
Arduino Esplora Light Calibrator

Arduino Esplora Light Calibrator

This sketch shows you how to read and calibrate the Esplora’s light sensor. Because light levels vary from one location to another, you need to calibrate the sensor for each location. To do this, you read the sensor for a few seconds, and save the highest and lowest readings as maximum and minimum. You’ll use […]



The title “MultiMovEDIA” does not mean much – if anything – at first sight. However, looking at more carefully, we can see it is a composition of two words: “Multimedia”, referring to the information content and the channels it uses (text, image, sound), and “Move”, meaning movement. This project incorporates movement and dynamics into the […]

Team PGH – Prototype I Final Report Motion RC Car

[Team PGH] – Prototype I Final Report: [Motion RC Car] using arduino

Introduction: Give a brief description of what you are trying to solve. Include a high-level overview of what you made, why you made it, what parts you used, and what it does. In today’s growing technology, it seems every little electronic is becoming touch or motion sensored. Our team wanted to incorporate that type of technology into a […]

Python Meets the Arduino

Python Meets the Arduino

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. Python is our favorate programming language that allows you to integrate systems more effectively. Learn how to use Python to

Arduino Alarm Clock with Tetris1

Alarm Clock with Tetris to Prove You’re Awake using Arduino

This is an Arduino powered alarm clock that after hitting snooze twice the alarm will not cancel until the user has cleared 4 lines in the game Tetris. You physically turn the clock sideways, so the screen is vertical, to play Tetris.  It’s never fun to wake up in the morning but playing a little […]

Arduino Mobile Processing Schematic

Arduino Mobile Processing

How the mobile sketch works: The brain of the system is really on the arduino or the web page the phone requests. . . The phone just passes any data it sees back and forth. . . For the phone app to run, it needs the URL of a server and the path to a […]

Lego Spybotics with Arduino

Build An Lego Spybotics With Arduino

A friend gave me his old Lego Spybotics robot, however, the programming environment that goes along with it is a bit too orientated to the younger user. So why not control it using an Arduino? Step 1: Open up! In order to get this robot moving, we need to borrow its motors. There are two […]

Arduino animatronics

Arduino animatronics- make your awesome costumes more awesome

Here’s how to add lights, sound and action to your favorite Halloween project using the open source Arduino microcontroller. Arduino is easy to learn to use and it opens up a whole new world for costume builders and creature creators. If you want to learn how to connect wires, servos, LEDs and use sound effects […]

Custom Large Font For 16x2 LCDs

Custom Large Font For 16×2 LCDs using arduino

A couple of years ago i was learning to use the Ardiuno and started playing around with an Hitachi HD44780 based 16×2 LCD screen. I soon learned that the screen has 8 customizable character slots. I had found a project where someone used those slots to create there own custom characters that could then be […]

LabVIEW Controlled Vehicle

CARduino – Arduino-Powered, LabVIEW-Controlled Vehicle

The CARduino is a remote-operated vehicle which is controlled by a controller attached to a computer running LabVIEW. The vehicle is powered by the Arduino, and can be expanded upon through the addition of sensors or other devices. Using LabVIEW, one can easily modify the controller program and expand the features of the CARduino with […]

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