
Time Fountain

How to build your very own Time Fountain using Arduino

We have all seen the sweet videos on the tube! You know the magical water fountains that seems to “freeze” the water droplets in mid air, or even make them go backwards! I’ve been fascinated by these “magical” thingamabobs  for quite some while now, and a couple of days ago I decided to make my very […]

MMAE Graduate Robotics

Arduino MMAE Graduate Robotics

This page provides general information to students enrolled in the EML 6808 course, Analysis and Control of Robot Manipulators. Prerequisites for the course are: EML 4312C, EML 5271, or C.I. Kinematics and dynamics of multibody systems. The topics to be covered include: basic components of robotic systems; selection of coordinate frames; homogeneous transformations; solutions to […]

Arduino motor controller

Control your motors with L293D and Arduino

After long research and trial and error, I have came up to a new walkthrough regarding this nice chip, the L293D. Each project is one project and each one has its own unique power configurations, so you must be aware of the best battery choice and how to distribute voltage through your robot. I strongly […]

Barista championship brewing stopwatch • Introduction using arduino

Barista championship brewing stopwatch • Introduction using arduino

Upon the needs of the (2014) World Barista Championship Rules and Regulations, an adequate and precise time measuring is needed during the competition. These measurements are usually done by regular stopwatches with all the benefits (ease of use, common availability) and drawbacks (two stopwatches needed for each judge, as well as some mathematics are necessary […]

Schematic Arduino remote control

Arduino browser based remote control (linux)

We have kids.  I love them to bits but they keep hiding the remote control for the satellite and TV when they put the children’s channels on. After this happening on a daily basis for several years, and after my darling wife allowing me to have an Arduino for Christmas I decided that it was […]

Tiich System – Prototype Final Report

Tiich System – Prototype Final Report

Introduction: Our main goal with the Tiich system is to design a teaching aid/tool which would replace the conventional whiteboard in a classroom environment. We want our system to be used as an electronic based white board, having all the written information easily be saved and submitted to all the students in the classroom. We […]

Lilypad Arduino Rocket Ship Cape

Lilypad Arduino Rocket Ship Cape

I am taking a Children and Technology course for my MLS this semester, and one of our assignments is to create a toy using the LilyPad Arduino development board. The LilyPad Arduino is used to create e-textiles that you can program to do various things. In this instructable, I will walk you through the process […]

Arduino Web controlled Twittering Roomba

Web-controlled Twittering Roomba using an Arduino

I wanted to see if I could operate my Roomba remotely and get it to report its status via Twitter while I was away from home. I also wanted to make the device independent of a computer. This is the solution I came up with and it works very well. Follow @TheRoomba on Twitter to […]

Arduino Nebulophone Synth

DIY Arduino Nebulophone Synth

I originally wanted to purchase a Nebulophone but, my El-Cheapo price range didn’t like the tag. I realized that I could program my own AtMega 328 by using ArduinoISP Then I found out that if the code was Arduino compatible, why not just use the Arduino as a Nebulophone? Well it was kind of a […]

Social Alarm Clock

Make An Social Alarm Clock Using Arduino

What it is: Sometimes we want to send special messages to the ones we love but they are sleeping. Soci Alarm Clock allows you to record a message from your browser and send to your beloved’s alarm clock. They just have to put it near bed, with the soft mat under the pillow. How it […]

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