
Graphing values in Arduino

Graphing values in Arduino, the EASY Way!

Sometimes when you’re testing a sensor or debugging a value in an Arduino project, you want to see something other than numbers flying by in the Serial Monitor. However, you want to get the sensor working quickly, and you don’t want to take the time to write code to graph it or display it in […]

RGB Color Sensor on Arduino

RGB Color Sensor on Arduino

The next board I want to show you is the ADJD-S371 Color Light Sensor Evaluation Board from sparkfun. It emits light and analyses the reflected color spectrum. The board can be controlled via I2C. The sleep and xclk pins were not used in this example. I found a really nice tutorial describing how to connect […]

Paperduino 2.0 with Circuit Scribe

Paperduino 2.0 with Circuit Scribe – Paper Arduino

What if making an Arduino, or wiring up an Arduino was as easy as printing one out? In this tutorial we printed our own Arduino Pro Mini board using a pen plotter and the Electroninks Circuit Scribe (a rollerball pen with highly conductive ink). Within 15 minutes we printed the board, placed components down with […]

Daft Punk LED Matrix Breakout Board

Daft Punk LED Matrix Breakout Board

I was always impressed by the Daft Punk Coffee Table.  Being able to light up a bunch of LEDs and flash them in patterns has so many applications.  It was one of the reasons why I bought an Arduino seeing how it could control a matrix of LED lights.This is my attempt at building the […]

Robo1 1 Annotated E C 600


INTRODUCTION This manual will show you how to use each of the components in the kit, and give you software Sketch examples for each one. Then you can combine some components to make examples of Automatic Systems such as a lighting controller.   You’re probably here because you’re interested in MAKING things with Arduino. The […]

Alarm Clock Overkill

Alarm Clock Overkill Using Arduino

I don’t get up at the same time every day, so I thought it’d be nice to have an alarm clock that would drag me out of bed at different times on different days. That was the initial idea: things got out of hand, of course, and this is the result. What it does: 1) […]

The Clamshell Stompbox

The Clamshell Stompbox

This is a DIY variable resistor I created as an interface for live performance– like a stomp box. I designed it as a project my audio students could build with materials we already have in the classroom. The result is a variable resistor that can be triggered with just a little pressure from hands or […]

Arduino and CueCat barcode scanner

Arduino and CueCat barcode scanner

I’ve had a cuecat barcode scanner sitting around for over 10 years. Basically it connects to a PS2 port (apparently there is a USB version) like a keyboard and spits out a barcode when scanned. Nice!. The annoying thing is that it is “encrypted”. What I set out to do is; – unencrypt the barcode […]

Domotic arduino

Domotic Arduino

In this introduction I will show you a overview of this project whit Arduino Uno.  The purpose of this instructable is move a electric roller shutter by Arduino Uno. The prototype that I made is my first electronic project with Arduino and I hope this instructable and the solutions that I found are useful for […]

Cylon Pumpkin

Cylon Pumpkin Using Arduino

This has been done before. There are several good ways to do it: most use either a 555 timer chip and decimal counter chip, or an Arduino. Stefan and I used an Arduino (Boarduino, technically) which limited our scanner to 14 LEDs. No problem — 14 gives a nice scanning effect! Here’s how we wired […]

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