Wifi – WLan Projects

Wifi Enabled 2 4 Wheeled Robot Platform Utilizing MKR1000

Wifi Enabled 2/4 Wheeled Robot Platform Utilizing MKR1000

WIP- Using a MKR1000 to create a WiFi Enabled 2/4 Wheeled Robot Platform, Hardware is in hand, now to implement software Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 I was one of 1000 who won this × 1 SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298 Any L298N DC Motor driver will do that’s Adafruit

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Start Connect ARTIK Cloud with Arduino Genuino MKR1000

Start Connect ARTIK Cloud with Arduino/Genuino MKR1000

Using Arduino/ Genuino MKR1000 to connect ARTIK Cloud control I/O light LED. Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 Software apps and online services Samsung ARTIK Cloud for IoT Story https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoMKR1000 A simple project let mkr1000 connect to artik cloud, but it took me 2 weeks time. Since there are few

Start Connect ARTIK Cloud with Arduino/Genuino MKR1000 Read More »

HID Attack Over WiFi Using Arduino MKR1000 1

HID Attack Over WiFi Using Arduino MKR1000

Arduino MKR1000 as a HID, for performing HID penetration testing over WiFi networks. Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 Story Arduino MKR1000 Today I have an Arduino MKR1000 which is a board with built-in wifi chipset specially designed for IOT projects. Recently I came to know that, this little board

HID Attack Over WiFi Using Arduino MKR1000 Read More »

Weather Dashboard with MKR1000 and Losant

Weather Dashboard with MKR1000 and Losant

This project is about building a simple weather dashboard using MKR1000 and Losant platform. Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino MKR1000 × 1 DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (4 pins) × 1 Software apps and online services Arduino IDE Losant Platform Story Introduction This project shows you how to make use of MKR1000

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