My son and myself made a little arduino robot that records temperature. He wanted me to draw a robot, I wanted to experiment with blinking LEDs relaying data so a plan was hatched. The way the LEDs work is as follows: Green = lowest temperature recorded, Yellow = highest and Red = current temperature with all readings being in °C.
Step 2: Wiring Up
I realise now how bad the photograph is but as everything is nice and secure in the robot now, it would be difficult to take it out and photograph again – sorry.
The LEDs come off the following pins: Red (for current temperature) D13, Yellow (highest) D12 and Green (lowest) D11.
The thermometer conects to the 5v and Ground and feeds into pin A0.
Step 3: The Code
The Ingredients
The ingredients are rather simple and comprise of the following:
LM35 temperature sensor
3 LEDs (1 x red, 1 x yellow, 1 x green)
9v battery and lead
Small breadboard and the usual wires
Small cardboard box