LED Projects



I originally started this project because I wanted to recreate the scene in the movie the Close Encounters of the Third Kind where the humans are communicating with the Mothership via a huge color organ. So I glued various bits of software together and made some prototypes and before I knew it I was talking

PixelBrite Read More »

Arduino light sculpture

3-dimensional Star Cluster using an Arduino

This instructable will guide you through the process of making your very own star-cluster from LEDs and acrylic. I made this piece for my electronics final project at college and had access to a machine shop. This instructable assumes that you have access to similar tools. This project was very much inspired by http://www.instructables.com/id/working-progress-n-how-to-make-a-multilayered-a/#step8. Step 1:

3-dimensional Star Cluster using an Arduino Read More »

Rainbow Jar

Rainbow Jar – RGB Pixel Strip Controlled via Arduino

Our most popular item on our display at Maker Faires is always the Rainbow Jar. One customer has already replicated it so we thought we’d share how we made it so you can make your own! https://vine.co/v/hqxpVgdFQ9z (tried embedding this vine but it breaks instructables!) Step 1: Getting Started – What you need [box color=”#985D00″ bg=”#FFF8CB”

Rainbow Jar – RGB Pixel Strip Controlled via Arduino Read More »

Magic Dome

Magic Dome

Francisca Molero Luque, Dolores Martín Cabrera and Laura Mejía Ospina, students of ‘Creative Electronics’, a Beng Electronics Engineering module at the University of Málaga, School of Telecommunications. We decide to make as final project a derivation of Interactive Geodesic LED Dome. Supplies – NeoPixel Digital RGB LED Strip – IR sensors – 470 Ohm and 10K Ohm

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