
I2C Communication With An Infrared Temperature Sensor

I2C Communication With An Infrared Temperature Sensor

Introduction Contents [hide] 1 Introduction 2 What You’ll Need to Know 3 Things You’ll Need 4 Connect the temperature sensor 5 How the Temperature Sensor Works 6 Install the External Libraries 7 Program the Microcontroller 8 Conclusion In this lab, you’ll see synchronous serial communication in action using the Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) protocol. You’ll communicate with an […]

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Drill holes in mixing chamber

Arduino-Controlled Chemical Foam Spewing Pumpkin

If the thought of dozens of tricker-or-treaters in gross-out costumes knocking down your door makes you want to spew, have we got the pumpkin for you! Every time the Arduino-Controlled Chemical Foam Spewing Pumpkin encounters a trick-or-treater at your doorstep, it spews burning chemical foam all over your front lawn. Now you can convey how

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Artemis Apollo circuit

Artemis & Apollo: Dancing with Arduino and light detection

According to Ancient Greek mythology, Artemis and Apollo were immortal twins born ages ago on a rocky island in the Aegean Sea. Artemis, her hunting bow poised and fleet feet padding the forest floor, reigned as Goddess of the Moon. Her twin brother, Apollo, strummed his harp and recited poetry from his throne as God

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IMP-ERSONATOR: Electric Imp + Arduino + Wave Shield = Remote Sound File Player

This Instructable will demonstrate how to make a remotely activated sound file player. It uses an Electric Imp, an Adafruit Wave shield and an Arduino Uno The Electric Imp enables you to quickly connect devices (including arduinos) to the internet through your Wifi network. The Adafruit Wave shield makes it simple to play audio files

IMP-ERSONATOR: Electric Imp + Arduino + Wave Shield = Remote Sound File Player Read More »

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