
Internet Datalogging With Arduino and XBee WiFi

Internet Datalogging With Arduino and XBee WiFi

Introduction Are you looking to get your data gathering project hooked into the “Internet-of-Things”? Then check out! It makes posting data to the web as easy as constructing a URL and POSTing it to a server. I wanted to create a quick project to test out SparkFun’s data logging service. Combining an Arduino, XBee […]

Weather Monitor

Weather Monitor

This Instructable shows you how to build a micro-controller based weather monitoring device. Built on the Arduino Uno board it can easily be extended and modified should you have additional sensors at hand. Main requirements: – Measure temperature (accuracy +/- 0,5 degree Kelvin) – Measure barometric air pressure (+/- 0,1 Pascal) – Display measured values […]

Tutorial 15 Arduino Serial Thermometer

Tutorial 15: Arduino Serial Thermometer

The Arduino reads temperature from a MCP9700 temperature sensor IC and displays the temperature in the Arduino IDE serial monitor window. Also see the Arduino LCD thermometer tutorial (tutorial 14). Prerequisites Complete Tutorial 9: Using the Arduino Serial Port before attempting this tutorial. Components Besides an Arduino Uno board, USB cable, wire links and a […]

Speech Controlled Quadropod

Build A Speech Controlled Quadropod Using Arduino

This is my first post on Instructable and I am super excited to share my knowledge! My original robot post is here: Spryo SpoonTail which is just my robot showing some tricks but with a tethered control. In this Instructable I am going to show you how to make a quadrapod of your own and […]

DIY Low Cost Arduino Mobile Development Platform

DIY Low Cost Arduino Mobile Development Platform

I have wanted to build my own robot for awhile now. But after many tried and failed attempts, I was losing hope that may ever happen. I discovered that there wasn’t a small, robust, super easy to add-on to, robot that was within my budget to get. After hours of research and many robot kits later, i […]

a dress that gets excited when tweeted

Making the TFF: a dress that gets excited when tweeted

The idea of this dress comes from a series of tweets with online friends @shineslike and @arduinogirl.  @shineslike and I had taken a half day Arduino workshop given by @arduinogirl at the MCN 2011 conference. I was immediately inspired creatively by the sensory and interactive opportunities. Over the next few months I struggled with the electronics […]

Ultrasonic Dimmer

Ultrasonic Dimmer (Without Humming Or Buzzing Noise)

I have been working on this project for a while and whilst it is still under development I decided to write a short guide after several requests to do so. The dimmer uses an interrupt driven XL-Maxsonar EZ1 ultrasound range finder to measure the distance between the sensor and your hand. By moving your hand […]

Control Two LEDS with an Arduino and bitVoicer

Control Two LEDS with an Arduino and bitVoicer

So what I want to do here is do several things with two LEDs with speech recognition I’m using bitvoicer you can get it here Step 1: Part List So I’m doing this with as little parts as I can, here’s the list: Green LED Red LED Breadboard 1k Resistor Jumper Cables Computer Computer Mic(you […]

How to Guide

DIY Guide for Amblone LED Light

In this section we will explain exactly how you can create your own Amblone setup, consisting of 3 RGB LED strips and an Arduino Mega. What do I need? To create the Amblone setup described in this guide, you will need the following: Amblone software An Arduino microcontroller, for example the Arduino Mega A USB […]

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