
Interface Arduino to MySQL using Python

Interface Arduino to MySQL using Python

Here’s a brief tutorial that should get you up and running interfacing your Adruino with a MySQL database. For the sake of this tutorial, I am assuming you know how to set up and use MySQL. This tutorial does not require much Python experience, but you will be required to install two Python libraries for

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mkr1000 interrupts debounce copertina 7fxSYQlQvw

Interrupts Debouncing with Zerynth (Python for IoT)

In this tutorial, we’ll see the advanced feature of interrupt debouncing using Zerynth. Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 Jumper wires (generic) × 1 Software apps and online services Zerynth Studio Story In this tutorial, we’ll use PWM to show the advanced feature of interrupt debouncing. PWM triggers fall and

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Controlling Arduino with Raspberry Pi using pyFirmata

Controlling Arduino with Raspberry Pi using pyFirmata Although Raspberry Pi and Arduino are two different hardware in terms of their applications and structure, but they both are considered as two competing open source hardware platforms. They both have very strong community and support. Today we will slightly change things, and show you how we can take advantage of

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Using Python and Arduino MKR1000 for Secure IoT

Using Python and Arduino MKR1000 for Secure IoT

Getting started with Python and Arduino MKR1000 for secure IoT projects. Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 Software apps and online services Zerynth Studio Story Arduino MKR1000 meets Python With the last release, Zerynth officially supports Arduino MKR1000, a device specifically designed for secure IoT projects. The MKR1000 is described as a powerful board

Using Python and Arduino MKR1000 for Secure IoT Read More »

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