ESP32 Arduino Projects List:
The ESP32 is a development board that combines Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities, and it’s dual core.
Most of the electronics geeks are asking the whole list of ESP32 Arduino Projects List here we will share list every month as our projects are being updated on daily basis. This repository includes projects with ESP32, Arduino and related with Internet of Things and Home Automation.
u-blox Module Release, STMicro, and Arduino: IoT Communications News Brief RoundupIntroduction This commentary will provide an in-depth analysis of the key developments highlighted in the article titled "u-blox Module Release, STMicro, and Arduino: Please find the compilation of the latest…
“HiFi” Online Radio: Internet Streaming With ESP32 and VS1053Instructions on creating an Internet Radio Streamer with the ESP32 and the MP3 decoder "VS1053". Numerous tutorials exist for a device like this online (many of which provided the information…
DIY ESP32 Wifi Self Balancing Robot – B-Robot ESP32 Arduino Programing This article is proudly sponsored by PCBWAY. PCBWAY make high quality prototyping PCBs for people all over the world. Try it for your self and get 10 PCBs for…
Secure IOT With AWS and Hornbill ESP32 Using Arduino.Security of connected devices is of paramount concern. There are several possible ways to make the devices secure. One of the most essential and widely used options is to use…
ISS Globe- Blinks When the ISS Passes Overhead Howdy! If you are interested in astronomy and always look up at the stars and not down at your feet, you'll surely know the ISS. The ISS or The…
How to Make a Self-Watering IoT Planter With a Mason Jar and an ESP32!Introduction: On one of my weekly pilgrimages to Lowes (as any devout Kansan does), I found a sad little plant in the Gardening Department: a Janet Craig Compacta. The poor…
Internet Radio Using an ESP32Dear friends welcome to another Instructable! Today we are going to build an Internet Radio device with a big 3.5” display using an inexpensive ESP32 board. Believe it or not, we can…
ESP32 Internet RadioThe affordable MP3 VS1053 codec processor available on is said to have the ability to decode different music formats such as Ogg Vorbis/MP3/AAC/WMA/MIDI audio. VS1053 can also record in…
Game & MINTIAThis instructables show how to use a tiny sweet box to make a NES console. Supplies TTGO T7 v1.3 1.54" ST7789 IPS LCD Lipo 303040 MAX98357…
DIY Arduino Project ARDUINO SERIAL COMMUNICATION TO PROCESSING, ARDUINO WITH ETHERNET SHIELD, ARDUINO WITH GPRSINTRODUCTION This DIY Arduino project explores various ways to enable communication and connectivity between an Arduino board and external devices or networks. Specifically, it focuses on three components - Arduino…
ESP32/ESP8266: Seamless Data Integration with MySQL and PHPThis project involves creating a device with either an ESP32 or ESP8266 that can connect with a server from a distance. The gadget will function as an HTTP client by…
Smart Electricity Meter with Energy Monitoring and Feedback System for Theft DetectionThe project is basically to detect the theft from the energy meter used in households as well as in... Description The project is basically to detect the theft from the…
High-Power Control: Arduino + N-Channel MOSFETEventually you are going to find yourself holding a 12v solenoid, motor, or light and wondering “How the heck am I supposed to control this from my Arduino?” And we…
Creating a DIY device for monitoring power consumption using ESP32Electrical appliances, such as smartphones chargers and room heaters, play a crucial role in our everyday routines. This includes larger devices like air conditioners and washing machines. With the ongoing…
esp32 devkit v1 pinoutGPIO pins of ESP32 DEVKIT As previously stated, the chip on this board contains 48 GPIO pins, although not all pins are reachable via dev boards. The ESP32 devkit features…
ESP32-WROOM-32 (ESP-WROOM-32)This guide describes the pinout of the ESP32 development board and concentrates on ESP32 devkit, in particular. Actually, the ESP32 devkit comprises of the ESP-WROOM-32 which actual implementation we shall…
Gesture Sensor Control Using ArduinoThe DF Robot Gravity sensor now combines gesture controls and touch switches, offering an expanded array of combinations to manage the ON/OFF switch. Narrative This sensor module combines gesture recognition…
Redesigning the RA-02 Breakout board moduleStory The RA-02 Breakout module includes level converters The RA-02 Breakout Module is designed to be beginner-friendly and compatible with breadboards. Many of them may possess one or more RA-02…
Our Personal Favourite Arduino Projects for you to Try in 2023In the realm of do-it-yourself (DIY) electronics and robotics projects, Arduino stands as a prominent open-source microcontroller platform. It boasts a user-friendly nature and enjoys a vast community of users…
How to Build a Midbar ESP8266 VersionA while ago, I made the ESP32 version of Midbar which later evolved into a multi-user Cipherbox. While developing the Cipherbox, I realized that even the Lite version of it might be too expensive and…
BLE Indoor/Outdoor Weather StationThis indoor/outdoor Weather Station is the third in a series of Very Low Power BLE - 2022 projects. The very low power BLE temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure sensor…
Custom NanoLeaf Lights! DIY, Wireless, Modular, Arduino, 3D Printed!I am very excited to share this project with you because it looks absolutely beautiful and is super easy to make! It's a NanoLeaf inspired wireless Arduino RGB LED lights…
Cthulhu Party Lamp/Accessory Using NeoPixels and ESP32But was I really? Something was missing... It'd been a while since I last went to a festival. Y'know, that whole pandemic thing? It had also been some time since my last…
Build a Tank Volume Reader in Under $30 Using ESP32The Internet of Things has brought a lot of formerly complex device applications into the homes of many craft brewers and wine makers. Applications with level sensors have been used…
ESP32 Solar Weather StationFor my first IoT project I wanted to build a Weather Station and send the data to Small correction, when I decided to open my account in Sparkfun, they…
Chat Server Using ArduinoA simple server that distributes any incoming messages to all connected clients. To use, open a terminal window, telnet to your devices IP address, and type away. Any incoming text…
ESP8266/ESP-12 Arduino Powered SmartThings DS18B20 Temp. SensorWe all like to know what the current room temperature is, and sometimes what the temperature is in another room, or maybe even in your vacation house on the other…
Solar Weight-Based Plant Management With ESP32Growing plants is fun and watering and caring for them is not really a hassle. Microcontroller applications to monitor their health are all over the internet and the inspiration for…
ESP32 LoRa Changing FrequencyWhat would you think about a program, made in the C language of the Arduino IDE, that makes the LoRa radio change frequency? This is what you will learn about…
Mail AlarmAfter completing my GSM Home Alarm V1.0 and some time of using, I decided to make some modifications. In the hardware the main changes are the replacement of the ultrasonic sensor…
NeoPixel Reactive TableWelcome to my version of the LED reactive table! I was inspired by previous work using discrete LEDs, such as this one, but I figured it would be easier and more…
Intelligent-Vision Eye-glasses For BlindAn AI Automation glasses to solving problems for the legally blind, low vision, glaucoma and Cataract. Abstract After the successful prototype for the Blind Glass @Blind-targeted AI Glasses Friends and…
WorkSafe CV based multiparameter monitoring and diagnosticsWorksafe is an attempt to bring advanced healthcare diagnostics to residential and industrial markets at affordable costs. Description As we all are aware, it's been almost two years since the…
PATROL FISH TO COLLECT AND CHECK THE CONTAMINATION OF A WATER BODYRobotic fish is a biomimicking of a real-world fish being developed with a view to enable surface level cleaning of water bodies. Introduction Robotic fish is a biomimicking of a…
Dumbledore’s Deluminator A.k.a the Put-OuterSome might say that it belongs to Ron Weasley now, but to me & most of the Harry Potter fans, it'll always be Dumbledore's Deluminator. It was designed by Albus…
Ultimate Kids Musicbox ESP32 BasedThere are already some NFC jukeboxes. Off the shelf like those "Toni" boxes. For do-it-yourself: lots of instructables. This device should cover as much as possible, which could come into…
How to Build a DIY WiFi Smart Oximeter Using MAX30102 and Arduino ESP32This WiFi Smart Oximeter helps you scan Spo2 and BPM using MAX30102 and ESP32 and display the values on the Smartphone Step 1: In this tutorial, I will explain how…
Light Palate–Selective Lighting for Your Next FeastThe permutations that fine food has gone through in the last 20 years has been quite amazing. Every nuance has been tweaked and romanced over. Growing up in the midwest…
Smart Thermometer Using Esp-01F and Web Socket [Arduino IDE]In one of the previous instructable, we saw how to make a simple thermometer with ATTINY 85 which can last for 140days with a single battery and it still works great…
TDS Measuring in AquariumI have an idea to build a smart aquarium by improving my fish tank. It sounds very difficult for it: monitoring the water, automatic water changing, automatic feeding and so…
DIY ESP32 Security CAMHey guys and welcome back, This is my DIY Security Cam which is made from an ESP32 connected with a 5V Charger circuit that converts 240V AC into 5V…
IoT DemoThe following model was created as a teaching aid for a demonstration of IoT concepts. The associated PowerPoint is attached to the end of this Instructable. This Instructable will cover:…
Arduino IoT Cloud ESP32 Alexa Voice Control Smart Home | IoT 2021In this IoT project, I have shown how to make an IoT-based Home Automation with Arduino IoT Cloud & Alexa using ESP32 to control 4 home appliances with voice commands.…
EDISON RadioThis project is bases on the internet radio by Ed Smallenburg. He did an awesome job in creating a working internet-based radio. He shared his coding and hardware on the…
Automatic Weight Scale and Timer for Machine La Marzocco Linea Miniin the Coffee's era, the current era is called the third wave coffee era. In previous eras, coffee quality was not as much attention as it is today by connoisseurs.…
Arduino/ESP32 Capacitive Touch SensorAdding touch interfaces to your projects might seem difficult at first, but it really isn't. In this Instructable I'll show you how to do it using an Arduino or ESP32…
3D Printed SpirometerSpirometers are the classical instrument to perform the parsing of air as it is blown out of your mouth. They consist of a tube that you blow into that records…
Inverter Aurora ABB (Power One) Web Monitor (WIM) With Esp8266Autonomous centraline with an esp8266 that grab and store data from inverter and show charts and various data of production and can send notification email if there are some problems. It is a quite user-friendly browser based monitoring solution, It's allows…
Make a Digital Photo Album by ESP32Last week I made an electronic photo album that I could place on my work desk to show some photos. I can take a look at relaxing when I'm tired…
ESP32 TTGO WiFi Signal StrengthIn this tutorial we will learn how to display a WiFi network signal strength using ESP32 TTGO board. Watch the video! Step 1: What You Will Need TTGO ESP32WiFi…
Arduino Text I/O for Real World ApplicationsQuick Start This tutorial will take you through the steps you can use to successfully process Real World text I/OYou should avoid using any Serial methods in your loop() code…
How to Create an Animatronic Dragon ModelROOAAARR!! Before you learn how to train your dragon, you need to first obtain a dragon, and there's no better way than to make it yourself! This guide will explain…
Think-a-Tron MiniThis Instructable is a standalone follow on to my recent Think-a-Tron 2020 project. You can see a picture of my Think-a-Tron "family" including the original, 2020, and Mini versions above.…
Real VO2Max–Measure Your Athletic PotentialVO2Max is an interesting concept that proposes that there is a natural limited ability to extract Oxygen nutrient out of the air and consume it. It is like the IQ…
Wind Speed Monitor Via MQTTOnce I failed to control the drone because of the wind so I want to measure the wind speed to know whether it is suitable for the drone flight in…
Mini-TV Weather Station With the ESP32!!Hello everyone, today I'm going to show you how I built a Mini-TV weather station with Open Weather Map and the ESP32! Background and Troubleshooting I'm not kidding when I say the…
End of Days Clock The days got shorter here in Alaska until it felt like the murky light was only a short interruption of a long sleep so I built a clock to…
BLACKBOARD V-PLOTTERIn this instructable, I'd like to share how to build a vertical plotter that can draw texts and images on the blackboard. Let's getting started. Time-lapse video with hatch…
Professional Weather Station Using ESP8266 and ESP32 DIY (Please Check the V2.0 Improved Version Link!)PLEASE CHECK THE NEW IMPROVED WEATHER STATION LINEAMETEOSTAZIONE v2.0! LINK VERSION 2.0 LINEAMETEOSTAZIONE HERE LineaMeteoStazione is a complete weather station which can be interfaced with professional sensors from Sensirion as…
MicroBot V1So this is my microbot V1 which is an ESP32 based robot which is powered by a Wemos d32 pro and controlled by Blynk. Its body is a 3D printed…
TWO WHEELS CRAZY RC CARAbout two years ago, I carried out a project involving a 2 wheel self-balancing robot from broken toy car. After upgrading it to new version, this broken toy car was…
Show CO2 Historical Level Curve With ESP32Once I had made a project about the CO2 monitor that had such a problem. The displayed value changes too frequently and fluctuates greatly, which makes it impossible for me…
Personalized Professional Weather Station DIY, LineaMeteoStazione V2.0! Using EZSBC Boards ESP32, ESP8266, Attiny85LineaMeteoStazione, in the improved version, is a complete weather station solar powered which can be interfaced with professional sensors from Sensirion as well as some Davis Instrument component (Rain Gauge,…
ESP32 CAM WEB Server and Getting Started GuideThis Instructables is all about setting up ESP32 CAM Webserver. The goal here is to connect ESP32 CAM with FTDI Module and program it with the CAM WEB SERVER sketch…
Tom the Tortoise ThiefI had 8 small and really old servos, as well as an ESP32 that was soldered onto a copper stripboard. I therefore decided to make a walking quadruped that would…
DIY Solar Panel Monitoring System – V1.0A few months back, I have installed a small-scale Off-Grid Solar System. I am always very curious to see the performance of my solar PV system, and the good news…
Getting Started With ESP-MESH and 8266 -8266Introduction ESP-MESH is a networking protocol built on the top of the Wi-Fi protocol. ESP-MESH allows numerous devices (generally referred as nodes) spread over a large physical area to be…
Toy Camera Using ESP32 + OV2640 Camera and 3.5″ TFT Touchscreen This project is for educational purposes. I made this for teaching engineering classes for my kids. It helps to describes how the camera works. It consists of three main…
Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V3.0In this Instructable, we will learn how to make a Solar-powered wireless weather station by using an ESP32 Wifi Module and few common weather sensors available in the market. The…
DIY Game ControllerHey everyone what's up... so this is my DIY Game controller. It uses an Arduino Pro Micro which runs with HID Function, this is actually the second version of my…
TClock – Tissue Box ClockIn this Instructable I will show you how you can convert an empty tissue box into a cool Arduino based clock that can show the time, date, current temperature &…
Internet Speed Gauge Overview This "Internet Speed Gauge" will give you near real time oversight of your network usage. This information is available on the web interface of most home routers. However,…
A Useful RemembrallIf you've ever watched the Harry Potter series, then you would have seen Neville receive a gift from his Gran which was a Remembrall. For those Muggles who haven't watched…
IoT Hydroponics – Using IBM’s Watson for PH and EC MeasurementsThis instructable will show how to monitor EC, pH, and temperature of a hydroponics setup and upload the data to IBM's Watson service.Watson is free to get started with. There…
ESP8266 LED Matrix ClockESP8266 LED Matrix Clock Simple LED matrix Clock based on the popular ESP8266 with Real Time Clock module and time synchronization over WiFi from an NTP server. NEW ! ESP32 version also…
ESP32 Xiaomi Hack – Get Data WirelesslyDear friends welcome to another Instructable! Today we are going to learn how to get the data that this Xiaomi Temperature and Humidity monitor transmits using the Bluetooth functionality of the ESP32…
Radioactivity Counter (IoT) and Monitoring Eco-systemC-GM firmware last update on June, 10th 2019 with new 1.3 versionA-GM applicationlast update on Nov, 25th 2019 with new 1.3 version This D.I.Y low cost (50$/43€) C-GM Counter project provides hardware and firmware for building a Geiger-Müller counter device aka G.M.…
The Ultimate Light SwitchThe goal of this instructable is to explain how I made a wifi-connected light switch (also called remotes further). The goal of these remotes is to turn on and off…
Tide and Weather ClockAlthough you can buy analog tide clocks that have a single hand indicating whether the tide is high or low or somewhere in between, what I wanted was something that…
HRV (Home Air Exchanger) Arduino Controller With Air EconomizerHRV Arduino Controller with Air Economizer So my history with this project is I live in Minnesota and my circuit board fried on my LifeBreath 155Max HRV. I didn't want…
ESP32 Capacitive Touch Input Using “Metallic Hole Plugs” for Buttons As I was finalizing design decisions for an upcoming ESP32 WiFi Kit 32 based project requiring three button input, one noticeable problem was that the WiFi Kit 32 does…
ESP32 NTP Temperature Probe Cooking Thermometer With Steinhart-Hart Correction and Temperature Alarm. Still on the journey to complete an "upcoming project", "ESP32 NTP Temperature Probe Cooking Thermometer With Steinhart-Hart Correction and Temperature Alarm" is an Instructable showing how I add an…
Esplora X M5StackThis instructables show how to combine Arduino Esplora and M5Stack to make a NES game console. Step 1: What Is Arduino Esplora? Arduino Esplora is an Atmega32U4 AVR microcontroller board.…
Vacuum Fluorescent Display WatchThat whole project started a while back with an hackaday article from 2014 in which [Johngineer] build the 'ChronodeVFD', a wristwatch made from an old soviet vacuum fluorescent display. It kind of…
Dev Board BreadboardThis Instructables show how to create a tailor-made breadboard for dev board. Step 1: Current Breadboard Breadboard (solderless breadboards) is a very import component for prototyping of electronics. It can…
TTGO T-Watch This instructables show how to start playing with TTGO T-Watch. Step 1: What Is TTGO T-Watch? TTGO T-Watch is watch shape ESP32 based development kit. 16 MB flash and…
Weather Based Music Generator (ESP8266 Based Midi Generator)Hi, today I'll explain how to make your own little Weather based Music generator. It's based on an ESP8266, which is kind of like an Arduino, and it responds to…
Magic Button 4k: the 20USD BMPCC4k Wireless Remote Control Many people have asked me to share some details about my wireless controller for the BMPCC4k. Most questions were about the bluetooth control, so I'll mention a few details…
Home Automation using Bluetooth of ESP32 with Videos (Hindi & English)In this project, we will be dealing with the inbuilt Bluetooth feature in ESP32 Development board and try to build an application around it. The Bluetooth system can be divided…
Arduino MKR1000 & FavoriotA simple IoT experiment, using an Arduino MKR1000 board to monitor a potentiometer and DHT11 sensor via Favoriot IoT platform. Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 ×…
IoT and Touch-Based Home Automation with Video (Hindi & English)We have seen various applications of IoT but what about adding the touch to it. In this project, we will add simple touch buttons to the ESP-32 Wi-Fi module. ESP-32…
Internet of Things (IoT) LED Lamp with Video (Hindi & English)In this project, we handle the output pin of ESP32 for switching and dimming a DC LED lamp using a local Web server. For a local Web server, we do not…
Iot Home Automation Using ESP-32 with Videos (Hindi & English)Back in earlier days, when the word Internet of Things (IoT) was not a sound bite, developers of this field used various Wi-Fi shields to enable the Wi-Fi feature in…
Weather Forecasting on ESP32In any power utility corporation ash dyke management is a huge issue. For fugitive dust control huge sprinklers that spray water all along the dry portion of the dyke are…
Dash Button Santa with Arduino MKR1000Send information to Santa Claus about the status of the gift request. Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm × 1 Jumper…
Using Python and Arduino MKR1000 for Secure IoTGetting started with Python and Arduino MKR1000 for secure IoT projects. Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 Software apps and online services Zerynth Studio Story…
How to Get Started with the ESP32ESP32 is the hottest new wireless chip out there, offering both WiFi and Bluetooth Low Energy radios rolled up with a dual-core 32-bit processor and packed with peripherals of every…
ESP32 TutorialsThe ESP8266 has become one of those ubiquitous parts that everyone knows. However, the new ESP32 has a lot of great new features, too. If you want to take the ESP32…
ESP32 Hands-On: Awesome PromiseThe ESP32 is looking like an amazing chip, not the least for its price point. It combines WiFi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities with two CPU cores and a decent hardware…
ESP32 Arduino: LED PWM fading The objective of this post is to explain how to fade a LED with the ESP32, using the LED PWM functionalities. Introduction The objective of this post is to explain…