
Arduino Mint Tin Hero

Mint Tin Hero using Arduino

A friend at work proposed a friendly competition between a few co-workers: to make something cool out of a Trader Joe’s green tea mint tin.  Anything – whatever our creative hearts desired.  The prize?  Nobody cared – we’d figure that part out later. I thought it would be fun to do something electronic with it […]

Track Honeybees With Temperature

Track Honeybees With Temperature

Data analysis coming soon! My school is kind of strange. We don’t have a cafeteria, but we do have a four week course on “The Simpsons.” We don’t have a jungle-gym on the elementary playground, but we do have a half-buried firetruck. We don’t have a football team, but we do have a bee-keeping club. […]

Arduino – Very Basic motion tracking with 2 PIR sensors

Arduino – (Very) Basic motion tracking with 2 PIR sensors

Took me a little while to get started but I’ve managed to wire 2 PIR infrared sensors with an Arduino to sense motion either on the left or on the right side. The result will trigger an LED to represent each PIR sensor then I also added in a servo to be controlled – so […]

Pachube Client using Strings with Arduino

Pachube Client using Strings with Arduino

This example shows you how to answer a HTTP request using an Ethernet shield. Specifically, it connects to, a free datalogging site. The example requires that you set up a account, as well as a pachube feed (for more information on setting up an input feed, please click here). Your Ethernet shield will […]

Making a Better Mouse Trap

Making a Better Mouse Trap Using Arduino

There are a lot of things this world needs at the moment.  One of them is a better mouse trap.  Mice are getting smarter every day and if we’re not careful we’ll end up with Planet of the Mice.  Luckily, with the help of a Makerbot Replicator 2 (its enormous 410 cubic inch build volume […]

Arduino – motion triggered camera

Arduino – motion triggered camera

So having worked out that I can make a remote for my Nikon D80 to do some timelapse photography. I started thinking of things I can do to trigger the remote, below video shows it working but you’ll need sound to hear the shutter going. First of all check out my tutorial for making the […]

Accelerometer Table using Arduino Esplora

Accelerometer Table using Arduino Esplora

This example simplifies the task of collecting data from the Esplora’s accelerometer and graphing it with your computer. The Esplora sends keypresses to a connected computer about the state of the accelerometer. If you open a spreadsheet application, you can log the data from the accelerometer. To start and stop the datalogging, press the down […]

Arduino Esplora Kart

Arduino Esplora Kart

This example demonstrates how to turn your Esplora into a customized computer game pad. It uses the analog joystick and the four switches as inputs to a video game. The Esplora will appear to the computer as a standard keyboard, the computer will see joystick movement and button presses as keystrokes. The configuration choosen in […]

Arduino textin

Arduino text’in

Arduino text‘in. Key Features: 24 relays controlled by 4 I/O lines! Cell phone text using your Arduino. This project hacks a cell phone to text using normally open relays. After investigating cellular modules on the internet I decided it looks not only rather pricy, but also like a possibility that even after I had it […]

Arduino – IR remote or intervalometer for Nikon D80 DSLR

Arduino – IR remote/ intervalometer for Nikon D80 DSLR

I’m cheap and skint, yet I want to do timelapse photography with my Nikon D80 DSLR. Unfortnately that requires spending some cash on an intervalometer for time lapse photography which will set me back a sizeable chunk of cash. Or I could get a remote or get the trigger system then create a delay mechanism […]

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