Metering – Instrument Projects

Arduino Solar Cell Tester

Arduino Solar Cell Tester

When I’m building Solar Shrubs and other solar-powered creations, I often scavenge cells from various off-the-shelf devices such as solar garden or security lights. But these cells are rarely labeled as to their voltage, current, and power output. So it’s off to my bread-boarding station. First, I put each cell under a lamp and connect it to my multimeter to get

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Build Your Own Sourcemeter

Build Your Own Sourcemeter Using Arduino

This is an explanation and set of building plans for a USB-powered sourcemeter with a personal computer interface. The sourcemeter uses an open-source Arduino microprocessor and the user interface uses the open-source Processing environment. The sourcemeter was designed as a homemade current-voltage (IV) tester to measure the IV characteristics of a solar cell by sweeping applied voltage across

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Zigbee Wireless Relay Control and Power Monitoring System

Zigbee Wireless Relay Control and Power Monitoring System

Introduction We designed a system for wirelessly controlling relays and monitoring current.  This is used for a home load simulation.  By wirelessly turning relays on and off by sending commands from a PC to a microcontroller we can change the total load (current) to our simulated home.  For wireless communication, we used XBee Series 2

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ADXL3xx Accelerometer using an Arduino

ADXL3xx Accelerometer using an Arduino

This tutorial shows you how to read an Analog Devices ADXL3xx series (e.g. ADXL320, ADXL321, ADXL322, ADXL330) accelerometer and communicate the acceleration to the a personal computer. This tutorial was built using the breakout boards from Sparkfun. The adafruit accelerometer breakout board also works, though it must be wired differently. The ADXL3xx outputs the acceleration

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Potentiometer or variable resistor control LED Code

Potentiometer or variable resistor control LED Code

The if() statement is the most basic of all programming control structures. It allows you to make something happen or not depending on whether a given condition is true or not. It looks like this: if (someCondition) { // do stuff if the condition is true } [Get Code] There is a common variation called if-else that looks like

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