
Arduino laundry alarm

A laundry alarm for the hearing impaired and everyone else using Arduino

This Arduino based project was designed to solve a recurring problem for my hearing impaired wife. Our laundry room is located remotely from our living area.  If our laundry has finished washing and is not removed in time, it can sour or even get moldy.   If our laundry has finished drying and is not removed

A laundry alarm for the hearing impaired and everyone else using Arduino Read More »

Reverse Engineered Bumper Sensor Campsite Security Alarm

Reverse Engineered Bumper Sensor Campsite Security Alarm

This Instructable is to build a very smart, talking campsite security system that is disguised in an owl decoy. Now, this isn’t your typical Arduino ultrasonic distance sensing project. Rather, you will learn how to reverse engineer the very inexpensive, but far superior automotive bumper backup sensors for very wide beams of detection. You’ll also learn how

Reverse Engineered Bumper Sensor Campsite Security Alarm Read More »

DIY Smart Scale With Alarm Clock with Wi Fi ESP8266 Arduino IDE and

DIY Smart Scale With Alarm Clock (with Wi-Fi, ESP8266, Arduino IDE and

In my previous project, I developed a smart bathroom scale with Wi-Fi. It can measure user’s weight, display it locally and send it to the cloud. You can get more details about this on link below: This solved part of my problems: how to keep a record of my weight and track my gain

DIY Smart Scale With Alarm Clock (with Wi-Fi, ESP8266, Arduino IDE and Read More »

ESP32 NTP Temperature Probe Cooking Thermometer With Steinhart Hart Correction and Temperature Alarm.

ESP32 NTP Temperature Probe Cooking Thermometer With Steinhart-Hart Correction and Temperature Alarm.

Still on the journey to complete an “upcoming project”, “ESP32 NTP Temperature Probe Cooking Thermometer With Steinhart-Hart Correction and Temperature Alarm” is an Instructable showing how I add an NTP temperature probe, piezo buzzer and software to my capacitive touch Instructable “ESP32 Capacitive Touch Input Using “Metallic Hole Plugs” for Buttons” to create a simple

ESP32 NTP Temperature Probe Cooking Thermometer With Steinhart-Hart Correction and Temperature Alarm. Read More »

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