
Tweet a watt How to make a twittering power meter...

Tweet-a-watt – How to make a twittering power meter… using arduino

Tweet-a-watt – How to make a twittering power meter… This project documents my adventures in learning how to wire up my home for wireless power monitoring. I live in a rented apartment so I don’t have hacking-access to a meter or breaker panel. Since I’m still very interested in measuring my power usage on a […]

Arduino Circuit to Dim LED with Potentiometer

Arduino Circuit to Dim LED with Potentiometer

In Lesson 8 you learned to write analog voltages on the Arduiono, and in Lesson 10 you learned to read analog voltages from the arduino. In this lesson we will combine what you did in lessons 8, 9, and 10 to create an LED with adjustable brightness. The brightness will be set based on the […]

LED Sunrise Alarm Clock with Customizable Song Alarm

LED Sunrise Alarm Clock with Customizable Song Alarm using arduino

My Motivation This winter my girlfriend had a lot of trouble waking up in the morning and seemed to be suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I even notice how much harder it is to wake up in the winter since the sun hasn’t come up yet. Symptoms of severe SAD can include irritability, oversleeping […]

Arduino Lab 2 Morse Code Generator

Arduino Lab 2 – Morse Code Generator

Introduction An excerpt from about the origin of Morse Code: Morse Code was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse (1791-1872), a painter and founder of the National Academy of Design. He conceived the basic idea of an electromagnetic telegraph in 1832, and produced the first working telegraph set in 1836. This made transmission possible […]

Arduino robot kit – Wiring Diagram schemetic

Arduino robot kit – Wiring Diagram

I have created this wiring diagram for the connections between the motor controller, motors, and sensor shield. I’ll update it later to include other components. And here is an update that includes the servo motor and the range sensor. And here are the detailed pin assignments for all modules: PIN ASSIGNMENT Arduino Pin Description Motor […]

How To Communicate With An Alien Artifact or

How To Communicate With An Alien Artifact or using arduino

Close Encounters of the Curiously Minty Kind. This Instructable will show you how to build an Altoids version of the ‘Close Encounters’ mothership, and how to interact with it. This may be vital training for that day when the Bright White Beam comes to suck you up into the unknown. It will also introduce you […]

Isolated mains power monitoring Arduino

Isolated mains power monitoring (Arduino)

All about power today.. For a while now, I’ve been looking around for a mains (220-240VAC) power monitoring circuit that I might be able to interface with an Arduino.  There is of course the OpenEnergyMonitor solution, but they seem to use a transformer to isolate and measure the mains voltage.  The transformer doesn’t exactly couple to the […]

How to build an 8x8x8 LED cube and control it with an Arduino

How to build an 8x8x8 LED cube and control it with an Arduino using arduino

There are a lot of LED cubes on Instructables, so why do another? Most are for small cubes consisting of 27 or 64 LEDs, rarely larger since they are limited to the number of outputs available on the microcontroller. This cube will be 512 LEDs, and will only need 11 output wires from the Arduino. […]

Arduino automatic watering system schematic 1

Arduino automatic watering system

During summers, most people are too lazy to water the potted plants on their rooftop gardens every day. Explained in this section is a simple and exciting plant watering system that you can build yourself in just a few hours. It is an Arduino based automatic plant water-feeder system that uses a soil moisture sensor. […]

Bar Graph

Using A Bar Graph With The Arduino

Introduction This project explores a couple of ways of simulating and using a bar graph with the Arduino. Bar graph components like the following one can be used, This type of bar graph is basically just 10 LEDs in a row with anodes on one side of the component and cathodes on the other. The […]

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