
arduino simpleTweet 01 python

simpleTweet_01 python using Arduino

Arduino Python Twitter (Windows) In this instructable we’ll modify my simpleTweet_00 and rewrite the Processing code with Python. You can expect an ignorant walkthrough by an illiterate noob, but maybe that’s just what you’re looking for. Before you begin: If you need help installing Python, navigating Windows from the Command Prompt, or installing packages, then

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Arduino Ultrasonic Range Finder

Ultrasonic Range Finder with an ATtiny85 using an Arduino

I’m here to show you how to use a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder with an ATtiny85 as well as programming the ATtiny85 using the wonderful shield that randofo created. List of materials: ATtiny85 Programming Library Arduino Uno HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder and Library Jumper Wires Breadboard ATtiny85 Step 1: Program the Arduino Before you connect your shield to the Arduino

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