Robotics – Automation Projects

DIY a Spelling Game with an Interactive Robot using Arduino

DIY a Spelling Game with an Interactive Robot using Arduino

Did you hear before about Social Robot? Did you you see the Pepper Robot or Jibo robot? These kinds of robots that can hear you, understand you and make a social contact with you via sound, facial expressions and body gestures. Social robots have various applications, specifically with elderly people, children and children with a

DIY a Spelling Game with an Interactive Robot using Arduino Continue Reading

Arduino Turtle Robot

TurtleDuino Object Avoidance Robot using Arduino

Hello, in this instructable I’ll be showing you step by step how to build the TurtleDuino, an object avoidance robot, with an Arduino UNO microcrontroller on board. I designed the TurtleDuino using material from the hardware store (Home Depot) and all the electronics from and Shopping List: Arduino UNO      ( Ultrasonic Ping))) Sensor      ( 2

TurtleDuino Object Avoidance Robot using Arduino Continue Reading

Arduino Tank Robot

Tankbot – Internet Controlled Tank Robot using Arduino

Do you remember a game called Tank Wars? This is an attempt to make a physical version of that classic arcade game. You, the player drive an Arduino powered tank and fire a laser at a target. This project uses an Arduino to control a tank through a web page. The tank is driven from a

Tankbot – Internet Controlled Tank Robot using Arduino Continue Reading



The FuzzBot is an awesome, fast, fully autonomous small Arduino robot that everyone loves!!!  It uses the compact Pololu ZumoBot Chassis kit for a great drive system, and uses a Parallax Ping sensor to sense proximity, to make the FuzzBot fully autonomous.  I like to think of it as a cheap & hackable “mini Roomba”

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