
Solderless Breadboard Layout Sheets

Solderless Breadboard Layout Sheets (plug and play electronics) using arduino

Here’s a fun system designed to take care of some of the headaches involved in breadboarding a circuit. It is is a simple set of template files drawn to scale with real world electronic components. Using a vector drawing program you simply move the components onto the breadboard template, draw a few wires and print […]

Arduino Based Optical Tachometer

Arduino-Based Optical Tachometer

Over ten years ago, I put up a web page with detailed instructions on building a simple electric motor based on one from the Beakman’s World TV show. I called it the “Beakman’s Electric Motor” page and over the years it has had hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of hits. Realizing that just building a motor, […]

USB NES controller with an arduino

USB NES controller with an arduino! using arduino

UPDATE 22-12-2014 Instructables user mattpbooth has updated the code and is hosting it on github:… Thanks Matt! UPDATE 03-12-2011 Replaced a println with print (derp). UPDATE 01-12-2011 Remade all code from scratch. Remade ‘ible code section; Now includes a ‘Processing COM port config for dummies’ Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present 8bit pleasure.. yours […]

How to Build a LM35 Temperature Sensor Circuit

How to Build a LM35 Temperature Sensor Circuit

In this project, we will demonstrate how to build temperature sensor circuit using a LM35 sensor. As a temperature sensor, the circuit will read the temperature of the surrounding environment and relay thi temperature to us back in degrees celsius. The IC we will use to measure the temperature is the LM35 IC. We will […]

Tilt Sensor Tutorial

Tilt Sensor Tutorial using arduino

What is a tilt sensor? Tilt sensors allow you to detect orientation or inclination. They are small, inexpensive, low-power and easy-to-use. If used properly, they will not wear out. Their simplicity makes them popular for toys, gadgets and appliances. Sometimes they are referred to as “mercury switches”, “tilt switches” or “rolling ball sensors” for obvious […]

RFID with Arduino

RFID with Arduino

If you ever wanted to integrate RFID functionality into your project, this small tutorial might help you accomplish that. I used the RDM630 module from seeedstudio in its UART version. It comes on a small board with presoldered connectors which fits perfectly on a breadboard. You only need to connect the antenna to the two pin socket. […]

Ceiling Fan LED Display

Ceiling Fan LED Display using arduino

Seeing so many persistence of vision ideas on the web was too tempting not to try one. After considering several different motors to drive a display, a ceiling fan seemed to run at just the right speed, is out of the way, and very quiet compared with alternatives. With a micro controller based on the […]

Home Automation using Arduino and MATLAB

Home Automation using Arduino and MATLAB

n present time home office appliance controlling is common thing.  Today for controlling home/offices appliances, machineries in companies/industries uses different types of automation systems like DTMF controlled, GSM controlled and many others. So here this project is made for interfacing MATLAB (Graphic User Interfacing) and Home/office/industries automation using Arduino and MATLAB. Here MATLAB is interfaced with […]


AVRSH: A Command Interpreter Shell for Arduino/AVR. using arduino

Ever wanted to be “logged in” to your AVR microcontroller? Ever thought it would be cool to “cat” a register to see its contents? Have you always wanted a way to power up and power down individual peripheral sub-systems of your AVR or Arduino in *real time* ? Me, too, so I wrote the AVR […]


How to Build a Vibration Motor Circuit

In this project, we will show how to build a vibration motor circuit. A vibration motor is a motor which vibrates when given sufficient power. It is a motor that literally shakes. It is very good for vibrating objects. It can be used in a number of devices for very practical purposes. For example, one […]

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