
Lithium Battery Solar USB iPhone Arduino Charger

Lithium Battery Solar USB – iPhone – Arduino Charger

One of the most fun and useful projects on instructables is to create your very own solar USB/ iPhone charger. They’re not overly difficult to make, nor are the parts overly expensive or hard to find. For the most part they do a rather good job of charging up small gadgets. Mostly. The big flaw […]

ATtiny85 45 25 LED dice

ATtiny85/45/25 LED dice (Super Simple and CHEAP!)

If you have looked at my 5 LED ATtiny85 POV display, we programmed the ATtiny with the Arduino. (If you haven’t seen it, click here) We will be doing the same thing for this LED Dice project. The total parts cost for this project is about $5-$10. (Not including the Arduino board and the tools.) […]

Morse code trainer

Morse-Code Trainer Using Arduino

My kids are learning Morse code this summer, so I threw together this little circuit to help them learn. And to make it more fun… It uses an ATtiny85 ($2.26 at to drive a piezo beeper (≈ $3.50 at Radio Shack.) The ATtiny85 takes 5.5V max, so I built the circuit on a piece […]

Light Painters Palette aka Light Box

Light Painters Palette aka Light Box

Today I’m going to show you how I made my “light painters palette” aka light box. If your into electronics and photography than this is probably something you are going to like. Supplies: -Arduino (I’m using a arduino pro mini which requires a ftdi basic to program, But an uno or leaonardo… would work just fine) –Tri […]

How To Make an Obstacle Avoiding Arduino Robot

How To Make an Obstacle Avoiding Arduino Robot

Hello all! In this Instructable I’ll be showing you how to make a robot similar to the “Mobile Arduino Experimental Platform” (MAEP) that I made. It is equipped with two motors that can steer the robot and the ability to see obstacles in front of it with a PING))) ultrasonic sensor. With the attached breadboard, […]

Ayrduino Single Sided Arduino Clone

“Ayrduino” Single-Sided Arduino Clone

I’m teaching “Electronics for Scientists” this semester, and I wanted to allow each student to have their own Arduino to play with for microcontroller lab exercises and possibly use for their final projects. The Arduino is not very expensive at roughly $30 per, but they add up quickly when you have a whole class of […]


Build A Fijibot A Self-Charging Photovore Using Arduino

Fijibot is an autonomous, self-charging photovore. I built him using a 1.5 liter Fiji Water bottle, an Arduino Uno, 6v solar panel (plus various other parts) from Radio Shack, an Arduino Proto Shield (plus various other parts) from Adafruit, and the wheels and steering arrangement from an RC car. I decided to use a Fiji […]

Network status indicator

Network-status indicator Using Arduino

I run a NFS/NIS network under a combination of OS’s for the upper-division physics lab here at CSUC, and one source of irritation is when one machine goes down and nobody lets me know until suddenly that machine is absolutely necessary NOW! So I figured an Arduino, living in the machine on my desk, might […]

4x4x4 LED Cube Arduino

Make A 4x4x4 LED Cube Using Arduino

After seeing all the different instructables for Led cubes I was still left with a lot of unanswered questions.  So after reading everything I could find this is what I got. I decided to make the instructable after building it…so ill try to recreate the process the best I can. This cube is different from others for […]

Quantitative Two Dimensional Temperature Measurements

Quantitative Two-Dimensional Temperature Measurements

Lab Experiments involving the Heat Equation are usually one-dimensional exercises involving a copper pipe and a half-dozen thermocouples. But with DS18B20 “One-Wire” thermometer chips and an Arduino, it’s possible to measure hundreds of temperature values simultaneously. Here’s what my students Daniel Lund and Lawrence Lechuga and I came up with for 2-D temperature measurements. We […]

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