
Super Secret Lock Box

Super Secret Lock Box w/ Capacitive Touch

Hey everyone, I wanted to share a project I just finished up. I built a super secret locking box for my girlfriends little brother. He has a knack for creative lego building so I thought it would be a good idea to open him up to the Arduino as soon as possible. The super secret […]

Driving multiple Sparkfun 7 segment displays with an Arduino

Driving multiple Sparkfun 7-segment displays with an Arduino

I’m currently helping a couple of engineering students finish a senior project that didn’t get finished last year. Long story… Anyway, it’s a bicycle brake tester being built for Paul Components. The mechanical design is great, but they had trouble with the electronics. Part of those electronics involved writing numbers to a pair of Sparkfun […]

Water meter plus Arduino

Aquameterduino: Water meter plus Arduino

After a bad water damage (our cellar basically filled up whilst we were away for several days), I decided to monitor our water usage for anomalies. Enters Arduino… The idea of this project is to use an arduino to count every drop of water that goes through the water company meter. Said arduino needs to […]

Wrap Beats Capsense Arduino Instrument

Wrap Beats – Capsense Arduino Instrument

Wrap Beats is an instrument that lets you string together notes in order to create different melodies and visual patterns. I constructed it using the Capacitive sensing library for Arduino and combining that with the music abilities of processing to create a dynamic instrument that can change sounds as you play it. The circular design […]

Arduino PCR thermal cycler for under 85

Arduino PCR (thermal cycler) for under $85

This tutorial will show you how to make a thermal cycler from scratch for about $85. In short, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplifies bits of DNA, creating millions of copies of a target sequence. You can use it to test a DNA sample for a specific gene, for instance, to check for genetic modification in […]

ISP Clip for ATtiny44 or 84

ISP Clip for ATtiny44/84 (or others!)

I got my start in microcontrollers with the Arduino, as many of us outside of electrical engineering did. (And still do!) The ease of programming that little board makes it a great gateway… and like any gateway, sometimes you go through. Most of my projects now don’t use Arduinos directly. For simple microcontroller applications, it’s […]

MP3 Playing RFID Thing

RFI-DJ: MP3 Playing RFID Thing

The RFI-DJ is a USB device for playing MP3 files from your computer. You have a set of RFID cards, each one with a song name written on it. You choose a card and place it on the RFI-DJ, and your computer will play that song. Its magic! Actually, it’s not magic. It uses an […]

RGB LED Color Selector

RGB LED Color Selector / Picker / Chooser

One Challenge with working with RGB LEDs is getting the right Red, Green and Blue values to match a color you are trying to display.  You can start with web colors, and then sometimes need to adjust them since the LEDs don’t look quite the same as they do on monitors. So, this is a […]

Radioactive isotope decay simulation

Radioactive isotope decay simulation

My students need to learn LabVIEW —I know, it’s proprietary software, and expensive, but until a viable open-source equivalent comes along we’re stuck with it— and one of the exercises I have them do is to make a program to analyze radioactive decay. This gives them experience in using counters, plotting data in real time, […]

Mood Lamp with Arduino

Make A Mood Lamp with Arduino

Hi! In this tutorial you will learn to make a mood lamp with Arduino. I know that you may have seen a lot of mood lamp projects with Arduino, but I wasn’t very satisfied with them because they all change the color very abruptly. So, I decided to make a smooth mood lamp and I […]

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