn to use and it opens up…
  49. Read analog data directly in Processing using arduino
    This instructable presents a fast an easy way to use data received from an analog sensor in Processing. You will learn to utilize the Arduino and prototype electronic boards to…
  50. The Arduino Noise Machine
    Okay, okay, I know you all were wondering what I am up to now. I love synths and so, I built this. There are three things that can catch my…
  51. Connect the arduino and make the speaker play
    To make your Arduino to play a melody you need thes accessories. One 5 ohm speaker One Arduino uno board One Push buttom One 10 kohm resistor 8 leds And a…
  52. Team 1 Final Project Report & Video: Arduino Video Game System using arduino
    Introduction We built a video game system that can play either Snakes or Pong.  We saw a project called “Arduino Pong” and wanted to recreate it with our own twist.…
  53. How To Make A Arduino Robotic Arm
    In this instructable I will show you how to make a simple robotic arm controlled by 4 servos , 2 analog joysticks, and an Arduino UNO. It is very similar…
  54. The Versatile Arduino Robot using arduino
    This is my first arduino robot, and I am quite happy with the outcome. What I came up with is a robot that with modifications can do just about anything…
  55. A useful and simple IO Shield for Arduino
    In order to “visually” highlight the behavior of Arduino programs you must connect a device to the I/O pins, which gives you tangible signals. Normally, if you want to check…
  56. Using an Arduino to Control or Test an SPI electronic device
    There are many electronic devices that use the SPI  bus, or Serial Peripheral Interface bus, for communications (e.g. various sensors, LCD displays, digital potentiometers, D/A and A/D converters, wireless transmitters…
  57. Airmonica – a free-air musical instrument
    improvise + harmonize + customize The airmonica is a easy-to-learn tweakable musical instrument that you can use to perform harmonic musical ditties by accompanying a tri-tone arpeggiator. There are endless…
  58. Ardusumo: an Open Source Platform for Fighting Robots using Arduino
    The idea Ardusumo is a universal platform to build robots on wheels that can move around avoiding obstacles using infrared sensors and follow routes marked with dark lines on a…
  59. Stepper Motor drive from Arduino
    Stepper Motor drive from Arduino In this tutorial we will show you how to connect a bipolar stepper motor to an Arduino Uno board. The stepper motor we are using…
  60. UVic Quadcopter using arduino
    Hardware Controller The Arduino platform is selected for this project, mainly due to its open software and hardware nature which has resulted in availability of extensive technical information. As a…
  61. MenZ-DECK
    About a year ago, we drunk beer in The-MenZ Lab. When Zagan said "I want PCDJ controller, So next project is make controller!". The project began at this time. ***MenZ-DECK…
  62. Team 12 – Prototype I Final Report: Home Automation Project using arduino
    Introduction The Home Automation Framework project is a web application that can remotely control the electronic devices in one’s home using a web interface on a smartphone, tablet or desktop…
  63. Infinite Loop – Prototype I Final Report: Hazardous Weather Warning System using arduino
    Introduction: The LED warning system notifies local residents of emergency withing the area.  The difference in the color of the LED will allow residents to differentiate between different warnings.  Each…
  64. Bicycle North Indicator using Arduino
    Magnetoception is the ability of some animals to detect magnetic fields as a means of orienting themselves.  Although humans do not seem to posses the same biological mechanisms that allow other…
  65. Shade Technologies – Prototype I Final Report: Motorized Wheelchair Canopy using arduino
    Introduction Our Motorized Wheelchair Canopy intends to help those people with disabilities that confine them to their motorized wheelchairs and need shelter at times of inclement weather, such as rain…
  66. Fab Lab Barcelona SuperNode /Fab Lab Sevilla /Jose Perez de Lama
    Retablillo de las Maravillas v1.0 Developed july>>august 2013 4./ Interactivity & electronics 4.1/ Switches / characters 4.2/ Screen / interface 4.3/ Motor controller 4.4/ I/O controller & interface [4./ electronics]…
  67. Arduino powered 7seg led display with Port Manipulation
    Time for something a little more advanced. Direct Port Manipulation. Normally when using Arduino software, the actual logic behind changing the values in pins is abstracted away with digitalRead and…
  68. High Power RGB LED Moodlamp which syncs with Philips Hue
    In this instructable the main focus lies on the software which I've created - not so much on the hardware side. You needn't to use a high- power led for…
  69. Buggy Wheelchair Robot using an Arduino
    This is a Modification of an electric wheelchair. I called it "Buggy" for two reasons. #1 My kids can still ride it around because I left the seat intact. #2…
  70. Make A FOBO Bipedal Walking Robot Using Arduino
    FOBO is the fourth prototype from Project Biped.  It is a 3D printed, self-contained, statically balanced, bipedal robot. It has 8 DOF (degrees of freedom) and can walk around its…
  71. CatBot: Automated Cat Laser using an Arduino
    The CatBot is an autonomous laser toy for your cat. You may say "But Joe, isn't the laser pointer the best toy for the lazy cat owner?" I'd have to…
  72. Arduino compatible Luna Mod Looper
    The Luna Mod Looper, basically lets you record a sequence using a potentiometer to control the pitch of the note, and then play it back and add affects. Ever since…
  73. Athena: The Global Car Tracking System(3D Images)
    Bring out your 3D glasses and enjoy viewing in a novel way! I have added a new dimension to my instructable. If you do not have 3D glasses, then you…
  74. Piano Stairs with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
    Who doesn't love music? These Piano Stairs are an interactive, relatively portable, musical installation that can be applied to basically any stairwell. I built them for HackPrinceton and won 2nd…
  75. Solar theremin with Arduino using arduino
    materials: arduino uno 3 photoresistors 4 buzzers 3 10k resistor (optional) usb solar pannel or usb battery Step 1: Why? During the 2014 art Exhibition at Met (M. di Ragusa),…
  76. Make A Multitouch Music Controller Using Arduino
    This project is an Arduino-powered infrared touchscreen / coffee-table interface that I've been using to control various music and graphics applications on my computer. This is an old project that…
  77. Arduino ATmega328 – Hardcore using arduino
    Ok, you've completed your prototype using an Arduino Uno board, perhaps using a shield or a breadboard for any additional components, but now you want to finalise your design and…
  78. Plugduino – Arduino based 120 Volt outlet controller
    give your Arduino a 120 volt kick in the pants! The Arduino is a great tool for anyone interested in learning microcontroller programming, but after blinking some LEDs, what's next?…
  79. Arduino Masterclass Part 2: Build an LED weather station using arduino
    Project-specific parts You’ll need the standard parts (Arduino board breadboard wires pliers and so on) along with these extras: DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor 7 x 330-ohm/0.5W metal film resistors 3 x…
  80. Easily control your iPod using Arduino
    Easily control your iPod with Arduino using serial commands. This instructable includes the schematic, the code and some extra info; everything you need to make this work. USB,battery or wall…
  81. RC Car to Robot using arduino
    Converting an RC car into a robot is a quick and easy way to get started with robotics. At the very least, when you get bored of playing with your…
  82. Arduino Guitar Pedal using arduino
    The Arduino Guitar Pedal is a digital multi-effect pedal based upon the Lo-Fi Arduino Guitar Pedal originally posted by Kyle McDonald. I made a few modifications to his original design.…
  83. Arduino Optical Theremin
    When I first became aware of Arduino, a theremin seemed like a natural project: sensor + actuator.  It turned out to be quite affordable and fun to make.  It is…
  84. Arduino Wireless Programming with XBee Series 1 or 2
    Hi. This Instructable will guide you through the process of wirelessly  programming your Arduino using two XBees. I just finished designing a wireless EEG system with the XBee modules, so I've become quite fluent…
  85. My Arduino Binary Clock
    Hi from Italy Although many watches are created binary, my project was inspired mainly to this: http://, very smart and funny. I tried to improve the design and to…
  86. Using Arduino tide predictions using arduino
    In the previous post, I outlined some Arduino code to generate tide height predictions for a NOAA tidal reference station. Now let’s do something useful with this newfound functionality. In…
  87. Make A Low Cost LED Grid Using Arduino
    There are a number of great Instructables on LED grids out there.  This is a low cost version - not quite as polished, but easy to make. This project uses…
  88. Arduino controlled Interactive wallpiece
    This project is a subset of my idea of an interactive wall.. so this is an interactive wall-piece.. What does it do ?   Mine is a touch activated light display.…
  89. Intro to Arduino
    An Arduino is an open-source microcontroller development board. In plain English, you can use the Arduino to read sensors and control things like motors and lights. This allows you to…
  90. Sentriduino! Its the all new Sentry turret
    Hey guys, Today I would like to show you how to make a simple sentry turret out of household Items! You would only need to get an Arduino UNO or…
  91. Temperature-Sensitive Infinity Mirror
    As per an assignment in my digital multi-media class, I’ve combined two Arduino-related tutorials into a functional object! The result is a pair of infinity mirrors that flash red and…
  92. Wireless nunchuk controlled animatronic doll
    This instructable will attempt to show you how to make an animatronic doll controlled by a wireless nunchuk. This doll can only move its head though. I'm sure there are…
  93. Blinky Lights using Arduino and LumiGeek
    I used the Arduino UNO combined with three LumiGeek shields to run lighting. LumiGeek has dedicated shields to support 1 Watt RGB LEDs that require constant current, Addressable RGB LED…
  94. Analog audio panel for PC using Arduino
    Have you ever struggled with audio settings in control panel in middle of a VoIP call? Or, wondered if the other guy can hear you properly? I have. My work…
  95. 4X4X4 LED Cube w/ Arduino Un
    As someone who is very new to digital electronics this LED cube was fun to make, challenging and a great lesson in soldering. If you have some patience (64 LED's…
  96. How To Make Arduino Color Sensor
    Here we will be learning how to make a color sensor. my model consists of three cardboard compartments containing an LED - one red, one blue, and one green -…
  97. Cat Repelling PIR motion sensor (covert) speaker box alarm using Arduino
    This is a PIR motion sensor device that works with the arduino uno. In order to make it covert enough to be placed in multiple settings and portable enough to fit most places,…
  98. Digital Clock with Arduino and DS1307
    In this article you will learn how to make a digital clock using Arduino and the DS1307 RTC IC. What is DS1307 IC actually? Well, it is a Real Time…
  99. Arduino Drawbot
    In some of my previous Arduino instructurables I have show to the Arduino beginers on how to control servos in different ways. And in my last instructurable I have show the modification…
  100. The Traveling Geocache using Arduino
    This project and future projects can be found at my website  where you can also find my blog. UPDATE LOG: NOW SUPER SIMPLE TO REPROGRAM! Easy FTDI USB interface…
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