
STMicroelectronics Introduces STM32WB – A SoC With 32bit Microcontroller And Bluetooth Low Energy 5

STMicroelectronics Introduces STM32WB – A SoC With 32bit Microcontroller And Bluetooth Low Energy 5

The new STM32WB from STMicroelectronics is a new wireless supporting System on a chip (SoC) that comes with a fully-featured ARM Cortex-M4 (@ 64 MHz) based microcontroller to run the main computing processes. It also has an ARM Cortex-M0+ core (@ 32 MHz) to offload the main processor and offer real-time operation on the Bluetooth […]

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Arduino distance meter with Ultrasonic Sensor HC SR04 and Nokia 5110 LCD display

Arduino distance meter with Ultrasonic Sensor (HC SR04) and Nokia 5110 LCD display

Introduction Measuring distance is so important in today’s world that things like driverless cars will be impossible without it, that description is probably enough to describe how important knowing the distance between two objects can be. For that reason, today we will be building a distance meter using the Arduino and the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor.

Arduino distance meter with Ultrasonic Sensor (HC SR04) and Nokia 5110 LCD display Read More »

Arduino Watch Sport

Arduino Watch Sport

I apologize if you find spelling errors or nonsensical text, my language is Spanish and has not been easy to translate, I will improve my English to continue composing instructables. In today’s technology, especially electronics have come a long way, to the point that today can make projects a few years ago were very complicated

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Arduino Nokia 5110 Tutorial 2 Displaying Customized Graphics

Arduino Nokia 5110 Tutorial #2- Displaying Customized Graphics

INTRODUCTION In one of our previous tutorials we did an introduction on how to use the Nokia 5110 LCD  with the Arduino, the tutorial covered displaying texts with different fonts etc. For this tutorial, we are taking things a little bit further and will be working through the display of customized graphics on the Nokia

Arduino Nokia 5110 Tutorial #2- Displaying Customized Graphics Read More »

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