Clock – Timer Projects

SSD1306 OLED display module

Transform Your Home into a Futuristic Hub with This DIY Real-Time Clock and Temperature Display

This project demonstrates building a real-time clock (RTC) with temperature display using an Arduino, DS3231 RTC chip, and SSD1306 OLED display (128×64 pixels). The DS3231 RTC chip provides more accuracy than the DS1307 and incorporates an onboard temperature sensor. It maintains timekeeping even without the main power, making it well-suited for this application. It communicates

Transform Your Home into a Futuristic Hub with This DIY Real-Time Clock and Temperature Display Read More »

Creating a DIY Laser Based Room Security Alarm

Creating a DIY Laser-Based Room Security Alarm

A laser security alarm stands out as a highly effective system designed to detect any object or individual’s presence. Within a designated room, multiple laser beams are often employed. Reflective mirrors are commonly utilized to create a laser grid. When any object intersects these beams, triggering contact with the laser, the alarm system activates instantly.

Creating a DIY Laser-Based Room Security Alarm Read More »

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