Customizable drone detection systems with 360deg coverage, wideband sensing to 20GHz, and AI software to avoid false alarms 

Saelig Company, Inc. has introduced the Aaronia AARTOS Drone Detection System, which can sense airborne drone activity with a virtually unlimited detection range. The AARTOS DDS monitors the entire frequency spectrum (e.g. 100MHz – 20GHz) hundreds of times per second with 360° dome coverage for airborne activity, and is fully customizable depending on the application and situation. It can be configured as a portable or mobile system, or a fixed station with an unlimited number of sensors to form a network covering large areas, and there are no inherent limitations in terms of altitude and elevation. All systems can be linked to a single monitoring center with remote-control for each individual setup. The latest AARTOS DDS V6 generation can detect a DJI Phantom 4 FCC drone at 50 km or more, but the specific range depends on factors such as drone type and topography. The AARTOS DDS uses AI techniques to distinguish between drones and other airborne objects, minimizing the likelihood of false alarms. It is an entirely passive system and does not emit any radiation which could interfere with other infrastructure.

Detecting a drone may take the DDS system between 10μs to 500ms, depending on the configuration and the number of IsoLOG 3D DF antenna arrays. A drone even can be detected as soon as its operator establishes a radio link (i.e. the drone and/or the remote control are switched on). The process of pairing, radio link, take-off, and climb usually takes between 30 seconds and five minutes, depending on the drone model (e.g. the DJI Mavic Pro). This allows the AARTOS DDS a unique early-warning capability by detecting the drone even before it can take off. Optical, acoustic or radar-based drone detection solutions are not able to perform this kind of early-warning detection. The AARTOS DDS can even detect the drone operator’s location. It can track the operator’s movements even if drone and operator are operating at different frequencies or bands. With two systems it is possible to accurately estimate the distance of the drone, and an AARTOS DDS system with two or more antennas can also estimate the drone’s altitude.


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