Metering – Instrument Projects

Blood Oxygen Heart Rate Meter

Blood Oxygen Heart Rate Meter

This instructables show how to use MAX30102, XIAO and a tiny display to build a blood oxygen and heart rate meter. Step 1: Sensor & Algorithm This project use Maxim Integrated MAX30102 Biosensor to detect pulse oximeter and heart rate. However, the official sample is not so accurate, so will use the MolecularD algorithm instead. Ref.:…

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Arduino Quasi real time oscilloscope

Quasi real-time oscilloscope using Arduino

Recently I was reviewing one of my oldest project, and decided to “refresh” previous design by taking full advantage of the new arduino Leonardo board.  Based on AtMega32U4, which include PGA (programmable gain amplifier), oscilloscope’s  analog front end doesn’t require external OPA this time, end could be build in 1-2 hours on prototype board, using

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Tactile Feedback Compass Belt

How to Make a Tactile Feedback Compass Belt

Have you ever wondered how migratory birds manage to have such an amazing sense of direction despite being so generally clueless? They can sense the Earth’s magnetic field with what is basically a compass built into their body. Wouldn’t it be cool to feel what that’s like? The following instructions are loosely based off of

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