Robotics – Automation Projects

Highly maneuverable search and rescue robot

Highly maneuverable search and rescue robot

Finalized Prototype Shown below is the finalized prototype. The purpose of the prototype was to demonstrate the feasibility of a small, highly maneuverable search and rescue robot. As such, the completed prototype was successful. Capabilities include a ground speed of 10 inches per second, battery life of 50 minutes, wireless range of between 50 and

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Arduino Hexapod Robot

Arduino Hexapod Robot

Arduino Hexapod Robot Design I will show you how to build an arduino hexapod robot, from building the body, to how to implement the algorithm. To learn about the implementation of the algorithm, read this first, if you are not sure what is IK, read this. China_icon 中文翻译: I ordered parts from a robot frame

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