LCD Projects

interfacing LCD to arduino

Interfacing LCD to Arduino – Display Text and Characters on LCD Screen using Arduino

A Liquid Crystal Display commonly abbreviated as LCD is basically a display unit built using Liquid Crystal technology. When we build real life/real world electronics based projects, we need a medium/device to display output values and messages. The most basic form of electronic display available is 7 Segment display – which has its own limitations.

Interfacing LCD to Arduino – Display Text and Characters on LCD Screen using Arduino Read More »

LM35 Arduino Output

LM35 and Arduino – Temperature Measurement and Display on LCD

In this article, we are presenting a tutorial on how to interface LM35 and Arduino along with its program. Once we successfully interface arduino and lm35, we will go on to build a temperature display using arduino and a 16×2 LCD module which constantly monitors temperature around the measurement field/range of LM35 and displays the

LM35 and Arduino – Temperature Measurement and Display on LCD Read More »

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