
traffic lights1

Arduino: Making a set of traffic lights

THIS PROJECT IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS FEEDBACK APPRECIATED!!!This tutorial will step you through the process of creating a set of controlable and configurable traffic lights whilst also teaching you the basics of Arduino. Some knowledge is needed and I highly recommend reading and following through on most if not all of the pages […]

3D Printed Webcam Controller

3D Printed Webcam Controller

The camera controller box is an easy way to rotate a webcam from a PC or remotely through the internet. Step 1: Materials and 3D files In this project I used a Teensy 2.0 micro-controller since it was available, but you can use any other MCU like an ATtiny85 or an atmega328. The servo model number is S9001. I designed […]

Woooshing leds Rotated animation by arduino

Woooshing leds – Rotated animation by arduino

This project allows you draw in the air letters, symbols or other shapes – as you like. Controlled by the Arduino, the 7 simple leds blinking on and off – creating the illusion of floating text in the air. This combination of simple components with a unique program, allows to create  this instructable. Step 1: […]

Arduino Audio Output

UnDecima Audio Output from Arduino

I already have one project where arduino outputs audio signal to USB speakers via software 10-bits PWM.  In first, I was not satisfied with quality of sound generated via PWM. There are just not enough speed in arduino engine  to run PWM well.  For example for 20.000 Hz audio, PWM has to be at least 2 […]

Automation Sensors

Security / Automation Sensors using Arduino

Security system sensors such as motion detectors, reed switches, pressure mats, glass-break detectors, infra-red beams, and conductive film can be very handy for all sorts of things including home automation systems, interactive art installations – and sometimes even security systems! Almost all security system sensors provide a simple switched output that changes state based on […]

Interval Long Exposure Camera

Interval Long Exposure Camera

There’s a real beauty in long exposure photography.  Hours and days and weeks and months and even years can be condensed onto a single frame, and that frame will catalog the constants in our fast paced and forever changing lives.  However, the issue is that these photos can be difficult to capture using modern cameras.  […]

Lego Technic Car with Arduino + XBee Wireless Control

Lego Technic Car with Arduino + XBee Wireless Control

I was perusing Instructables one fine winter Saturday, when my 8 yo son came in and peered over my shoulder and saw this: by sath02. My son is a huge fan of all things Lego, and loves robots and cars, and this was right up his alley. He immediately put it on his Christmas […]

Arduino Visual Navigator

Visual Navigator Making it MOBILE using Arduino

Obstacle avoiding vehicle, continue in “3D Laser Range Finder” series ( project 1, project 2). The basic idea is the same, measuring distance using red laser pointers, CCD analog camera and Arduino UNO.  Modification was made in geometry.  Two lasers were set for “far field” obstacle detection, few meters in front of vehicle on left […]

An interactive light diorama

The Adventure of Electricity: An interactive light diorama

Where does electricity come from? Who invented the light bulb? How do cities use this technology today? These are just a few questions that we hope to address in this interactive diorama, The Adventure of Electricity! This project was designed for educational purposes so that younger generations can experience a more hands on approach to […]

8x8x8 LED Cube with Arduino Mega +Sound +PS controller +Game

8x8x8 LED Cube with Arduino Mega (+Sound +PS controller +Game)

This is a instructable which is based on the Cube by Chr, ( ) by SuperTech-IT, (… ) and by, (… ) but i think its better and easier. I started this Project without any skills from soldering toprogramming. First of all I apologize first for my poor English. Because of […]

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