Interfacing(USB – RS232 – I2c -ISP) Projects

Automatic Irrigation System Arduino With Usb Type DC Submersible Water Pump

Automatic Irrigation System (Arduino) With Usb Type DC Submersible Water Pump

This mini project is involved to use Arduino to control submersible watre pump when soil reach below or above predefined moisture level. How it works ❓ 1. Soil moisture sensor is reading analog signal which transmit to Arduino. 2. Arduino control submersible water pump ON or OFF. Water pump operates when moisture level reach predefined

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Teensy MIDI USB foot controller for controlling Mobius Looper using Arduino

Teensy MIDI USB foot controller for controlling Mobius Looper using Arduino

Motivation: Playing in a 2 piece band, with the drums and lots of other samples being played back as backing tracks, there was a need to use a looper to add in more elements to the tracks. A hardware based looper fails in this respect, since there is no way to maintain synchronisation. Meaning, slight

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Internet Devices for Home Automation

Internet Devices for Home Automation

This instructable shows the principles involved in making devices to control home automation over the internet. We’re going to construct a device (or several of them), that talk to each other over the internet to control lights, motors for curtains/blinds, power sockets etc. In contrast to devices controlled from a web browser or phone, these

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Android talks to Arduino

Android talks to Arduino

This project slightly modifies the Google Android sample app called “Bluetooth Chat” so you can type a message in the Android app and that same message will appear on an LCD attached to an Arduino Uno. Functionality:  Android  talks to Arduino 1. Run the Android “Bluetooth Chat” sample app (after we modify the app in

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Interfacing LabVIEW With Arduino

Interfacing LabVIEW With Arduino In previous article of Getting Started with LabVIEW, we have seen about LabVIEW and how it can be graphically programmed and executed in computer (software level). Now in this article we learn about How to Interface LabVIEW with Arduino Board. Requirements To interface LabVIEW with Arduino, you require the following software’s and hardware’s,

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Password Box Arduino One Touch Password Input USB Keyboard Hack

[Password Box] Arduino One Touch Password Input (USB Keyboard Hack)

Today is the world of internet social. We have many social platform Email, Facebook, Instagrams, Twitter, Instructables and etc.For security issue we should not use the same password for these platform and some platform enforce us to create password that difficult to remember. It is better to write it to your notebook but some people

[Password Box] Arduino One Touch Password Input (USB Keyboard Hack) Read More »

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