
Night Light

Arduino Project Challenge: Exploring Sensor Readings and Component Control

HW9 – Arduino The Task: In our Arduino project challenge, we were free to create anything of our liking, with the only requirement being that the circuit must either read a sensor or control an active component. During a class session, a practice example was demonstrated, involving a humidity sensor, LED, potentiometer, and LCD screen. […]

How to make Arduino Laser Turret using Servo motors and Joystick

How to make Arduino Laser Turret using Servo motors and Joystick

Arduino Laser Turret, Overview: In this project, I will demonstrate how to create an Arduino laser turret using servo motors and a two-axis joystick. I will provide the necessary code and a circuit diagram, accompanied by a detailed explanation of the project. This will enable anyone to successfully build the laser turret without encountering any […]

Machine Design

Machine Design Using Arduino

The assignment for this week is to automate the machine assembled two weeks ago. For this Roxanna milled the Arduino’s shield for controlling the steppers, but Alejandro found that we haven’t all the components for stuffing, specially the A3982 – stepper motor driver, so as was impossible to get it locally, I decided to design […]

RA 02 LoRa Module

Redesigning the RA-02 Breakout board module

Story The RA-02 Breakout module includes level converters The RA-02 Breakout Module is designed to be beginner-friendly and compatible with breadboards. Many of them may possess one or more RA-02 Breakout modules. For those who do, they are undoubtedly aware of the challenges associated with using this specific breakout module. The RA-02 module is an […]

Ultrasonic sensor HC SR04 arduino project with code

Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 arduino project with code

Many times, when parking our cars in the garage, we accidentally scratch them against the walls or cause damage due to a lack of visibility regarding the remaining distance between the car and the wall. To address this issue, we can create a straightforward electronic project using Arduino and an ultrasonic sensor. This project aims […]

Tracking Cat Eyes via Kinect using Arduino

Tracking Cat Eyes via Kinect using Arduino

This instructable was made as part of the CS graduate course “Tangible Interactive Computing” at the University of Maryland, College Park taught by Professor Jon Froehlich. The course focused on exploring the materiality of interactive computing and, in the words of MIT Professor Hiroshii Ishii, sought to “seamlessly couple the dual worlds of bits and […]

Simon Game

Build Simon Game Using Arduino

High Level Description: For part 3 of the lab, our group decided to build a “Simon” game. Our game setup uses 3 buttons and 4 LEDs. Each button corresponds to one LED and the 4th LED is used to indicate an error. The game starts with the Arduino flashing one of the 3 lights, chosen […]

Our Personal Favourite Arduino Projects for you to Try in 2023

Our Personal Favourite Arduino Projects for you to Try in 2023

In the realm of do-it-yourself (DIY) electronics and robotics projects, Arduino stands as a prominent open-source microcontroller platform. It boasts a user-friendly nature and enjoys a vast community of users who actively contribute their projects and provide assistance to fellow enthusiasts. Throughout the year 2022, we embarked on numerous remarkable ventures involving Arduino, ESPs (such […]

Musical Exercise Workout Shirt MP3 Player Powered by Exercise using Arduino

Musical Exercise: Workout Shirt MP3 Player Powered by Exercise using Arduino

People love listening to music while exercising. Music provides the motivation needed for individuals to keep exerting energy and get in shape. So, because people enjoy listening to music while exercising, what if an MP3 player only played an individual’s music while they are active? Using music as an incentive to continue exercising would encourage […]



While the field of robotics is continuously expanding at a remarkable rate and better performing robots are created every year, robotics still remains out of reach for many students and researchers. The main reasons for this difficulty are the high complexity of the hardware and software of robots, and their typically high cost. We believe […]

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