
Servo Feedback

Servo Feedback Hack (free)

This Instructable brought to you by the kind folks a Rachel’s Electronics Visit  for cool electronics kits and breadouts! This hobby servo hack will add shaft position feedback by tapping into the servo’s own internal potentiometer. The only parts that need are wire and a little bit of solder, making this hack practically free. […]

Object Tracking Robot

Make A Simple Object Tracking Robot Using Arduino

In this tutorial I am going to post the step-by-step procedure to make a simple Object Tracking Bot. The main aim of this Bot is to follow the objects which are shown to it in 3D space i.e., x, y and z – axis (horizontal, vertical and forward & backward). This bot behaves just like […]

How to Send Message from GSM Module using Arduino

How to Send Message from GSM Module using Arduino

The GSM stands for Global System for Mobile communications.  This is a global standard which is followed by the GSM modules inside the cellular phones which enables them to be connected with any mobile network around the globe. In certain applications the microcontroller based systems has to be connected with the GSM network which will […]

Servo Motor Simulation via Arduino UNO

Servo Motor Simulation via Arduino UNO

Hey everyone. I hope you will be fine. As you know that last time, we had started Arduino UNO course and given you a brief introduction how to simulate the LED blinking via Arduino UNO and its implementation in proteus ISIS. Now, today we are going to implement Servo Motor Simulation via Arduino UNO in […]

Web Client Repeating using Arduino

Web Client Repeating using Arduino

This example shows you how to make repeated HTTP requests using an Ethernet shield. This example uses DNS, by assigning the Ethernet client with a MAC address, IP address, and DNS address. It connects to The conent of the page is viewable through your Arduino’s serial window. Circuit The Ethernet shield allows you to […]

Temperature Display Using LCD

Temperature Display Using LCD

Here is a Simple Temperature Display Circuit using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). For Heat Sensor we have used IC LM35 (Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors) whose Output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. Output of LM35 IC is 10mv/degree centigrade for eg if temperature is 35 degree, then the output of sensor will […]

Arduino Based Lie Detector

Arduino Based Lie Detector

We have previously posted the the project lie detector, now here is is also a lie detector using arduino. Here is a simple tutorial to build a simple lie detector which will give visual indication through LED arrangement whether the person speaks lie or truth. The project uses a arduino duemilanove or uno. So the project is based on […]

Easy Home Surveillance

Build A Easy Home Surveillance Gadget Using Arduino

Everyone wants to keep their home secure. If zombies have swarmed your house, you want to know it’s not safe to return, RIGHT? What better way to do this than to set up a surveillance system? Now it’s easier than ever to have. And, you don’t have to shell out hundreds of dollars to make sure […]

Lambda Calculus in a Can using Arduino

Lambda Calculus in a Can using Arduino

You can get soup in a can. You can get bread in a can (*). Now the long wait is over! You can finally get Lambda Calculus in a can. Project LambdaCan is an amusing exercise in absurdity. It implements a reducer (interpreter) for the Lambda Calculus, a formal system (programming language) developed by Alonzo […]

Fritzing – The Ultimate Tool For Sketching Out Electronics Projects Cross Platform

Fritzing – The Ultimate Tool For Sketching Out Electronics Projects [Cross Platform]

Despite sounding like an alcopop, Fritzing is actually an incredible bit of free software you can use to create circuit and component diagrams for use with rapid-protoyping electronics boards such as the fantastic open-source Arduino. As such, it’s open source too, entirely cross platform and well supported – you can almost guarantee that it can […]

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