
Send and Receive MIDI with Arduino

Send and Receive MIDI with Arduino

This instructable will show you how to use an Arduino to send and receive a variety of MIDI messages so you can start building your own MIDI controllers and instruments.  First I’ll talk a little bit about MIDI protocol, if you’re just looking for sample code skip ahead to steps 5-9. If you know absolutely […]

Arduino – A Basic Theremin

Arduino – A Basic Theremin

Theremins are cool. Fact. You may also have heard of them as either aetherphone/ etherophone or termenvox/ thereminvox. Essentially its an electronic music instrument that plays a certain note depending on the position of your hand and its distance from an antenna. Building a very basic one with Arduino is easy – easier than my […]

Robosapien With Arduino

Tweetosapien: Hack a Robosapien With Arduino to React to Tweets

A really fun project sent into us by Thomas Meghe. He’s translated it all from his native French, which is a technical achievement itself. If you’d like to see the original, you can find it here. Bored of your favorite Twitter client ? No problem, here’s the solution ! In this post we are going […]

Arduino Walleye schematic

Walleye using Arduino

Walleye is an interactive light installation which engages users in temporal gestural and bodily play. It generates temporal light propagation patterns, or a large scale very low resolution pixilated image (depending on how you look at it) based on the realtime movement of visitors in the space. The project is informed by discourses around emergent […]

How to build your own sugru robot Fixbot

How to build your own sugru robot – Fixbot

So you saw our video and you’ve fallen in love with Fixbot, have you? That’s okay, it’s understandable. We’ve fallen in love with it too. We have some great news! You can build your own Fixbot too, provided that you’re okay with getting your hands dirty and that you have access to a Makerbot / […]

Arduino – Basic Persistance of Vision

Arduino – Basic Persistance of Vision

I think this’ll be the start of a few more projects for me. I’ve seen some cool LED PoV stuff (Persistance of Vision) with mounting displays on bikes, so hopefully I’ll get round to doing something like that. Anyway as a start I’ve got 5 LED’s connected to 5 pins on the Arduino, nothing complex […]

Arduino servo leg

How to make a servo leg using Arduino

This instructable will show you how to create a simple servo leg that can be controlled by buttons on an arduino or via serial. Here is a video of the leg in action Leg Materials: Popsicle sticks-make sure that all of them are flat and not curved, like in the picture Paper clip 4 […]

Arduino Computer Architecture

A Study in Non-Standard Distributed Computer Architecture using Arduino

In the following tutorial, directions are given for creating a single node for the DoHas (Distributed Optical Harvard Architecture System). After constructing two of these nodes, a small distributed computer can be implemented which uses one node for sending instructions, mimicking input and the instruction set to manage it, and another node which will act […]



BOXZ is is an open source robot platform for interactive entertainment! We connected Arduino, Plexiglass(or cardboard) Origami and your idea together, so we can easily and quickly build a remote robot by ourself! You can assembled it like LEGO! We can use it to playing football game, racing, fighting or some other interesting things! Follow […]

Arduino – Getting my LCD Screen to work

Arduino – Getting my LCD Screen to work

I’ve gotten hold of what I assumed was a compatible 16×2 LCD screen with my Arduino board – it’s a Powertip PC1602F and uses a compatible display driver for the Hitachi HD44780 display chip. This is essentially what the Arduino LCD libraries are built around, so when I failed to get a display this is […]

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