Arduino Programmer Projects

Arduino Weather Station

Arduino Weather Station Part2

So my last project was a Arduino wind chill machine. Naturally, this Lazy Old Geek wanted to add a weather vane (wind direction) to my weather station. Who cares, you may ask? Well, I am a Geek. Actually, wind direction has some importance. Here in the high desert, the winds are usually from the

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Hexapoduino: tiny hexapod 3D printed, Arduino controlled

A few time ago, i found out a 3d printed Micro-Hexapod on Thingiverse. I started to work on it in the following ways: – create new accessories/components 3D printable – explore the possible ways to drive this hexapod. Here the results: – a parametric battery holder that fits perfectly on it, without screws – a parametric pen holder

Hexapoduino: tiny hexapod 3D printed, Arduino controlled Read More »

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