
Arduino Esplora Accelerometer

Arduino Esplora Accelerometer

This sketch shows you how to read the values from the accelerometer. To see it in action, open the Arduino serial monitor on your computer and tilt the board. You’ll see the accelerometer values for each axis change as you tilt the board. Circuit Only your Arduino Esplora is needed for this example. Connect the […]

Arduino hardware hacking Part 2

Arduino hardware hacking: Part 2

In part 1 of our Arduino tutorial seres we covered the basics of how the Arduino works, and we’re going to use that knowledge in a hands-on project and see how this open-source hardware programming environment works when we’re actually trying to get something done with it. After this, you’ll have more than enough information […]

The Revenge of the Yellow Drum Machine Arduino

The Revenge of the Yellow Drum Machine (Arduino)

I was inspired by Frits Lyneborg’s Yellow Drum Machine.  Watching the videos, it has such personality!  I have also been thinking recently about sound and robotics.  I did some research looking for a version of the robot that used the Arduino as a brain, but couldn’t find one that seemed so responsive and alive as […]

Theremin with ZapperlaserArduino

Theremin with Zapper,laser,Arduino

I created this Theremin like device after seeing this article in Make magazine: While this looked pretty straight forward it turned out to be a bit much for me at the time.  But after much effort, I got it to work pretty good. I had trouble getting the laser to aim correctly so I […]

Arduino hardware hacking Part 1

Arduino hardware hacking: Part 1

Arduino is cool. It’s cool because it’s a tiny device – about three inches by two inches – that comes with a USB port and a programmable chip. It’s cool because you can program it using a very simple programming language known as Wiring. But most of all, it’s cool because the entire reference design […]

3D Wax Printing In Water

Fluid In.Flux_3D Wax Printing In Water

Fluid In.Flux is a 3D printing experimental machine which prints wax in water. The Machine was a semester-wide exploration as part of the Advanced Architecture Studio called “Creative Architecture Machines” by Professor Jason Kelly Johnsonand Michael Shiloh at the California College of the Arts, in San Francisco. Fluid In.Flux is about exploring material behavior in different conditions […]

RC Rocket Launch System

How To Make An RC Rocket Launch System

This instructable will show you how to make an RC launch system for your Estes rocket, which can be operated with a TV remote. What it does is it allows you to press the center button on your TV remote, and it’ll automatically launch your rocket. In this way it is basically a wireless version […]

Controlling your trains with an Arduino

Controlling your trains with an Arduino

A quick introduction to the Arduino Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling […]

Throwduino Basic Light Sensing Flashing Throwie

Throwduino Basic – Light-Sensing Flashing Throwie

Throwies are great.  They have a minimal parts count – 2 or 3 depending on whether you use a magnet – and produce a great effect.  They are very cheap and easy but not highly efficient: 1)  They are on all the time, so on average they waste half of their energy shining during the […]

Arduino Online Thermometer Project

Arduino Online Thermometer Project

I have been researching a project which will help me with my understanding of electronics, networking, and programming.  I decided to build an online thermometer which could be used in applications that need temperature monitoring.  I currently work in a lab environment where I test, troubleshoot, and calibrate equipment which is installed in nuclear power plants […]

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