Sound – Audio Projects

NES Controller Piano Ultrasonic Theremin Mash Up

NES Controller Piano / Ultrasonic Theremin Mash-Up

I recently built a simple 8 key piano using an original NES controller and Arduino UNO board.Unlike conventional Arduino piano projects which require one digital pin for each key / button the NES controller piano used only three digital pins (D5 for nesClock, D6 for nesLatch, D7 for nesDataIn) leaving 5 extra digital pins available for experimentation.

NES Controller Piano / Ultrasonic Theremin Mash-Up Continue Reading

Radioactivity Counter IoT and Monitoring Eco system

Radioactivity Counter (IoT) and Monitoring Eco-system

C-GM firmware last update on June, 10th 2019 with new 1.3 versionA-GM applicationlast update on Nov, 25th 2019 with new 1.3 version This D.I.Y low cost (50$/43€) C-GM Counter project provides hardware and firmware for building a Geiger-Müller counter device aka G.M. counter for continuous measurement of the radioactivity level. It is based on an Arduino Nano, a 20 chars x 4 lines LCD display, a W5100

Radioactivity Counter (IoT) and Monitoring Eco-system Continue Reading

Arduino tones on Multiple outputs

SPlaying tones on Multiple outputs using the tone() function with Arduino

This example shows how to use the tone() command to play different notes on multiple outputs. The tone() command works by taking over one of the Atmega’s internal timers, setting it to the frequency you want, and using the timer to pulse an output pin. Since it’s only using one timer, you can only play

SPlaying tones on Multiple outputs using the tone() function with Arduino Continue Reading

Arduino Simple keyboard

Simple keyboard using the tone() function using Arduino

This example shows how to use the tone() command to generate different pitches depending on which sensor is pressed.   Circuit Connect one terminal of your speaker to digital pin 8 through a 100 ohm resistor, and its other terminal to ground. Power your three FSRs (or any other analog sensor) with 5V in parallel. Connect each

Simple keyboard using the tone() function using Arduino Continue Reading

Pitch follower using the tone function using Arduino

Pitch follower using the tone() function using Arduino

This example shows how to use the tone() command to generate a pitch that follows the values of an analog input Circuit image developed using Fritzing. For more circuit examples, see the Fritzing project page Connect one terminal of your speaker to digital pin 9 through a 100 ohm resistor, and its other terminal to ground. Power

Pitch follower using the tone() function using Arduino Continue Reading

How to Make a Makeblock

How to Make a Makeblock Music Robot with the Music Robot Kit(NEW)

Makeblock is an aluminum extrusion based construction system that provides an integrated solution for aspects of mechanics, electronics and software design. With Makeblock you can make professional robots, toy machines or even art-ware. It’s super easy-to-use and helps bring your creations to life. The only limit is your imagination. For more information, please visit Makeblock

How to Make a Makeblock Music Robot with the Music Robot Kit(NEW) Continue Reading

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