
Arduino 16x2 LCD

Ariadne – a 1st person maze on a 16×2 LCD using Arduino

This game is a homage to Ariadne, the maze-generator from Inception 🙂 If you haven’t seen the movie yet – watch this video again after you do (you can also watch it now – it’s not a spoiler, it’s just funnier for inception-vets). The nice thing about it is that it’s a 1st-person game, so when you […]

Control DC Motor

Arduino Control DC Motor via Bluetooth

Hi guys, In this project we will control a DC motor with a smartphone via bluetooth. This project is great to learn more about: -DC motor -Interfacing Arduino with your smartphone -Bluetooth module -L293D you can visit my website for more electronic projects, interesting news and tips: Step 2: Schematics and common mistakes Two […]

Arduino Powered 3 zone thermostat

Arduino Powered 3-zone thermostat

I was looking at all those swoopy-zoomy internet connected and controllable thermostats. “Self,” I told myself, “we should make one of those.” He didn’t seem all that excited about that – I mean, what do we know about hardware, firmware, electronics or HVAC? Well, now’s as good as any to figure it out. So without […]

DIY BioPrinter

DIY BioPrinter With Biological Materials Using Arduino

Bioprinting is printing with biological materials. Think of it as 3D printing, but with squishier ingredients! There’s a lot of work being done at research labs and big companies like Organovo on print human tissues and human organs, with an eye towards drug testing, and transplantation into humans. Check out these amazing TED talks by […]

Simple RC car for beginners Android control over Bluetooth

Simple RC car for beginners (Android control over Bluetooth)

This is a simple project of Android Bluetooth Car with Bluetooth control. Arduino controller is used To control the car used Android-device with a built-in accelerometer. Tilt forward – car goes forward, tilt to the left – car turns to the left, tilt back – car goes back. Speed of movement or rotation depends on how […]

Segment Thermometer

Arduino Digital 7-Segment Thermometer

This a guide for an Arduino version, but I am working on a mini ATtiny84 version. Once I get that working, I will post another Instructable on how to make it. I’m sure you could make this same thermometer with an LM35 also, if that’s what you have, and you probably won’t have to modify […]

Wi Fi Body Scale with Arduino

Wi-Fi Body Scale with Arduino Board

In this post we present the design of a scale that connects to the Internet and automatically sends weight info on a Google Document. The project is composed of Arduino Uno board Wi-Fi shield additional shield that we used to manage data collection and I/O with a clear and comfortable and clear LCD display Velleman scale […]

Playing Wave file using arduino

Playing Wave file using arduino

This is a simple circuit to play wav files using arduino Nano V3.0 ,it consist from 4 buttons ,each one play specific wav file loaded to SD card. Step 1: Parts 1- Arduino Nano V3.0 (I used the chines version called Funduino Nano). 2- SD card Module. 3- SD card. 4- Bread Board. 5- four […]

Digital Water Marbling

Paint Pulse: Digital Water Marbling

Paint Pulse is a project which seeks to build upon the water marbling crafts of Ebru and Suminagashi with digital behavioral additions. The idea is to design intricate, flowing patterns of paint directly on the surface of water which you can capture on the surface of paper. Expert crafters can hold an intricate mastery over the art and […]

Arduino Bubble Machine

Bubblesteen Bubble Machine using an Arduino

Is it a 3D Spherical Atmosphere Encapsulated Phosphorous Printer?   YES! Is it a CNC Anti Gravity transparent Orb Machine!   YES! Its The Bubblesteen Bubble Machine! The spherical miracle that kids and cats have been waiting for. It comes complete with robotic edge detection( when a bubble hits an edge it pops, thus the edge has been detected). Turn […]

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