
Interface single and Dual IR Infrared sensor with Arduino and LCD

Interface single and Dual IR Infrared sensor with Arduino and LCD

Interface single and Dual IR Infrared sensor with Arduino and LCD Introduction- Multiple Sensor Interface to Arduino In this another tutorial on sensors  for beginners, we are going to interface single and multiple Infrared IR sensors with Arduino Uno development board, working simultaneously and have the status displayed either on an ( 4X16 LCD ) LCD

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Arduino LCD

Arduino LCD

In this tutorial you will connect a LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) to the Arduino Uno and then run the Arduino LCD example programs that are built into the Arduino IDE. Prerequisites It is recommended for beginners to complete all the Arduino tutorials up to and including Tutorial 10: Ten Arduino Projects for Absolute Beginners. Read

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Light Meter Using I2C Level Converter LCD and TSL2561

Light Meter Using I2C Level Converter, LCD, and TSL2561using arduino

I recently needed to measure how different materials affect light transmission for a gardening project.  I decided this was the perfect opportunity to try out the new logic level converter to run both a 5v LCD and a 3.3v light sensor on a single i2c bus.  I used the following parts in this project: Arduino

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