Sensor – Transducer – Detector Projects

Biometric Sensing Computer Mouse1

Biometric Sensing Computer Mouse

In the past five weeks, we have considered and built three projects, ranging from: optical sensing, electromyography (EMG), and galvanic skin response detection. Initially, our project was using an optical sensor and EMG to detect finger movement for applications, such as: playing piano and Morse code. However, after completing the hardware, due to issues with

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Arduino Temperature Sensor

Arduino Temperature Sensor Code

This arduino projects show how to read Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature with LM35 temperature sensor. Parts List; 1) 1x 16×2 parallel LCD display (compatible with Hitachi HD44780 driver) 2) 1x Arduino 3) 1x 10kΩ potentiometer 4) 1x LM35 temperature sensor 5) Jumper wire Instruction; 1) Connect all jumper wire as shown in diagram. 2) Connect

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Arduino Weather Station

Arduino Weather Station Part3, Rain

So one of my last projects was adding a weather vane to my Arduino weather station. This Lazy Old Geek decided to add a rain gauge to it even though we don’t get much rain in the high desert. Most digital rain gauges are based on something called a tipping bucket. Here is

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