Internet – Ethernet – LAN Projects

Cheap wireless transmission between two Arduinos with Infrared

Cheap wireless transmission between two Arduinos with Infrared

Hi all, For a project, I was looking for a cheap solution to send data from an Arduino to an other one. The serial port was already taken, and my transmission (unidirectional) needed to be wireless. My researches has brought me to discover these kinds of radio modules (433MHz). They were available on the net, […]

Cheap wireless transmission between two Arduinos with Infrared Read More »

Arduino Bug Catching Spider in Web

Bug-Catching Spider in Web using Arduino Part 2

This project is a collaboration between  idesigner4 and bhasudha(me), students in the Fall 2012 course Things That Think (CSCI 7000) at The University of Colorado – Boulder. The story of our bug-catching spider automaton goes like this: A giant evil spider resides in a big web. One day an unfortunate lady bug gets trapped in

Bug-Catching Spider in Web using Arduino Part 2 Read More »

Arduino Seismic Activity Monitor

Arduino Seismic Activity Monitor – Ethernet Shield

Have you ever wanted to impress your friends by saying something crazy like, “I think there’s going to be an earthquake soon” moments before an earthquake hits? Or do you just want some warning, a few seconds that could save your life. This project will allow you to hook up a seismic sensor to a

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Arduino Face detection and tracking

Face detection and tracking with Arduino and OpenCV

UPDATES Feb 20, 2013: In response to a question by student Hala Abuhasna if you wish to use the .NET Serial class, use the naming convention “\\\\.\\COMn” and replace n with a number > 9 to define your com port for COM ports above 9 such as COM10, COM11, etc. Mar 23, 2012: Featured on

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iAndroidRemote – Control Android mobile using an Apple Remote

I love to integrate devices which are not supposed to be integrated and this guide shows you how you can control an Android mobile using Apple’s Remote. (Who said Apple devices work only with Apple products 😉 ) Also this is my entry to the Sparkfun microcontroller context. If you like this guide, please do

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Breakout Board1

Homemade Dual H-Bridge – L298 Breakout Board using Arduino

This is my homemade Dual H-Bridge using the IC L298N. For control DC motors or step Motors ao other purposes just like you need. Breakout L298N.ppt1 MB Step 1: Hardware and Materials COMPONENTS: 1 x perf  board 13×26 holes (3,5 x 7,0 cm) 2 x AK300/3 connector 1 x 8 Header female connector for Arduino

Homemade Dual H-Bridge – L298 Breakout Board using Arduino Read More »

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