
Home automation system using Arduino and SIM900 GSM module

Home automation system using Arduino and SIM900 GSM module

Hi there! As I’ve almost finished my studies at Faculty of Engineering, I had to make a graduation project and my thought was to make a jaw-dropping thing (I know that’s hilarious 😀 ) to show everybody that I’m a good prototype maker and I can turn ideas into real and useful things. I know […]

Arduino control 8 leds

How to control 8 leds using Arduino UNO

hey guys this is my first arduino project  plz  comment how u feel. Step 1: Things u need As this is easy project for beginner’s so parts are also simple Parts: 1- Arduino uno or any other board will work 1-Beardboard 9- jumper wires or wires will also do 8 -leds any color u like i used […]

Arduino LED Bar Graph

Arduino LED Bar Graph Code

The bar graph – a series of LEDs in a line, such as you see on an audio display – is a common hardware display for analog sensors. It’s made up of a series of LEDs in a row, an analog input like a potentiometer, and a little code in between. You can buy multi-LED […]

Arduino Guitar Tuner

Arduino Guitar Tuner

Build your own electric guitar tuner using the Arduino! I decided to make this because I wanted to experiment with audio input and frequency detection. I used Amanda Ghassaei’s method for Arduino Frequency Detection in order to get frequency readings using the Arduino. I used LEDs that light up according to the frequency of the audio input, […]

Arduino master clock connection

Arduino-based master clock for schools

If your school, or kids school, or other location relies on a central master clock that is broken, you may have a use for this device. New master clocks are available of course, but school budgets are under extreme pressures, and it really is a satisfying project if you have the necessary skills. This master […]


Rainbowduino Sign using Arduino

The Rainbowduino is a variant of the Arduino and among other things is capable of driving an 8×8 RGB LED matrix. I had just finished a backyard re-model and was in need of an entrance sign. Step 1: Carving and Painting the Sign I had recently acquired a CarveWright CNC wood carving machine. It’s a […]

Arduino Traffic light

Another Arduino Traffic light

After working with the arduino and not knowing what the heck I’m doing I made Another simple traffic light. I looked around the web to find one that looks about normal and came across none. They seemed too fast. So, I found and modded some code to make this work. The coding is pretty simple. […]

Box Powered by Arduino

Electronic Music Box Powered by Arduino (sort of)

Music is the most universal means of expression. Regardless cultural language or age the idea conveyed though music would not differ much. It is safe to say everyone loves music, one type or another. When one’s favourite piece is played there is a overwhelming desire to get involved and turn on one’s Air Guitar. Not […]

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