How To – DIY – Projects

Xbox wireless controller

Diy Xbox wireless controller adapter for Pc

This instructable will go over the steps to connect a RF module from an RROD xbox to your computer so you can use a wireless controller with your computer. ******DISCLAIMER******* DONT TRY THIS IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE WITH ELECTRONICS/SOLDERING OR COMPUTERS IM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU SCREW UP…. now that we’ve gotten that

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Sweeps the shaft of a RC servo motor back and forth across 180 degrees. This example makes use of the Arduino servo library. Hardware Required Arduino Board (1) Servo Motor hook-up wire Circuit Servo motors have three wires: power, ground, and signal. The power wire is typically red, and should be connected to the 5V

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home energy monitor

How to build a whole home energy monitor using Arduino

This page and linked pages detailed below document how to build whole house energy monitor that has a display for easy, quick access to current energy use information, usb datalogging for detailed long term data storage and Internet connectivity for online graphing. First a quick look at the installed setup: The Display The display unit

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DIY Solar Tracker using Arduino

DIY Solar Tracker using Arduino

Introduction We aim to introduce young students to engineering and teach them about solar energy; by having them build a Helios as part of their curriculum. There is an effort in engineering to push energy generation away from the use of fossil fuels and towards greener alternatives. One option for greener energy is to use

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