
Cookies adminitrator box Electronics only using arduino

Cookies adminitrator box [Electronics only] using arduino

At home the cookies disappear relatively fast. ¿Why? Well, principally because of me and my father. That’s why my mother and my sister have to hide some to eat them later. It’s embarrassing, I know, but it’s because we are like “Oh, I want to eat a cookie”, and some time later “I will eat […]

Arduino Fart O Meter

Arduino Fart-O-Meter

OH NO! He didn’t! Yes I did! My project is simple: Farting in a chair and sending the signal wirelessly to a panel that shows the intensity of the fart! Words of caution: Please do not force yourself to fart, you might shit in your pants if you try to hard! Thanks to all my […]

Arduino Touch Wardrobe

One Touch Wardrobe using an Arduino

I use Arduino Duemilanove With Motor Driver Shield Microcontroller ATmega168 Operating Voltage 5V Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) Analog Input Pins 6 DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA Flash Memory 16 KB (ATmega168) or […]

Controlling an LED using a switch

Controlling an LED using a switch

Concepts So you know what a switch is, but what can you do with it? One of the uses of a switch is to tell the controller to activate/deactivate different components. In this case we are going to use the switch to turn on and off an LED. We will do this by checking to […]

Nursery Rhyme Hat using arduino

Nursery Rhyme Hat using arduino

I created the Nursery Rhyme Hat for a class on youth and technology.  I’m new to instructables and e-textiles, so please bear with me! This is the first time I have used the Lilypad Arduino or any kind of soft circuit technology, so my coding is borrowed from several others (more on my code in […]

arduino Rainbow Mega Pong Clock

Rainbow Mega Pong Clock using Arduino

This is my take on the clasic Pong clock with an RGB back light that changes every time the date is displayed. A big thanks to mrnick1234567 and his I did want the light to change randomly through the day but it made a mess of the coding for the clocks. The latest version simply selects […]

Artists Machine

Artist’s Machine

Tutorial 1 Part One Materials needed for tutorial Working BBB, RBBB, Arduino, or other Arduino compatible (BBB shown in photos) Solderless breadboard 22 gauge solid wire for use with breadboard 3 6mm momentary switches 8 LED’s, any color 8 1k resistors, (470 ohm or 220 ohm will also work fine if you want brighter LEDs) […]

LilyPad Arduino e Reader Case

LilyPad Arduino e-Reader Case

For a youth and technology class, we were assigned the creation of an Arduino LilyPad project.  I liked the idea of connecting the LilyPad project to literacy, so I chose to make a Kindle case that would play music [Hedwig’s Theme from the Harry Potter movies] and display white LED lights—illuminating the word read—when the […]

Arduino Powered Robot

NESBot: Arduino Powered Robot beating Super Mario Bros for the NES

This guide will take you through the steps to build an NES playing robot You will need: An Arduino Duemilanove (other boards will probably work, but you will have to adjust the steps for your device) Working NES Console Super Mario Bros. (Note: this must be only the single game, not the two- or three-in-one […]

Arduino V Twin Flux Capacitor

Arduino V-Twin Flux Capacitor

I SHALL CALL HIM ” PEE-WEE ” Personal Electronics Entertainment With Embedded Education. Basically a project that is fun and I learn a hole lot of stuff from it. . This project started out as just a small robot so I could learn more about my Arduino and coding. And at first he was a […]

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