Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

The iDial Critical Making Personal Identity Augmentation Device

The iDial – Critical Making Personal Identity Augmentation Device

In this critical making project, we will be making a personal iDial, which will give you, the wearer, the ability to reflect on your personal identity in a private space, and then spatially and temporally dislocate your ‘private self’ into public conversation! You might be thinking, ‘this device looks ridiculous’. Well, that’s the point. This

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Capacitive Sensing + Open Frameworks + SPACEBREW

Capacitive Sensing + Open Frameworks + SPACEBREW

This is a step-by-step on how to connect Arduino to OpenFrameworks using Spacebrew. More specifically our project focuses on the awesomeness of Capacitive Sensing to alter OF projections to create an awesome tactile experience! What the process will involve: Arduino -> Processing -> SpaceBrew -> OpenFrameworks What you will need: Software: Arduino Processing OpenFrameworks Capsense

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Cat Detector

Arduino Cat Detector SD Card Logger

I used: an Arduino Uno a Parallax PIR Motion Sensor and a Seeed Studio SD Card Shield Arduino, shield, sd card, logging shield, storage, logger Check out This instructable on PIRs in case you didn’t know what it is: Step 1: Connect your PIR Sensor Hook up the PIR Sensor Ground pin to Ground

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Sensing Networks

Urban Sensing Networks using Arduino

Often government data sets available to us online are taken from major nearby metropolitan areas or infrastructural centers. With an easy to follow introduction to new softwares and technologies the “urban sensor kit” allows anyone to obtain location specific information and share that information with a growing community of designers, researchers, and many others. This

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FINAL Touch sensor with arduino

FINAL Touch sensor with arduino

The tutorials we used. Download arduino software and the processing software. From their respective websites.   All of the supplies we used: (we didn’t include the water bottle as a sensing object, and used an inductor instead of a coil) Arduino Usb cable Shield pin headers Resister: 10k, 1MOmh, 3,3k Capacitor:

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RFID touch screen Automated Bar Barduino v2.0 with Facebook Integration

RFID touch screen Automated Bar – Barduino v2.0 with Facebook Integration!

Got an Arduino? Like parties / alcohol? Can’t be bothered to make your own bar quality cocktails? Make a Barduino! Its back, with new features in v2.0: Facebook integration – Facebook registration Page to track and graph drink consumption Touchscreen with gesture support RFID user login – sync with Facebook profile photo SQL drink database

RFID touch screen Automated Bar – Barduino v2.0 with Facebook Integration! Read More »

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