
Tiny FPGA BX – A Tiny Open Source FPGA development board for Makers

Tiny FPGA BX – A Tiny, Open Source FPGA development board for Makers

The TinyFPGA boards from Luke Valenty (TinyFPGA) are a series of low-cost, open-source FPGA development boards. These boards offer an inexpensive way to get an introduction to the world of FPGAs. If you have ever considered working with an FPGA before, you will know how difficult they could be especially for those new to the

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Digital Compass

Digital Compass

This project uses SmartEverything Development Board’s on-board iNEMO 9-axis intertial module to make a digital compass. Story The Digital Compass project uses the SmartEverything Development Board’s on-board iNEMO 9-axis inertial module specifically the 3D Magnetometer. The magnetometer module is sampled for the x and y axis readings and then computed its compass headings. The project

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